“Anybody but Tom!”
Mary Beth V.
“I shudder to think what would happen to our great city if Linda Milhaven was elected mayor. She couldn’t even announce that she was running without taking potshots at Mayor Ortega right out of the gate. Milhaven isn’t the kind of person who would represent the best things about Scottsdale.”
Julie J.
“Given the field of unknown candidates who have announced their intentions to run for council next year, I won’t be surprised if all the incumbents are re-elected, even One-Term Tom Durham. Thinking about that possibility should give residents pause … a long one.”
Name Withheld
“My word for 2023 is joke! Like the city staff who has never given us a straight answer whenever we have a question. What a joke!”
Val O.
“I nominate ‘influencer’ as the word of the year. The name Sue Wood comes to mind. Sue has devoted herself to uncovering truths and exposing lies many members of the city council want us to believe.”
Bruce T.
“Misinformation is the perfect word of the year. It’s hard to know who to trust anymore the way ‘facts’ are thrown around. One thing is for sure, Tom Durham is the last person on the council I would ever believe the way he has betrayed voters from when he first ran.”
Alice G.
“I’ve read that Tammy Caputi isn’t going to run for mayor after all. Too bad. I was hoping she would run and lose and then we would finally be done with her!”
“I’m sick and tired of all the traffic. For a city that places such a priority on quality of life issues, our city is becoming increasingly harder to enjoy.”
Caroll Lee W.
“My wife and I both voted for Lisa Borowsky in 2020, and we hope we get to do it again next year. We can take or leave Linda Milhaven, who we hear is going to run. If she does, she has a voting record that many of the people we know won’t support. We’re sticking with Lisa!”
Tim G.
“What’s it going to take to get a downtown parking structure built? Voters approved it and the city promised it. Yet here we are four years later and zero has been done. If the city had been on the stick, we may have had it by now. So now we begin another tourist season with not even a discussion about when it will get done.”
Lindy F.
“Wasn’t it Ms. Caputi who loaned her 2020 council campaign $100,000? It must be nice to have that kind of money to throw around and be able to afford a seat on the city council.”
Hank O.
“So Councilwoman Caputi is going to solve the downtown parking problem? Give me a break. I hope she’s able to own that promise when she runs for re-election.”
Sandy T.
“I don’t know about anybody else, but I’ve had it up to here with Tammy Caputi. I’m sick and tired of hearing her drone on about facts and data. Who’s data Tammy? If you’re relying on the city’s staff to provide the data, it means you’re using data that’s corrupted.”
Bruce W.
“Whatever happened to the Mercado at 92nd St. and Shea. Haven’t heard a thing about it for months? Is it dead or alive?”
Marilyn P.
“PLEASE tell us that Tammy Caputi isn’t really running for mayor.”
June Bug
“I read in the newspaper that Tom Durham says he’s running for re-election to the City Council. If there was ever anyone who’s just taking up space on the dais, he’s the guy!”
“The process the council used to ‘rehire’ City Manager Jim Thompson smells really fishy. How in the world council members got themselves in this position is a real mystery. The whole incident makes me wonder who’s calling the shots for Scottsdale? BTW … I hear Mr. Thompson is the highest paid city manager in the Valley.”
Name Withheld
“I can’t figure out why Daniel Ishac, who came in last place in the 2022 council election, is so obsessed with Councilman Barry Graham. It’s totally embarrassing when he uses up important public comment time at council meetings to critique and attack Mr. Graham. So much for civil dialogue during council meetings!”
Franklin R.
“Truly astonishing! This council that was supposed to be resident-friendly has reappointed three commissioners that were originally appointed in 2020 by Lane, Milhaven, Klapp and Korte. This is absolutely a step backwards. We will remember this when Caputi and Durham run for re-election.”
Samantha G.
“Five years ago, we almost moved to a neighborhood near Hayden Road and the 101. We never pulled the trigger, and settled for a home in McCormick Ranch. Looking back, it was a great decision. That area is turning into an urban nightmare that’s certainly not Scottsdale. It is becoming more like Phoenix.”
Chad O.
“I know that we consider our city ‘special’ and we’re willing to pay a premium to live here, but more than $6 million for a dog park in north Scottsdale!!! Does anyone think the dogs will know the difference?”
Betty D.
“I am writing to express my opinion about how the city staff is handling the bond projects that we passed almost exactly 4 years ago. From what I read in the local news coverage, the staff is shuffling around money on several projects. I believe we should be very concerned that all of us who approved the projects and their related costs may not end up getting what we were promised. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a healthy skepticism about being able to trust the city and council in the future.”
Karol G.
“If Mayor Ortega continues his rude behavior, he’s going to talk himself right out of a job.”
Phil S.
“I know the city says it’s doing all it can to control the Short-Term Rental issue – but it doesn’t seem like nearly enough. The horror stories continue. I’m not sure the punishment of bad actors fits the crimes they are committing to our neighborhoods. I used to think the issue was pretty much isolated to South Scottsdale. But that’s not the case. It has been allowed to become a citywide problem. Terribly sad.”
Jean H.
“Most of the contentious issues have been created by not keeping residents informed. Historically, the city’s community outreach process has been pitiful. So many of the issues that have been plagued by controversy are the result of staff either dragging their feet or just plain being too lazy keep us informed.”
Sam K.
“Every time I see businesses’ misting systems spraying water all over the sidewalk, it just confirms the fact that the city isn’t actually serious about conserving water.”
Joyce S.
“I hope Councilwomen Betty Janik and Kathy Littlefield step up when councilmembers return from vacation. Letting Councilman Barry Graham take all the heat from Mayor Ortega is disappointing. It’s time for the councilwomen to show us they are resident-friendly!”
Karen G.
“After seeing how the city staff bungled bond projects, I’ll never vote for another bond.”
Joey G.
“If Mayor Ortega has any thoughts about running for re-election next year, he would be smart to rethink it. The David Ortega we saw earlier this year censoring citizens is gong to leave a scar. FREE SPEECH MATTERS!”
Jody P.
“I voted for David Ortega in 2020. His first year as mayor in 2021 things went reasonably well. Sometime this year he seemed to have lost his bearings. He’s impulsive, petty and often sounds unsure of himself. There’s plenty of time for the mayor to correct his course before he runs for re-election next year. I sincerely hope when council returns from vacation that he is able to center himself.
Name Withheld
“The city council can do all the bragging they want about the steps they’ve taken to beef up short-term rental properties. But my experience in my South Scottsdale neighborhood is the opposite of what they’ve been spinning.”
Judy O.
From what I’ve seen so far, Councilman Graham is mayoral material.”
Ruby V.
“I’m in support of accepting the grant from the state to give the homeless a helping hand. I do, however, believe the city would have saved our community a lot of grief if the issue had been handled more appropriately. Rushing the issue through at the last minute was regrettable.”
James G.
“Thank you council members Janik, Littlefield and Graham for not raising our taxes!”
The Emersons
“If I hear Tammy Caputi say ‘facts and data” one more time, I’m going to jump in the canal. That’s a fact!”
“I’m sorry to say that your assessment of the shift in the City Council in your most recent column is spot on. I’ve come to the same conclusion that the council’s resident-friendly coalition has collapsed. I saw it coming with Solange Whitehead, so that’s no surprise. But I didn’t see Mayor Ortega’s cave in coming. In fact the cozy relationship between Whitehead and Ortega, both democrats, is amazing. It’s difficult to describe my absolute disappointment, particularly with the mayor. This is all going to make the 2024 election interesting.”
Shelly F.
“It’s absolutely amazing how Tom Durham continues to find new ways to embarrass himself.”
Phillip O.
“We can keep councilmembers accountable through voting. But how can we keep city staff accountable?”
Carl K.
“I know Betty Janik personally. I know for a fact that she detests conflict and all the political gamesmanship on the council. That’s why I appreciate that she is starting to challenge staff and stick up for residents. She has been forced to draw a line when her council colleagues and staff act out.”
Name Withheld
“How did Mark Melnychenko get the job of director of streets and transportation? His performance at council meetings makes me wonder who he knew.”
Julie J.
“I have lost all respect for David Ortega after watching him during Tuesday’s meeting when he censored the kind of questions councilmembers were allowed to ask staff.”
Veronica D.
“I watched the work and study session on road diets. I was totally appalled by Mayor Ortega’s rude behavior toward Councilmember Barry Graham. Barry was asking good questions of city staff that deserved answers. By my count, the mayor interrupted Barry’s questioning three times in order to shut him down. The mayor did more harm by shutting him down than allowing staff to struggle to offer answers to the very relevant questions.”
Pete T.
“I have been following the road diet issue closely. I have yet to hear anyone (including the police chief and fire chief) offer any proof that turning streets into road diets makes them safer. Until someone can offer real proof, I oppose road diets in any form.”
“I’m sick and tired of hearing about road diets. It’s hard to believe so much time and energy is being spent on an issue that shouldn’t be an issue at all. What about all the bond projects that are over budget? I agree with Councilman Graham that its an issue we should be focused on. After all, we voted for these projects, so it’s up to the city to find a way to deliver them.“
Karen F.
“I like the old Solange Whitehead, the one we elected in 2018. The new Solange Whitehead is reminding me of Suzanne Klapp.”
Patty G.
“If Councilwoman Caputi thinks reducing 68th St to two lanes is such a hot idea, I suggest that she come down here to South Scottsdale for a test drive on what the city has turned into a war zone.”
“I can’t wait for Barry Graham to run for mayor!!!”
Mary Jane
It’s impossible for me to believe anyone in their right mind would think that road diets make any sense whatsoever. I’m looking forward to watching the council’s work-study meeting to see how they handle the issue. If they’re smart, and that’s a real leap for me, they will put this crazy concept to rest once and for all.”
Name Withheld
“Let’s see if I understand this. Reducing the number of lanes for cars and adding wider bike lanes is going to make out streets safer? Whoever believes that supposition probably also believes city government knows anything about managing traffic.”
Clueless in Scottsdale
“Could Tom Durham really be as gullible as he appears.”
Julie J.
“I couldn’t agree with your blog more: Councilmembers are getting their facts and data from city staff I wouldn’t trust out of my sight. They start by identifying the outcome they want and then find the facts and data to support it. Anyone who relies on staff for information should be prepared to be misguided.”
Jim P.
“Whoever came up with the name ‘road diet’ deserves to be spanked … or at least grounded. It’s as silly as the concept is inappropriate. As our city is growing, it’s not a time to make our streets skinnier.”
Diane T.
“Whoever is in charge of the construction of the roundabout at Miller and Osborn should be fired, yesterday. I don’t know when it started or when it will be finished, but enough is enough.”
Bilbo B.
“We live in Southwest Village, so we are totally familiar with 68th St. Members of our family use the road every day. Shrinking the lanes for traffic is ridiculous. We are in favor, however, of making 68th safer for pedestrians. Reducing the number of lanes isn’t the way to do it!”
Phil O.
“It’s absolutely insane that we have four people on the council who think cutting 68th St. down to one lane each way is a good idea. It makes no sense whatsoever. Of course it’s happening in south Scottsdale. Something this stupid would never fly up north.”
Carol Lee
“Traffic? We don’t have no stinking traffic!
Jim V.
It’s common knowledge in political circles that Linda Milhaven and Jim Lane don’t care for one another, which would make a pretty interesting mayoral race. Throw Lisa Borowsky in the mix and you have an entertaining election.”
“I hope Jim Lane decides to run for mayor so I can not vote for him again.”
Wood Chuck
“From what I hear. Councilwoman Whitehead isn’t going to be happy until we all park our cars and start riding bicycles. That may be her preferred mode of transportation, but few others.. I think Solange is out of touch with her constituents’ lifestyles.” Scottsdale is a car city.”
Betty D.
“Whose bright idea was it to stick a traffic circle in the middle of the Osborn-Miller intersection?”
Cindy P.
“Please mark my words … the cost of the 58 bond projects is not finished escalating.”
Chuck G.
“As a member of the Protect and Preserve Task Force for our precious preserve, I can say most assuredly that our group is very concerned how the over budget bond projects may reflect on our work. To a person, we take our work seriously. When we provide the City Council and citizen-taxpayers with our recommendations about possibly extending the portion of the sales tax to maintain the preserve, it’s imperative that we have everyone’s trust. Speaking for the group, I pledge that we will conduct our work honestly and objectively.”
Name Withheld
“FLUB UP? Ha! Your blog is being too kind. If the city’s staff were working in the real world, many would have been fired long ago. With this latest royal screw up, there’s still time to issue pink slips for the clowns responsible for underestimating the costs of bond projects!”
Candy O.
3-1- 2023
“From what I understand, many of the cost overruns of the 2019 bond projects are way beyond the rate of inflation. Who’s going to be held accountable?”
“I guess by now nothing should be a surprise from the city’s staff. Running way over budget on the latest set of bond estimates is par for the course. It’s another ‘Bait & Switch’ brought to us by the most inept set of employees a city could ever imagine. I don’t know when the next bond election is, if ever, but I will think long and hard before I support more bonded projects from the City of Scottsdale.”
Molly K.
“I’m so happy for the residents of Rio Verde that they may finally be on the path of relief from their water crisis. While I expect that total and sustainable relief is a ways off, the City of Scottsdale is starting to take steps in the right direction. It was painful to watch the news coverage of this issue that cast Scottsdale in the worst possible light. Our city is better than that.”
Merle T.
“Please, please, please get our neighbors in Rio Verde Foothills the water they so desperately need.”
Diane K.
“I hope that the Voice has it right. The city needs to increase the radius of the community outreach process that developers are required to follow. If memory serves it was Barry Graham who suggested that during his council campaign. Hopefully he intends to keep his promise and the other council persons follow his lead.”
Mary Jane
“Thank goodness our neighborhood, which has at least three short-term rental properties that I know of, was relatively quiet this past weekend. The traffic did, however, spill into south Scottsdale. Otherwise we survived.”
“YES, I agree. It’s time to get back to life after the 2023 Super Duper Season. Now we get our city back. Being the center of the sports universe isn’t for sissies!”
George P.
“Our family has been to 18 Parada del Sol Parades and we think this year’s was the best yet. We wish there were more events with a western flavor. We enjoy dusting off our Stetsons and Dingoes more than once a year. Happy Trails.”
Jerry O.
“It’s shameful that Scottsdale is refusing to continue selling water to our neighbors in Rio Verde. We keep hearing that the city is on the ‘right side of the law.’ But in my opinion, and many of the people I know, the city is on the wrong side of humanity.”
Joanne K.
“After Carine Werner and Amy Carney were elected to the school board, it was no surprise that meetings have turned into a circus. They actually did a good job of hiding their real agenda during the election. Now the truth is coming out that they want to sabotage SUSD. Not sure that the other three boards members will be able to stand up to them. Makes me miss Patty Beckman.”
Carolee G.
“If the first City Council meeting of the year is any indication, it’s going to be difficult for the city staff to put one over on Barry Graham. He has already started to ask questions that make people uncomfortable. It’s about time we had somebody on the council willing to do their homework and ask tough questions.”
Phil T.
“With Linda Milhaven no longer on the council to disrupt meetings, hopefully we can turn a page. I’m looking forward to a new era. Councilwoman Caputi is no longer relevant. Let’s hit the reset button.”
“Scottsdale … we have a traffic problem!”
Karin O.
“The new STR regulations are a joke. Our neighborhood has been under siege for almost two years from the party houses and the party animals they attract. New Year’s Eve was like war zone. It’s insulting to hear members of the city council brag about all they’ve done to curb the corrupt behavior.”
Julie J.
“I hope 2023 is the year of a resident-friendly City Council.”
Wood Chuck
“For anyone who has forgotten: there are still more than 10,000 projects in the city’s development pipeline.”
Cass V.
“Our family didn’t need for the city to tell us to conserve water. We’ve been doing it for years!”
Ruth G.
“We’re looking forward to seeing Linda Milhaven and Tammy Caputi battle it out for mayor. Even though they are in two different political weight classes, I think it could be a knock-down-drag-out fight. Developers would have to pick one of them to support. Very entertaining … can’t wait!!!”
“Looking back on the 2022 political campaigns, I believe Barry Graham ran a textbook campaign and was head and shoulders above the others. That kind of focus should serve him well on the council.”
Name Withheld
“Am I the only one who wasn’t surprised to hear Tammy Caputi call constituents assholes?”
Bruce J.
“Funny how quickly Pamela Carter disappeared from the political landscape. We hardly got to know her!”
Diane G.
“Now seems like a good time to thank the Voice of Scottsdale for another year of spot-on perspective. I have been a loyal reader for more than 10 years and don’t take the blog for granted. Please keep up the good work, Voice.”
Craig T.
“Trust me. Tammy Caputi will regret calling some Scottsdale citizens assholes.”
Ruth W.
“I voted for Barry Graham in both the primary and general elections. I’m expecting good things from Barry – but I would be foolish to expect him to oppose every apartment project, because not all apartments are bad. I believe Barry is smart enough to tell the good ones from the stinkers.”
“Linda Milhaven’s departure from the city council is finally here, thankfully! Her tenure on the council has been a complete disaster. I can’t recall in the 12 years she has been on the council her ever opposing a development. If she runs for mayor, I will vote for anybody but her.”
Karin O.
“Stop the presses!!! Did Councilwoman Caputi really vote to reject Mercado Courtyards???”
Roger K.
“We live in South Scottsdale. For the last year our neighborhood has had several horrible experiences with short-term rental properties. Many of us have owned our homes here for more than 20 years. Just within the past two years, STR’s have multiplied to by an astonishing number. Our quality of life has been really diminished. We have had to call the police on a number of occasions. More than one police officer has told us their hands are pretty much tied. We are dreading the Super Bowl.“
Name Withheld
“I thought Councilman Durham was going to have a total meltdown trying to defend his vote to approve Mercado Courtyards. I’ve lived in Scottsdale 38 years and have never seen someone we elected go through such a radical change once on the council. He was a resident-friendly candidate who turned into a developer-friendly councilman.”
Kris G.
“I attended Wednesday’s council meeting on the Mercado apartments in the Shea Corridor and was glad to see the robust turnout. I really don’t think the Caliber, the developer, has any clue that they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time with their project. Stressing that they’re good citizens who care about our community doesn’t cut it. If they truly cared, they would know better than to propose such a wrong-headed project in the busiest location in the city. Get real, Caliber!”
“Mercado Courtyards. RIP”
Bruce J.
“Who approves six 10-story apartment/condo buildings with swimming pools on top of each one during a water shortage? The Scottsdale City Council, that’s who. How can we take these people seriously!”
Phil G.
“I’m glad voters saw through Pamela Carter’s fake resident-friendly campaign!”
Craig T.
“Good to see voters supporting the SUSD override, especially given how a few bad apples have politicized the school district.”
Mary Beth S.
“You know Tammy Caputi has to be steamed about Barry Graham winning a seat on the council, because she told people not to vote for him. Barry spent about one-third of what she did to get elected. I’m looking forward to seeing these two on the council. He’ll run circles around her when she doesn’t have Linda Milhaven to run interference for her.”
Name Withheld
“Because I live near the Shea Corridor and work in downtown Scottsdale, I’m forced to travel through the Shea/101 intersection at least twice a day – sometimes more. Allowing the two apartment projects to build 500 units is crazy! All that will do is load more traffic into the corridor that’s already a dangerous nightmare.”
Maggie F.
“Sounds like Tim Stratton, who finished in 5th place, thinks he doesn’t have to play by the same rules as all the other candidates who ran for city council. If he’s incapable of filing a final campaign finance report, imagine what kind of councilperson he would have been.”
“For the life of me, I still can’t believe Pamela Carter ended up in a head-to-head contest with someone as competent as Barry Graham. Politics is crazy!!!”
Bruce K.
“The notion of Pamela Carter being on our city council should scare the dickens out of every voter so they should vote for Barry Graham.”
Bilbo B.
“Dear Voice: I want to thank you for the role you have played in providing the coverage of the City Council elections this year. I have done my best to follow all of the campaigns by reading articles in the local newspapers. But the Voice has filled in the gaps of the mainstream reports. I know your blog is opinionated, but that’s okay. The columns have been helpful to give me (and probably others) a more complete political picture. When the election season is over, looking forward to reading your blogs about other important issues.”
Julie J.
“I’ve never sent an email to a blog before. But I’m making an exception after watching the video of the candidate forum between Ms. Pamela Carter and Mr. Barry Graham that friends sent me. I am incensed. Ms. Carter’s behavior toward Mr. Graham was appalling. I don’t know either candidate, but I got a good sense of who they are from the forum. Carter is volatile and Graham is calm and confident. I can’t imagine what it would be like having a person like Carter on the council. She would be disruptive and, quite frankly, an embarrassment. Graham, on the other hand, is the kind of person we want on the council.”
Julie T.
“I about choked on a bagel when I heard Pamela Carter say she has voted with her life. Really … what does that mean? I’ve heard candidates say lots of strange things over the years. But that was a first. I have a feeling she leans toward being a weirdo.”
Fred Z.
“If Pam Carter is a minister, then I’m the Easter Bunny. I’ve known many ministers in my time, but none of them play fast and lose with their faith to endear themselves to others. BTW: Where does Reverend Carter preach?”
Karl G.
“If anyone had any doubts about Pamela Carter’s non-experience and personal disposition to be on the council, they should watch the videos that are making the rounds. Why she decided to run, not withstanding that God told her to, is beyond me. Maybe this election has taught her an important lesson.”
Debbie C.
“If a candidate running for the council can’t even understand questions about city issues, how can she be expected to handle them if she’s elected?”
Marianne C.
“I met Pamela Carter several months ago at a neighborhood event. She was charming and engaging, certainly not the same person I saw on the candidates’ forum video. Her performance caused me to re-evaluate my support for her. I’m no longer sure which Pamela is running for the council.”
Cathy P.
“Pamela (Carter) may have changed into another dress other than her signature red campaign dress – but she can’t change who she is. The ‘new Pamela Carter” is not a good look.”
Piper G.
“Lucky for Pamela Carter that there won’t be more public forums. She was obviously having a tough time holding herself together in yesterday’s forum. Bible passages don’t win elections. Neither does attacking your opponent, at least not in Scottsdale.”
Craig T.
“I went to the council candidate forum between Barry Graham and Pamela Carter earlier today. It was amazing how Barry kept his cool under the political assault from Pamela. She has real anger issues that the tension from this election has brought out. We don’t need that instability on the city council.”
Name Withheld
“I watched the council candidate forum today and couldn’t believe my eyes. We can’t do better than Pamela Carter? Goodness gracious! How on earth did a person of such caliber get this far? She made me very uneasy. Frightening!!!
Craig T.
“Now that Solange Whitehead has been elected to her second term, I am anxious to see how she votes on all the apartment projects that developers will try to push through before the end of the year. Will she side with Caputi, Milhaven and Durham, or will she do the right thing?”
Vince O.
“Thank you for your service, Voice of Scottsdale.”
Super Fan
“Linda Milhaven makes a poor political campaign manager.”
“I agree with Barry Graham that his experience matters. We will do well when he’s representing residents on the council.”
Louise K.
“Bob Littlefield is one of the few people in our city with any sense. When it comes to developers and their crazy projects, Bob calls it like he sees them: EVIL. It’s regrettable that he wasn’t elected mayor. If he were, we would have an entirely different political environment. I’m glad he has remained active. We need more voices like Bob.”
“I’m starting to think that local developers are just like zombies who keep bringing back projects from the dead.”
Betty G.
“Who wants to tell Pamela Carter abortion, sex trafficking and border security are not Scottsdale City Council issues.”
Vance P.
“Sissoo trees still a First World Problem in DC Ranch. Oh, the horror!”
Craig H.
“There are still Tim Stratton signs up near my neighborhood in S. Scottsdale. Isn’t the city supposed to be enforcing that?”
“I attended an event recently where Barry Graham spoke. Really impressive. He’s got my vote. Unless I miss my guess, he could represent the next generation of leaders our city needs. His twins are really cute.”
Betty D.
“Regrettable that Patty Beckman has stepped away from SUSD’s school board. I think she was one of the best who has ever served the school district. I hope she applies her talents somewhere else. We need good people like Patty representing us.”
Marge Anne Y.
“Linda Milhaven is the epitome of embarrassment. For being the ‘smartest person in the room,’ she sure did make a fool of herself when she hijacked the Mercado Courtyards’ open house. Her arrogance is amazing!”
Julie J.
“We just returned from the open house for the Shea Corridor apartments. It got crazy thanks to a developer who’s out of touch with city politics. We have attended approximately six open houses over the last seven or eight years and have never seen what we saw tonight. The developer had few if any answers to our questions. Totally unprepared. What a joke.”
Phil O.
“It was wonderful seeing Kathy (Littlefield) re-elected outright. Solange (Whitehead) not so much. I’m not sure we can trust her. I don’t think I’m alone.”
Mel G.
“I was sorry to see that Raoul Zubia didn’t make it out of the primary election. I understand that he relied on Linda Milhaven for advice. It’s difficult to imagine a person with a more stilted perspective of the city’s politics than Milhaven. Raoul would have been competitive in the general election.”
Bruce W.
“Anybody who accepts political advice from Tammy Caputi, let alone trusts her political instincts, deserves to fail.”
Marion the Librarian
“Let’s be honest. This year’s crop of council candidates was one of the weakest in recent memory.”
Bruce H.
“I’ve read that the losing candidates running for council actually held money back expecting they would win the primary and go on to the general election. Huge mistake! Knowing what they know now, bet they would approach things differently.”
Cathy D.
“Voters sent a real clear message that they want to keep the city going in the right direction. Electing Dan Ishac or Tim Stratton would have been a huge set back for Scottsdale.”
Name Withheld
“I thought I was an avid follower of Scottsdale politics, but when Pamela Carter survived the primary election and made it to the run-off election, I began to question my knowledge about the political scene. Who on earth is she, and where did she come from? What’s her political experience? Is she qualified?”
Betty D.
“I can live with Solange Whitehead on the council because she’s better than Stratton, Ishac or Zubia would have been.”
Julie J.
“I voted for Kathy (Littlefield) and Barry (Graham) because they reflected how I feel about overdevelopment like all the apartments. I seriously considered voting for Raoul Zubia, but when I heard that he supported Greenbelt 88, I couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger for him.”
Clark O.
“Okay … who predicted the outcome of this election? Besides no one.”
Sally R.
“I voted for Kathy Littlefield because she is the most consistent member on the council. As for the others … you never know!”
Maggie P.
“I’ve seen Daniel Ishac on the campaign trail. His attitude makes me nervous. Imagining him on the city council is a total stretch. I could see him getting along with Linda Milhaven and Tammy Caputi just fine. And that makes me even more nervous.”
Phillip K.
“I have mixed feelings about re-electing Solange Whitehead. After four years on the city council, I’m not sure she can be trusted. There’s a big difference between the person we elected in 2018 compared to the person on the council the past two years.”
Bruce G.
“Any candidate running for the council who thinks an endorsement from Jim Lane is a game changer, deserves to lose.”
“There’s no hiding the fact that Tim Stratton is a shill for apartment builders.”
Tami O.
“How can there be so much disagreement about how many apartments are in the city’s pipeline. The city issued a thorough report. There’s more than 10,000 and still counting. That’s a fact.”
Betty D.
“After watching the second council candidate forum, it’s clear to us than Daniel Ishac is not cut out to work on our council. If he can’t keep his composure during a debate, how on earth could he be expected to keep himself together working with others at city hall. He appeared to be ready to explode at the drop of a hat. He came off as really unstable. The last thing we need is more instability on the council.”
Maggie W.
“I’m glad there’s at least one of the people running for the city council who isn’t afraid to support the idea that the city needs 50,000 more apartments. That would be Tim Stratton, who’s got my vote.”
Zero Sum
“Barry Graham had it right: if the city council did even an average job of representing us, we wouldn’t be talking about any need to elect council people by districts.”
Gerry T.
“I agree that the district representation is DOA, if it even arrives.”
Chet G.
“I can’t imagine a more non-issue than districting. I haven’t spoken to anyone who has even heard about it – let alone would support it. Mayor Dave is obviously out of touch with the community.”
Phil A.
“Is the council clueless? I don’t know how they can continue looking the other way as Tammy Caputi’s bad political vibes are reaching far beyond the council chambers and into the community. Sitting by and watching Caputi make a mockery of the political process is not good governance or good for our community. Surely there is at least one member of the council who has the intestinal fortitude to call out Caputi for the damage she’s doing to the council’s credibility.”
Name Withheld
“Three more years of Renee Higgs on the Planning Commission is almost too much to take. For anyone who has witnessed one of the commission’s meeting, they know she’s lost. There hasn’t been a commissioner so poorly prepared since Larry Kush.”
Art F.
“With all the campaign signs popping up, it’s a reminder that it’s that time again. Our beautiful landscape is being polluted by politics.”
Sugar O.
“Cheers for Laurie Coe who stood up to Tammy Caputi’s bullying.
“The more I see of Councilwoman Caputi, the easier it is to understand why she couldn’t qualify to join Scottsdale Leadership when she tried.”
Janet K.
“I’d say Tammy Caputi deserves a good spanking, but she would probably like it.”
Debi O.
“As a longtime resident of Scottsdale, I’ve seen lots of people come and go on the City Council. Hands down, Tammy Caputi is the absolute worst. No one else is even close. Let’s call it like it is: she wouldn’t have even been elected without dumping $100,000 of her own money into her campaign in 2020.”
Frank G.
“Tammy Caputi is a BRAT!”
Barbara K.
“Watching Solange Whitehead ignore her voting record and reinvent herself is entertaining. She has lost my respect, and certainly my vote.”
Craig T.
“I can’t help but notice that not a single soul has come to Councilwoman Caputi’s defense after her classless scorching of Laurie Coe at the council meeting. If the rumors are true that Caputi would like to be mayor someday, it’s a pipedream. What goes around comes around, Ms. Caputi.”
Diane S.
“This is a strange mix of council candidates. It’s likely going to come down to ‘haves and haves not.’ So far it looks like Kathy Littlefield-Barry Graham-Solange Whitehead are top candidates. I could live with that.”
Phil B.
“I just watched the planning commission meeting and saw a classic bait and switch when the 92 Ironwood development was renamed and a new application was submitted. This takes the cake. I guess developers think we’re idiots. No wonder there’s so much opposition to out-of-control development. This developer is only hurting his own cause.”
Jane P.
“The only person on the city council I truly trust is Kathy Littlefield. With each council meeting she proves to be the only one who is consistently resident-friendly.”
Ralph M.
“From the looks of how the merchants who have businesses downtown are being treated, I’m glad we cashed out when we did. This council is no better than the last one who tried to starve out business owners. This is one of the city’s biggest visitor attractions. Watching what some people are trying to turn it into is crushing.”
Art U.
“All I had to hear was that council candidate Tim Stratton is being coached by Linda Milhaven. That speaks volumes about the kind of council person who he would be: Linda Milhaven in a suit and tie.”
Tami G.
“If Scottsdale really has a water issue, how can the people calling the shots continue to allow unprecedented building of apartments? It makes no sense.”
“We’re sorry to see Councilmember Whitehead follow in the footsteps of Councilmember Durham. It’ hard to say which one of them is the biggest sell out!”
Craig H.
“It’s not surprising to watch Solange Whitehead to run from her record. She can run but she can’t hide. Many of us recall all too well the role she has played in approving Greenbelt 88 and trying to add more apartments in the Shea Corridor. Now all she can talk about is environmental issues and won’t go near development or the pace of growth with a 10-foot pole. She must think we’re stupid?”
Karen G.
“A Scottsdale city council election without Bill Crawford on the ballot just doesn’t seem right!”
Retired 2.0
“Thank goodness for Bob Pejman and French Thompson for keeping us updated on all of the bad ideas surfacing to energize Old Town. I don’t know how they can keep up with all of silly stuff that rolls out of city hall. Without Bob and French who knows how much of these things would be enacted without anyone knowing until it was too late.”
Judy L.
“I’m an avid bike rider. In fact most of my family also is. But we would never ride into Old Town. It’s far too crazy with all the traffic, and pedestrians not paying attention can be just as dangerous. Most of the bikers I know feel the same way. Getting more of us to come into the area on our bikes is a joke.”
Mandy G.
“What did I miss – when did Scottsdale become so bike-centric? Wiping out parking in Old Town to accommodate a two-lane bike path is nuts! What part of ‘parking’ downtown doesn’t our esteemed city council understand?”
Sally O.
“Thanks, Voice … Tammy Caputi is indeed Linda Milhaven’s ‘Mini-Me.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.
“There is no replacing Councilwoman Milhaven. She’s from another era of Scottsdale politics. Even though we should thank her for her service, it’s time for Linda to hang up her spurs and head for the pasture.”
Name Withheld
“Kevin Maxwell is a great guy. But not sure he was council material. Apparently there were a lot of people who voted in the 2020 election who felt the same way.”
Ralph M.
“Linda Milhaven will not be missed
Julie J.
“I see that Councilwoman Caputi’s rotation on the Development Review Board is up. That’s a good thing!!!”
Craig J.
“I watched Mayor Ortega’s state of the city speech on the city’s website. It left me uninspired. Although I do appreciate what he said about doing a better job of managing development.”
Julie J.
“Kathy Littlefield has more than enough signatures to run for her third term on the council. I also hear that it’s almost guaranteed that two other would-be candidates aren’t going to make the cut. So there may not be an election in August. Time will tell.”
Ginny P.
“We voted for Lisa Borowsky when she ran for mayor, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Gloria P.
“I can’t think of anyone who I would least like to see as mayor than Tammy Caputi. Can you imagine where she would lead the city? Our beloved city would turn into one big heat island filled with apartments and condos.”
Tim G.
“We wouldn’t need a districting system if more people from south Scottsdale ran for the city council. I know of at least one from 85257. His name is Barry Graham. He’s on the Planning Commission, and from what I’ve seen, Mr. Graham doesn’t knuckle under to developers.”
Sugar O.
“It sounds like the bulge in the apartment projects pipeline has cleared. But now I hear that another apartment project behind what was going to be 92 Ironwood may be being brought back from the dead. The developer should take the hint that apartments in the Shea Corridor aren’t welcome. If it returns, we’ll fight it just like we did Ironwood.”
Debi G.
“It has been a total surprise how Virginia Korte has disappeared from the political scene. After some 30-odd years of being a high-profile player in our community, it seems she flipped the off switch. I realize voters sent her a strong message when she came in third place in the last mayor’s race. But I thought she might pop up here and there. I guess old candidates don’t quit, they just fade away.”
Name Withheld
”I’m sick and tired of hearing pseudo wonks rationalize building more apartments because of the supply and demand theory. It’s a phony argument until they can actually put a number on the apartments needed. We’re waiting.”
Name Withheld
“I saw a story in one of the newspapers last week that city employees may be getting bonuses. Why?”
Jewel P.
“What was good for the goose (Greenbelt 88) wasn’t good for the gander (92 Ironwood).”
Vivian R.
“I oppose any kind of districting system to elect council people. I moved here from Chicago where districting is used. It led to making a corrupt city even more corrupt.”
Phillip W.
“I never thought Betty Janik would follow in the footsteps of Solange Whitehead and betray residents. I will never vote for her again if she runs for re-election.”
Tami G.
“Now that Solange Whitehead gave in to developers by voting to approve Greenbelt 88, don’t be surprised if she votes against 92 Ironwood; if that is, she wants to be re-elected. As far as I’m concerned, she’s on double-secret probation.”
“Has there ever been an idea that David Ortega has proposed that Linda Milhaven and Tammy Caputi haven’t opposed?”
Jill J.
“If there isn’t a hangover from the Greenbelt 88 fiasco, I’ll buy Jeff Brand’s son an ice cream cone so he can watch the sunset over the lake on the golf course.”
George K.
“Greenbelt88 is over. I didn’t like the outcome. But it’s time to move on and consider each project case-by-case.”
Ginny P.
“I’m thinking that if the City Council did a better job of connecting with citizens, voting in council persons from districts wouldn’t even be on the table. But if someone can make a good case for creating council districts, I’ll vote for it.”
Jim K.
“I wasn’t surprised to see Solange (Whitehead) vote for the apartments on the golf course greenbelt. She said she really liked the project when she was the chairperson of the Development Review Board. But Betty Janik is another story. Janik won’t be up for re-election for 3 more years. Whitehead is running this year. I think without Prop 420 to carry her into office, she’s going to regret her vote for more apartments.”
Capt. Nick
“We were sorry to see Councilwoman Janik play such a dominant role in passing the Greenbelt apartments. It seemed out of character.”
Mary Jane O.
“More great reporting! Who says the VOICE is only an opinion blog?”
Nancy G.
“Personally, I think Betty Janik is the perfect council person. She’s obviously thoughtful. I believe she sincerely cares about residents and our city. I sometimes wonder if she regrets carrying Tom Durham across the finish line in 2020.
“I took our out of town guests to the Parada Parade yesterday. We had a delightful time. I tried to explain all the controversy in Old Town when it wasn’t being used as a parade route. They were surprised to hear how much turmoil there is down here. They reminded us of how wonderful this area is and that it’s a real asset to our city we shouldn’t take for granted.”
Cathy O.
“When did the Phoenix Open start being called the ‘People’s Open?’ Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s no longer fun. Too corporate for me!!!”
Kurt G.
“I really get a kick out of every time Tammy Caputi says people are trying to turn back the clock. Just more rhetoric from a politician trying to attract attention to herself. It’s working … but not in a good way!”
Julie J.
“The ones who use labels like anti-growth have an agenda that’s not good for our city. For some reason they think that using that extreme language makes their case for growth at any cost, when quite the opposite is true. They’re the ones holding our city back from sensible growth.”
Shelby H.
“’Naysayer’ was out of vogue years ago.”
Carol V.
“I doubt that I’m the only one fed up with the polarizing language being used by the developer toadies. At least I hope not! Just because I support thoughtful growth that fits with the character and nature of our city does not make me ‘anti-development.’ Labeling people to fit a certain narrative is really wrong.”
Diane W.
“Linda Milhaven calling David Ortega a bully is like the pot calling the kettle black.”
Jim R.
“I would like to see Suzanne Klapp make a come back and run for council. She knows the issues, can raise money and probably still has a voter base to build on. It would be really interesting to see her and David Ortega on the same dais.”
Name Withheld
“We’re looking forward to the next city council meeting when they deal with the Greenbelt 88 project. Any member of the council, excluding Tammy Caputi and Linda Milhaven, will be a dead duck if they vote to approve it!”
Jill T.
“Your blog makes it sound like developers are vultures circling city hall.”
Pam C.
“I have hardly ever agreed with Linda Milhaven. Her style was tough to take. But I respect that she has endured three terms on the City Council. That’s worth saying thank you, Ms. Milhaven.”
Shelly F.
“Two of my friends who live in McCormick Ranch went to the open house last week sponsored by the developer of the Ironwood apartments. They said quite a few changes have been made to the proposal since several months ago. But traffic is still an issue for the people who live closer to the project than we do. Installing a traffic light is a good gesture.”
Carol K.
“I honestly don’t understand what the controversy over updating the Old Town Character Plan is all about. As the owner of two downtown businesses, I like the idea of bringing continuity to the area. A lot has started to change here since the last plan was approved three years ago. This is a great time to update the plan so we don’t have to catch up to this latest surge of building.”
David P.
“Without Linda Milhaven on the council, Councilwoman Caputi is going to have a lonely time on the dais for the next 3 years. So that begs the question … is she going to be willing to compromise?”
“If Paula Sturgeon is the best the pro-growth people can come up with, they’re going to have a very disappointing election day on November 8th.”
Betty D.
“Your two linked blogs about the council’s chemistry was really insightful. They made total sense. From what I’ve seen, there are some members of the council that just don’t like one another. I’m thinking of Tammy Caputi and David Ortega. You could cut the tension between them with a knife. So neither one of them should be allowed around any sharp objects.”
Carol J.
“Looking forward to the video taped State of the City speech from David Ortega. Has to be better than any of Jim Lane’s addresses, because they couldn’t be any worse.”
Gary S.
“Let’s be honest. This city council’s chemistry is toxic.”
Martha G.
“My family all signed nominating petitions for Kathy Littlefield. Although we helped Solange Whitehead to get elected, we WILL NOT sign her petition this time around. She has been a terrible disappointment. We no longer trust her.”
Bruce J.
“I want to thank the Voice of Scottsdale for the past two blogs summarizing 2021. What a fantastic job! If only our local newspapers did half the job that the Voice does. I’m looking forward to the new year and more great blogging.”
Pete T.
“Councilwoman Caputi’s sound bite about the city’s biggest problem is its future was priceless.”
Phil S
“I was glad to read about the ambassadors to Old Town returning. But I will be interested to see how long they’re allowed to be on the streets downtown with the spike in the Covid variant.”
Betty D.
“I saw the blowup between Mayor Ortega and Vice-Mayor Caputi. It’s obvious these two don’t like one another. This sends horrible messages to the community that’s already politically divided.”
Shelia E.
“Now that Councilwoman Whitehead is going to run for re-election, who does she think is going to support her? She double-crossed many of us who voted for her in 2018. After her futile attempt to get the apartments built at Shea and the 101, developers and those in the business community no longer trust her. She’s not winning any friends on the council either.”
“When Mayor Ortega proposed establishing council districts in his last campaign, everyone I talked to said it was a campaign gimmick. That’s probably why it never went anywhere.”
Neil P.
“Even money says if the District Representation issue was on the election ballot, it would make a huge difference to residents, and probably pass with little effort to promote it.”
“It’s hard for me to say if council candidates who live in south Scottsdale will be a litmus test for getting elected. But I do know that there needs to be more geographical balance on the city council.”
Karol G.
“I was pulling for Suzanne Klapp to be appointed to the Board of Supervisors. It would have been the perfect position for her and Maricopa County.”
“I’m a south Scottsdale resident, and when we moved here (Town & Country) 16 years ago from north Phoenix, we heard south Scottsdale always got the short end of the stick. As an avid follower of Scottsdale politics and city government, I’ve learned what my neighbors were talking about. We need to start electing people to the City Council from south Scottsdale. When we lived in Phoenix, we enjoyed being able to elect people from our council district. It made a huge difference.”
Joel F.
“I see that Larry Kush has come out from hiding after the Prop 463 election. Kush finally lost all credibility when he backed the proposition that went down in flames. Most people would admit that they had made a horrible mistake. Not Larry! I, for one, wish he would retreat back to his bunker.”
Name Withheld
“What’s Councilwoman Caputi going to do when her blocker, Linda Milhaven, leaves the council next year?”
“My family lives within walking distance of the old Tonalea School site where the Phoenix Rising soccer team is proposing to build a practice facility. Several of my neighbors, as well as myself, are super skeptical of the proposal, but we’re all going to give it a chance to succeed. We hope that they will be good neighbors.”
Jane S.
“From my perspective, there hasn’t been any employee of the city who has been as committed and resourceful for as long as Deputy Fire Chief Jim Ford. Jim has been a ‘Difference Maker’ for Scottsdale. As he retires after almost 50 years of service, I’m sure I speak for many others when I say that Jim will be missed.”
Pam F.
“So technically Greenburg and Son got off the hook when SPD couldn’t find any criminal behavior after the scandalous way they behaved. But that doesn’t change our community’s perception of what they did. Just like teachers, members of the SUSD Governing Board are expected to set good examples for students to follow. That’s why my husband and I signed the recall petition. He’s got to go!”
Beth G.
“It’s hard to believe that Jann-Michael Greenburg is still sitting on the school board. Truly amazing! If he thinks he’s going to ride this scandal out until it blows over, he’s nuts. His father should get the blame for creating the ‘Greenburg Files.’ But it’s Jann-Michael who’s making the entire episode much worse. It could be said that he’s adding insult to injury.”
“I’ve heard that Jann-Michael Greenburg is close to fellow school board member Julie Cieniawski. Maybe she can convince him to do the right thing. Resign, Mr. Greenburg.”
Cheryl O.
“Jann-Michael Greenburg needs to do two things: resign and stop listening to his father.”
Jake P.
“Our family totally agrees with your blog. There couldn’t be a better person to take over the helm of the school board than Patty Beckman. She should have been elected president of the Governing Board in the first place.”
“Julie Cieniawski has strong political ties with Jann-Michael Greenburg. So it’s difficult to believe she didn’t know about the Greenburg files and refused to speak up. My instincts are that Ms. Cieniawski knows way more than she’s willing to say.”
Edie T.
“If it wasn’t for bad luck, SUSD wouldn’t have any luck at all!”
Phil S.
“It’s amazing how easily that a father would destroy his son’s goals and not think twice about it. Jann-Michael had done some good things for the school district before his father sunk all chances for him to be a success.”
Judi H.
“The Greenburg Files are the talk of the town. Really sad to see another scandal at SUSD. From what I know, the school district was doing a pretty decent job weaving its way through the pandemic. The Greenburg family needs to start thinking of others before themselves, if that’s possible. Jann-Michael should have resigned as soon as this horror story came to light.”
Bruce G.
“Anyone who watched last night’s council meeting now knows that Solange Whitehead doesn’t speak with a forked-tongue. She’s speaking out of both sides of her mouth. Come on, Solange, you can do better.”
“School board member Jann-Michael Greenburg has got to go!!!”
The Real Scooter
“I’m willing to give the new General Plan time to work, but I’m not optimistic. I think slick zoning attornes and clever council people will find ways to work around it or probably misinterpret it. I’m worried that we’re going to start seeing a wave of taller, denser buildings near where I live in the Shea corridor. I could be wrong. But I seriously doubt it.”
Peggy Sue
I can’t believe that the city is allowing the Prop 463 signs to stay up a full two weeks after the election. Tear down those signs!”
Fred G.
“We voted for Proposition 463, and appreciate that Mayor Ortega deserves a victory lap. But we know of at least two incidences when he threw his weight around by bragging about it’s defeat. The mayor needs to settle down and start focusing on leadership. We’re counting on him make sure that 463 works the way he said it would.”
Name Withheld
“When can we expect those ugly Prop 643 street signs to be taken down?”
Jelly Bean
“I truly hope that Mayor Ortega doesn’t let this victory go to his head. Real leaders share the credit after they win. The mayor would be wise to remember that!”
Retired City Employee
“Typical Tammy. Councilwoman Caputi spent the entire 463 campaign hiding out, and then swooped in after the election to brag about how the proposition passed. Thinking about having her on the council for three more years is a painful. Can’t remember such a brat ever serving on the city council. A little bit of her snotty attitude goes a long way.”
“The clowns that ran the campaign against Prop 463 should be run out of town. The jerks who secretly put up the money should be right behind them.”
Maggie K.
“Kathy Littlefield was right about 463. That’s why I’ll be voting for her next year.”
Julie J.
“Well, now that we know the outcome of the election, we should prepare ourselves for developers to rush to build more apartments. Thanks to Linda Milhaven, Tammy Caputi and Tom Durham, I’m sure that the development community is confident they can squeeze just about anything through the pipeline.”
“Two members of our family voted for Proposition 463 and one voted against it. It’s made for a pretty interesting time in our house. But, truthfully … none of us expect the general plan to make much difference as long as we have the same city council.”
Judi O.
“No matter what happens in tomorrow’s election, it will forever be remembered as the ‘Misinformation Election.’”
Rita S.
“I don’t know how Tuesday’s election is going to turn out. But if Solange Whitehead thinks she’s going to distract us by campaigning for Prop 463, she’s dead wrong. Solange showed us her true colors during the Shea Corridor apartment controversy. I can’t wait NOT to vote for her next year.”
Vincent U.
“I don’t care what anyone else says – Solange Whitehead is just pretending to be resident-friendly and is really a snake in the grass. A politically poisonous one.”
Mercy T.
“It only took Solange Whitehead three years to learn how to talk out of both sides of her mouth. I no longer trust her and sure as hell won’t vote for her again. Fool me once, shame on her. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
Carol K.
“I received a digital mailer today from the people who want me to vote for Proposition 463. It was the day before the deadline to mail in ballots. Being so out of sync should give people serious pause. I sent in my ballot weeks ago, and suspect many others did the same. The Yes organization should have saved its money, because it’s going to be the same outcome.”
Julie J.
“If updating the General Plan is such a good idea, where are the esteemed institutions? Where’s the Chamber of Commerce? Where are the Charros? And what about Experience Scottsdale? Do they all know something about General Plan 2035 that we don’t?”
Bruce M.
“Scottsdale … we have a trash problem. It looks like the workforce shortage has hit our city’s sanitation department, because mounds of brush are piling up in our neighborhood. Is this the way Scottsdale rolls now?”
Beth G.
“I’m a member of the LD-23 Democrats and I resent that I am being told by our organization what to read and what not to read. By way of background, I received an email some time ago warning me off of local blogs and other social media. This effort to control information smacks of groups throughout our history that led to horrible political consequences. I thought, or at least I wanted to think, our group was better than that. Apparently not. My husband and I thoroughly enjoy reading the Voice of Scottsdale. It provides a much needed service for those of us who aren’t frightened to expand our perspectives about issues.”
Name Withheld
“I notice that responding to citizens’ inquires about development project protocols has been delegated to City Clerk Ben Lane. What’s up with that???”
Jamie V.
“What passes for journalism in this city deserves a C-.”
Frank W.
“Does the city council really expect us to read the 300-page General Plan Update? From what I’m told by friends and neighbors the thing is Dead On Arrival!”
“I voted to update the General Plan because I think it’s time Scottsdale refreshes its vision. All cities need to be guided by something other than laws and ordinances.”
Carol P.
“I’m standing with Councilwoman Littlefied on Prop 463. Kathy is the only one on the council I trust. I think her only agenda is to do what’s best for our city and our residents.”
Phil C.
“I find city council meetings much more bearable when Linda Milhaven doesn’t speak.”
“Always remember that if you don’t agree with a developer and dare to speak up, you’re automatically in the ‘vocal minority.’”
Betty D.
“My respect for Councilwoman Littlefield continues to grow. I appreciate her candidness after she shared that she wasn’t going to vote for Proposition 463.”
Phil G.
“I attended the planning commission meeting on The Miller apartments next to the Sprout’s shopping center on Camelback. I came away wondering how on earth George Ertel ever got chosen to be on the commission. What a goofball. As long as someone like him is on an important commission like planning, I have little faith in how decisions are made about development projects.”
“The other day I took the afternoon to read the General Plan 2035. Truly amazing. Who wrote this drivel, the Tooth Fairy?”
“Your blog about citizen input really struck a nerve. I’ve lived in South Scottsdale for 18 years. I remember the entire Papago Plaza fiasco quite well. I particularly remember the architect Jeff Brand and how he totally misled my neighborhood about the project. He was no more than a huckster for the developer. I believe it was the first signs we saw of Andrea Alley selling out our neighborhood and hooking up with Brand. It came as no surprise to us that Brand and Alley are on the Greenbelt 88 project, another pig in a poke.”
Sally R.
“The good news: After Larry Kush played the race card about development issues, he will never serve on another board or commission in Scottsdale.”
“I saw Jason Alexander, Councilwoman Caputi’s assistant, testify during pubic comment at the planning commission meeting. I believe that’s highly unethical without him identifying his relationship with an elected official.”
Janet R.
“In my opinion, Honor Health needs to mind its own business, which, the last time I checked is health care not developing apartments. There is no evidence that medical workers like nurses will want to or be able to afford to live within walking distance of the north hospital. That may sound good on paper but not in practice. I hope the city council rejects developing more than 500 apartments in the Shea Corridor.”
Trudy G.
“I see that Councilwoman Caputi has shifted her focus in Old Town from calling it slum to safety public, particularly in the bar and club district. The light finally went off for her that building more condos and apartments down here does little to address the real issues she says she’s concerned about.”
“We only have to endure one more year of Linda Milhaven. Looking forward to her joining Suzann Klapp and Virginia Korte in political retirement.”
Name Withheld
“The last thing our city needs is RACE BAITING from Larry Kush.”
Julie J.
“I couldn’t agree more with Mayor Ortega. We didn’t move here to duplicate where we all came from.”
Mercy T.
“The apartment craze has little to do with supply and demand. That’s a convenient excuse developers use to justify their greed and selfishness.”
Mike W.
“My husband and I moved here from Nevada last year with the intention of opening a business in Old Town. The outbreak of the pandemic delayed it. We opened our shop earlier this year. Since we moved in, we have made new friends with several downtown merchants who couldn’t be more supportive. We have gotten a good feel for the area, and we don’t understand how some people (like members of the city council) are down Old Town. It’s perfectly delightful. I wonder if those who are painting the area with a broad brush realize how much harm they are doing to Scottsdale’s image.”
Karen J.
“Councilwoman Betty Janik is a gem.”
Retired City Employee
“From time to time I tune into city council meetings. Recently there have been some meetings that remind me of our homeowner association’s monthly meetings. Out of control. I appreciate diverse opinion, not everyone has to agree on everything. But the circus I’ve seen at city hall makes me worry about city government and how our tax dollars are being used. Time to grow up council people.”
Chad W.
“It comes as no surprise that Mayor Ortega is under attack. After 12 years of Jim Lane at the helm, it’s easy to forget what leadership looks like. The mayor has my support and respect.”
Jenny K.
“I’m curious about Councilwoman Whitehead’s sudden swing to support apartment projects. The Solange that I see today is not the Solange my family voted for in 2018. We all bought into her campaign promises. Surely we’re not the only ones let down.”
Jennifer L.
“With Linda Milhaven what we see is what we get.”
Name Withheld
“It’s difficult to determine who’s the bigger disappointment, Solange Whitehead or Tom Durham. Neither no longer deserve to be called ‘resident friendly.’ It took Solange 3 years to show us who she really is. Tom’s metamorphosis only took 6 months. I won’t be voting for Solange next year if she makes the mistake of running again. I don’t know if I can endure 3 more years of Tom Durham!”
Pistol Pete
“Would someone please tell Larry Kush his 15 minutes of fame expired two years ago!!!”
Darlene T.
“Councilwoman Linda Milhaven is one of a kind. I can’t recall anyone on council in the last 15 years who has been so brash and bullheaded. I can only take her in small doses. Being rude seems to come naturally to her.”
Veronica T.
“If truth be told and I could vote all over again. I would only vote for Mr. Ortega and Ms. Janik – not Mr. Durham. From what I read, I’m not the only one who would like to recast my vote for Councilman Durham. So far his voting record is baffling.”
Alice in South Scottsdale
“Council members Durham and Whitehead are a real pair to draw to.”
Craig H.
“How many people currently on the city council have gone through the Scottsdale Leadership program? Asking for a Friend.”
Marsha M.
“I was told Councilwoman Littlefield LOVES The Miller apartment project next to the shopping center on Miller and Camelback. Because Kathy likes it so much, I’m willing to take a second look at it.”
Nancy G.
“What in the world has happened to Solange Whitehead? Who needs Suzanne Klapp when we have Councilwoman Whitehead. Sounds like the Peter Principle may be in play.”
Skip O.
“After hearing about Planning Commissioner George Ertel’s bigoted remarks about poor people and apartments, he needs to be reprimanded. There’s no room for those kind of things on any of the city’s boards or commissions.”
Pistol Pete
“I watched Mayor Ortga and Councilwoman Milhaven go at each other last night during the council meeting. Totally disgusting. It seems like Milhaven is ready to go off on the mayor every chance she gets. She probably hasn’t recovered from her friend Virginia Korte not making the run-off for mayor last year.”
Betty D.
“When I read that developers wanted to build over 500 apartments in the Shea Boulevard corridor, I thought it was a prank. Who in their right mind would allow that to happen? Traffic in that area is already so heavy that our family does everything we can to go around that area.
Julie J.
“David Ortega is doing a fantastic job as mayor. I shutter to think what it would be like if Lisa Borowsky were mayor.”
Penny T.
“I’m losing faith in Councilwoman Whitehead. If I knew in 2018 what I know now, I wouldn’t have voted for her.”
Vinnie K.
“For the last seven years I have lived and worked downtown. I love it! So whenever I hear Tammy Caputi describe Old Town as shabby and unsafe it‘s like she’s talking about some place else. Every time she rails about refreshing downtown she hurts our reputation. It’s fine the way it is.”
“Whatever happened to Suzanne Klapp?”
Margaret G.
“We live in McCormick Ranch, but we sympathize with those who live in the Osborn/Hayden neighborhoods. We have several friends who live in that area, so we’re well aware of the controversy over the status of the shopping center. It’s difficult to understand how hundreds of neighbors who oppose turning it into apartments can be so disregarded. Let’s face it, resident’s voices are being muted, no matter what some people say.”
Jim & Janet
“I’m familiar with the Yari Brothers’ abandoned property on Indian School because I drive by it at least three times a week. It’s amazing that it has been allowed to go to pot at one of the major gateways to our city. Notwithstanding the property rights issue, surely the mayor or city manager could find a way to send he Yaris a message to develop it or sell it to someone willing to do something constructive with it.”
Carol Lee
“Larry Kush is a real crackup. I wonder if he realizes he has become the Village Idiot.”
“Shutting down Old Town streets to attract more business for shop owners … what a concept! Who dreams this stuff up?”
Lizzy P.
“Affordable housing needs to be affordable.”
Julie J.
“I couldn’t agree more with your blog. It’s long past time to keep calling this City Council ‘new.’ I’ll settle for ‘different.’”
“I live in what’s called the Cactus Corridor, so what happens around Shea Boulevard impacts our neighborhood. The idea of building more apartments there is baffling. Many of us try to avoid Shea as much as possible, but sometimes it isn’t easy. I hope the city council discourages the developers trying to turn that area into a cluster of apartments.”
“I totally support Linda Milhaven’s effort to begin addressing the affordable housing issue. While her group is at it, even though they are powerless to control the private sector, I hope they shame the landlords who have been hiking people’s rents. It’s crazy … and cruel, too.”
Beth G.
“We’re really glad our kids are grown and no longer in Scottsdale schools. I feel sorry for the spot students and teachers are in with all of the confusion about how to handle the Covid protocols. From what I know the administrators of the school district are managing it as best they can. Safety is so important.”
Kathy U.
“What’s with all the issues about Old Town? I thought the city paid some marketing group serious money to promote it years ago. Now some members of the council are saying it’s rundown and on it’s last legs. I really don’t get it!!”
Carl T.
“It was great to read about the Coalition of Greater Scottsdale siding with the Greenbelt88 neighbors against the developer who owns the shopping center. It’s about time that COGS stopped being so passive.”
Jamie W.
“I wish more of my neighbors in southern Scottsdale had the same guts as the people fighting against the Greenbelt88 apartment project. If citizens aren’t prepared to fight back against bad developments, we’re just going to keep getting more and more of them. Developers are relentless. Neighbors need to match them.”
Kris F.
“Short-term rental properties are going to be the death of our great city’s reputation. I hear from many of my neighbors and even co-workers that they think Scottsdale’s brand is suffering.”
Judi M.
“Glad that Planning Commissioner Joe Young has been exposed. He’s a made-man by developers who’s willing to do their dirty work.”
Don T.
“For those who think the city council is corrupt, it doesn’t hold a candle to the city’s planning commission. The former members of the council majority may have moved on, but they left their appointees on the commission to wreak havoc on our city.”
Name Withheld
“The Museum of the West is a money pit. How on earth did the city get involved in the private museum business, anyway? Now we taxpayers are stuck with Jim Bruner’s wet dream!”
Sally R.
“It sounds like Linda Milhaven can be helpful when she wants to be.”
John F.
“Thank you Voice of Scottsdale for filling in the gaps in local reporting, as usual. The hijinks happening on the planning commission are especially interesting. Thank goodness for Commissioners Barry Graham and Christian Serena.”
Liz G.
“For those who think the city council is corrupt, it doesn’t hold a candle to the city’s planning commission. The former members of the council majority may have moved on, but they left their appointees on the commission to wreak havoc on our city.”“I read the article in the Scottsdale Progress newspaper earlier today about the Museum of the West in Old Town. I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of it. Even if half of it is true, the deal stinks to high heavens. I want it to succeed, but on it’s own merits. Taxpayers already subsidize enough things around town that don’t directly benefit us. Let’s chill the charity.”
Marsha L.
“Hats off to the City Council. They accomplished a lot during the last 6 months. But it’s the next 6 months that worry me.”
Freddy the Freeloader
“I must admit that I wasn’t a big fan of David Ortega before. He has been a pleasant surprise. I guess you could say he has risen to the occasion. There’s still room for improvement. But I think he has the city headed in the right direction even though there are others who think otherwise.”
Name Withheld
“Perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but is it too much to ask for people to begin paying closer attention to city government and what’s happening to our city?”
Jake D.
“Let’s face it. Carter Unger knows little if anything about development. He’s in desperate need of mentoring, and he’s not getting it from those who surround him.”
Jane W.
“I grew up in Scottsdale and have lived many other places before returning to raise my family here. Height and density have been issues for at least 15 years, maybe more. I’m not anti-development. I’m actually pro growth. But turning our city into what they’re letting happen in Tempe is sinful. I’m totally baffled why we can’t find the right balance between growing the city without building out of place buildings and shrinking our open space. I’m not a developer or an economist, but surely we don’t have to destroy the uniqueness and charm of Scottsdale in the name of progress. We can do better.”
James J.
“I’ve lost count of the times Mr. (Jason) Alexander pops up on Face Book promoting apartments and then gets whacked. He must be a gluten for punishment … or is being paid lots of money to take the abuse.”
Chatty Cathy
“Closing down Old Town streets one week a month??? What a concept if you want to destroy downtown businesses.”
Debbie C.
“Happy to see that the Kiva is open to citizens again, even if it’s limited occupancy. When the city council returns from their recess in August, the city manager would be wise to allow everyone back in.”
Jessie O.
“Sticking more apartments around Shea and the 101 is insane. The city’s transportation department says it’s already the busiest traffic corridor in Scottsdale. What could city planners be thinking, assuming they are?”
“If the Greenbelt 88 mixed-use (wink, wink) project is such a great idea for the neighborhoods around Osborn and Hayden, why is the developer trying to up-zone the property? Makes no sense.”
“My friends who work for the city tell me that Councilwoman Caputi is in full blown damage control mode after we learned she had hired Jason Alexander to assist her.”
Frankie L.
“I predict there’s going to be an uprising against the apartmentization of our great city.”
Beth N.
“The Greenbelt 88 project in south Scottsdale is planned for 93% apartments and 7% for retail businesses, which should tell you all you need to know about this deceptive development.”
Chuck G.
“The new chairwoman of the Planning Commission, Renee Higgs threw developers for a loop, not to mention fellow commissioners, when she voted to postpone the Greenbelt 88 apartment case. You can be sure she caught hell from the pro-growthers. Wonder if she will change her vote when the project comes back around to the commission?”
Helen C.
“Larry Kush is the south end of a northbound horse.”
Rocket Man
“As one of the many neighbors who oppose the ‘mixed-use’ development that’s being called Greenbelt 88, I feel compelled to say that the outreach process into my neighborhood by the developer has been irritating at best. Ms. Andrea Alley pretending to care about me and my neighbors insults our intelligence. She is being paid to convince us that 288 apartments will enhance our area. Please!!!”
“Is Kathy Littlefield the only person on the city council with common sense?”
Jules B.
“I’ve heard a rumor that the city manager is going to reopen city hall in the next two weeks. Fifteen months of citizens not being allowed to enter the Kiva has taken its toll. It has made the city council look bad. It will be interesting to see when city hall opens what the protocols for distancing will be, if at all.”
Merle O.
“In all due respect to your blog, it’s going to take a lot more than opening city hall to restore trust in this city council.”
Gail W.
“Larry Kush needs to put down the bong. Carter Unger had less to do with persuading the council to approve the Kimsey project than my dog, Sammy.”
Vinne P.
“We’re still waiting for Councilman Durham to provide the tiniest evidence that the Howard Johnson Motel on Indian School is hooker haven.”
Name Withheld
“Kudos to Councilwoman Linda Milhaven for initiating the task force to address the city’s short-term rental problem. I like the diversity of the group. However, I’m not confident that the city is prepared to enforce the codes against all the bad actors. There are too many of them. Good luck!”
Janet Y.
“The neighbors in the Osborn and Hayden roads area have reached consensus that the Greenbelt 88 apartment project is out of place.”
June C.
“I’m a huge fan of Ralph Haver’s architecture. We even live in one of the houses he designed in Town & Country. But I don’t believe for a New York Second that the Haver building on Indian School was going to be demolished. That was just more developer trash talk.”
Zeke D.
“How on earth could Linda Milhaven really think there’s no parking problem downtown? Is she just trying to be a contrarian or is she just clumsy?”
Melissa W.
“Tammy Caputi probably knows less about development than anyone on the city council, except for Tom Durham. All Caputi knows is that playing footsy with developers is expedient to her political career. No credibility Caputi.”
Jean A.
“Thank you for the trip down memory lane about some of the most egregious developments in our city. The Kimsey is not one them. True, it’s a milestone, but it hardly sinks as low as the Galleria. People will remember Kimsey not for it’s height and density, rather how it smoked out some of the council people we elected who we thought were resident-friendly.”
Paul G.
“Because I’ve been home recovering from medical issues the last month and a half, I decided to watch council meetings on the city’s cable channel. My major takeaway is that Councilman Durham seems lost. Clearly he needs to learn more about how government works. It’s embarrassing. He’s like the ‘slow kid’ in the class.”
Maggie R.
“Why is Jason Alexander, Tammy Caputi’s ‘friend’, bashing Councilwoman Betty Janik. Has Councilwoman Caputi put him up to it, or is he acting on his own? No matter what the case, it’s poor form.”
Name Withheld
“Great to hear Barney Gonzales and Christian Serena have been appointed to the Planning Commission. Congratulations, guys!”
George W.
“Shocking! Councilwomen Linda Milhaven and Tammy Caputi voted differently on the new parking code. Wonder if they’ve had a falling out?”
Faith G.
“The only word that aptly describes what happened at the school board meeting last night is ‘despicable.’ Parents making that kind of scene should be expelled from board meetings. They hurt the school district, students and teachers.”
Carol Lee
“Is there anybody in the entire city as bullheaded as Linda Milhaven?”
Judi M.
“I couldn’t agree more that it’s going to be up to residents to put the pressure on the City Council to create the kind of change we want and the city needs. I voted for Tom Durham and Betty Janik, and still respect them. But it’s obvious we can’t predict that they will keep all of the promises they made to voters. The only person I truly trust to do what she says she will do is Kathy Littlefield.”
“Thank you, VOICE. I’m sure I speak for most readers who don’t have time to keep up on the city’s important issues. Always appreciate your insight.”
Phil L.
“14 people in the running for 2 spots on the planning commission???”
Justin R.
“Personally speaking … I’m very uncomfortable with Solange Whitehed being the self-appointed person on the council to negotiate with developers. I think that Mayor Ortega is better prepared to take on that role. He can’t be pleased with Councilwoman Whitehead taking the credit for cutting the deal with the Kimsy developer, which is not something to be proud about.”
“Wonder if Councilwoman Milhaven ever gets tired of being the smartest person in the room?”
Carol Lee
“I, for one, am sick of hearing Tammy Caputi’s snarky remarks. I know she prides herself on being a consensus builder. But given her bratty behavior, that’s impossible. She’s becoming her own worst enemy.”
“It’s truly amazing that Tom Durham and Betty Janik have changed so radically from their campaign rhetoric in just four months on the City Council. Heck, it took Solange Whitehead a full two years.”
Annie H.
“Bob Pejman has forgotten more about the parking code than the city’s expert, Bryan Cluff, will ever know.”
Name Withheld
“Thank you Mr. (Randy) Grant for confirming what many of us have known for some time … development overrides the city’s parking issues.”
Daisy Mae
“The head of planning, Randy Grant, really cooked his goose. His disclosures about fixing the parking code surely had to raise some eyebrows around city hall. It shows what can happen when planning commissioners hammer on the right question about parking.”
“The city’s boards and commissions are a joke. The city council really needs to re-evaluate the whole appointment process. I thought Mayor Ortega talked about cleaning up the process, but I haven’t heard anything more about it. Please stop wasting citizen-volunteers time.”
Joyce F.
“I’ve never really trusted Solange Whitehead. Now she’s confirming for everyone to see that she’s just another dime store politician. I feel sorry for her supporters who were taken in by her.”
Patty G.
“It’s amazing watching all the people jumping on the anti-discrimination bandwagon. Where were they six years ago when Councilmember Virginia Korte was working her tail off on an ordinance? She could have used their help.”
Phil K.
“The Voice blog raises a good point about the approval of the Kimsey development giving Carter Unger a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. If anyone thinks the Kimsey is bad for downtown Scottsdale, wait until they get a load of what Unger wants to do.”
Nancy T.
“It was good of Tom Durham and Betty Janik to run for city council, and win. But honestly, I don’t think they had any idea what they were getting into. I wonder if they would do it all over again.”
Name Withheld
“It was shameful for Betty, Tom and Solange to turn on their supporters so quickly. The three of them are going to have a long way to go to restore their credibility.”
Sally G.
“What a mixed up mess down at city hall. It’s turning out that Kathy Littlefield is the only person on the city council that can be trusted. Kathy keeps her word to residents. Some of the others … not so much!”
Mr. Peepers
“Experience Scottsdale can’t be happy with the line a crap several council people are spreading about Old Town being a slum. Whose side are they on, anyway?”
Jill K.
“I think the Kimsey sucks, but at least the Haver building was saved.”
Joel W.
“Thank you for pointing out the damage that’s being done by suggesting the downtown area is dead. Council members Whitehead, Janik and Durham are being fed a line of malarkey by a few property owners who are trying to inflate the value of their properties.”
Bruce W.
“I own a business in Old Town, and I’m certainly not hurting for business. Truthfully, it’s about all we can handle.”
“We had out-of-town guests last weekend, so we took them to Old Town. We spent all afternoon there and finished up by eating at one of the many wonderful downtown restaurants. The streets were crowded the entire time we were there. So when I hear some council people say that downtown is dying, I seriously doubt their motivations.”
Carol Lee
“A little bit of Tammy Caputi goes a long way.”
Jeanie G.
“David Ortega told me the very day of the vote on the Kimsey he was a ‘no’ vote. Then I saw him fumble around and end up voting for it. This kind of crap has me worried about the next four years. Really disgusting.”
Clyde The Glide
“The term ‘citizen-friendly’ now only applies to one person on the city council. Kathy Littlefield. She’s consistent and can’t be bought off. I appreciate her being willing to listen to citizens. She gets it!”
“I knew Solange would sell us out on the Kimsey. But I’m shocked that Tom Durham and Betty Janik would fall in line with her, especially so soon in their tenure. I sincerely hope this isn’t a trend for Betty and Tom. I walked door to door for them and made most of their events. I even raised money for them in my neighborhood. Now I look like a fool. I’m really embarrassed that I fell for their propaganda.”
Patty G.
“Tom Durham makes me miss Guy Phillips.”
Mary Beth
“If the election for city council was held next week, Betty (Janik) and Tom (Durham) wouldn’t stand a chance. A lot of us would actually work to make sure they weren’t elected. We’ve got to be able to trust the people we elect. Betty and Tom can no longer be trusted.”
“I can’t believe what I just watched. Six members of our council were just hoodwinked in to approving the Kimsey development. Well, so much for the ‘new’ city council. Smells just like the old one!!!”
Julie J.
“I’m having Solange Whitehead fatigue.”
Name Withheld
“Anyone who says the city doesn’t have a parking problem has never tried to park downtown.”
Ron F.
“Thankfully … only two more years of Councilwoman Linda Milhaven, the biggest bully that’s ever sat on the dais.”
“The new status quo is called change.”
Zeke K.
“You’re letting your bias about the status quo show. Scottsdale is just fine the way it is. They only thing we need to change is to vote some of these fake council people off the city council.”
Donna. G.
“Linda Milhaven is living in the past. As the last of the Mohicans (the old council majority), it’s high time for her to join the rest of us in present time. Her final term can’t end soon enough for the city and our residents.”
Billy the Kid
“I couldn’t have said it better myself. The Voice nailed it. There are definitely citizens suffering from a severe case of ‘Political Culture Shock’ that they need to get over. Their resistance to change is dividing our city even more than it already is. Recognize the inevitable change and let’s work together as Mayor Ortega suggests.”
Nancy A.
“There’s no bigger bully in this city than Linda Milhaven.”
Patty G.
“Even money says no one is more disappointed by Prescott Smith getting booted off the Planning Commission than Tim Curtis from the city’s planning department. Prescott always had Tim’s back. Prescott was like a city staffer sitting on the commission. He will be missed.”
Luke T.
“How much longer will Mayor Ortega and the new members of the City Council let the city manager rule the roost. Let’s address the out of date and out of step parking code now! Open up city hall yesterday! And put Randy Grant on probation today!”
“What’s up with Solange Whitehead? Looks like she’s under Linda Mihaven’s spell.”
“No matter what the Chamber of Commerce says, Carter Unger is not a ‘Rising Star.’ He’s on a sinking ship and it’s called Southbridge 3.0”
Molly H.
“What’s the over-under of Tammy Caputi ever voting differently than Linda Milhaven?”
Clyde the Glide
“The city is already bitterly divided about more height and density downtown. Please, council, don’t make the same mistake again and approve Carter Unger’s fantasy.”
Mr. Peepers
“I knew Fred Unger … and his son Carter is no Fred!”
Name Withheld
“The City Council would be crazy to encourage Mr. Unger to reload. I have the sense that he’s just playing a game of rearranging the furniture and calling it a new house, when it’s the same old one. Unger should sell off his land and call it quits in the development.” business.”
George J.
‘”I bet every development would like a second chance after they failed to get approval the first time. Trouble is, if we give Carter Unger another chance, then every developer will feel entitled to try again. That’s a horrible precedent to set. “
Mary Beth
“Don’t be fooled! This whole Kimsey Building project is a scam of the first order by a second rate developer using the Historical Commission to get their way.”
Pepper F.
“Up until recently, I participated in Scottsdale Coalition of Today and Tomorrow (SCOTT). I recently resigned, although memberships were not formal. Nonetheless, my early experience was relatively good. But unfortunately, the organization evolved into a vehicle to maintain the status quo, especially after the election. As a result, SCOTT was becoming a dissenting voice and is further dividing the community. I wish the organization luck, but it needs some substantial changes, starting at the top.”
Name Withheld
“Because of its importance to the future of Scottsdale, we are doing our best to follow the city council’s discussion(s) of the General Plan. We believe it got off to a rough start until members of the council staked out their positions. We would like to think there is now momentum. But there is still a long way to go.”
The Greens
“It’s only a matter of time before Don Henninger falls all over himself supporting Carter Unger’s new project. I can’t wait to hear if Mr. Unger gets it after his ham-handed effort on Southbridge II two years ago. Trust me … Henninger will strike when he thinks the time is right.”
Bonnie T.
“I for one am glad a permanent police chief has been named, because ‘interim police chief’ is not good for the city’s morale. Was there a legitimate search for candidates for the chief position or was this fait accompli?” It would be interesting to know.”
Julie J.
“The SCOTT outfit looks like an arm of the Chamber of Commerce that’s out of step with residents. Has to be a mouthpiece for developers. Every time I read something from them or about them they sound like they didn’t get the memo: Our city leadership is now leaning toward resident-friendly policies. It’s about time!!!”
“Thank you for your column about Scottsdale Today and Tomorrow. Kind of confirmed what I thought. This is a group dazed and confused, providing that its executive director (Don Henninger) really speaks for the group and not just himself.”
Carol G.
“I don’t think we should rush letting people back into the Kiva for council meetings until we have a little more data. But clearly COVID cases are decreasing. It would be nice to know if the city manager has at least a target date of allowing the public to attend meetings again.”
“Tammy Caputi makes me nervous.”
Joyce F.
“For anyone taking the time to follow the council meetings, it should be obvious by now how things are shaping up. Mayor Ortega is doing a good job of keeping things on track. Councilwomen Littlefield and Janik continue to prove themselves as citizen friendly. Councilwoman Whitehead can still be a bit unpedictable. Not sure what to make of Councilman Durham yet. As expected, Councilwomen Caputi and Milhaven are sticking together. There may be some unexpected alliances, and 5-2 votes are not out of the question.”
“What a great idea for the city and school district to work together. It’s about time. SUSD finally figures out a way to hire an auditor. God knows the district can use it – and auditing the Hohokam Elementary renovation is a good place to start. Everyone who made this happen deserves taxpayers’ thanks.”
Jeanie P.
“My new favorite term is ‘out of scale.’ Thank you for introducing that into the conversations about height and density, Mayor Ortega.”
Name Withheld
“I think the success of the updated General Plan is going to have a lot to do with Mayor Ortega’s leadership. When the process starts to spin out of control and go off track, it’s going to be up to him to step up and lead.”
“We’re happy to report that both of us finally got our vaccine shots. We don’t know if many people had the kind of trouble we did getting scheduled. What a nightmare!
Janice and Frank L.
“Has anyone else noticed that Councilwoman Caputi is turning into Councilwoman Milhaven’s Mini-Me?”
“This whole General Plan issue is going to blow up and be a exercise in finger pointing when it does.”
“Linda Milhaven of all people being offended that some council people were being confrontational. What a joke! Anyone who knows anything can remember it was Ms. Milhaven who poured gasoline on the Desert Discovery Center fire. I remember she was the one from the dais who called people opposing DDC ‘terrorists.’ Enough of the fake talk about being adversarial.”
Carolyn O.
“If the council can meet in the Kiva and their meeting broadcast on Channel 11, why can’t the planning commission do the same? Maybe they would rather not show their faces!!!”
Retired City Employee
“I wish all the members of the city council, including the mayor, would issue newsletters like Councilwoman Caputi. I find her updates very informative.”
Julie J.
“Our family is really bummed out that the Parada del Sol was cancelled. It’s one of our traditions. We don’t mind admitting that the five of us are suffering from COVID fatigue. The parade would have been a nice break.”
The Hamptons
“Given all the challenges and restraints of COVID, it would be advisable to put off work on the general plan until next year, not withstanding that it’s going to be an election year. That’s my 2 cents!”
Zeke T.
“Does anyone in their right mind really think residents are going to read more than 300 pages of the current general plan. Selling the plan to the pubic is going to come down to council members’ credibility.”
“Glad the SUSD governing board has gotten its act together and is considering later meeting start times. Thank you, SUSD!”
Maggie P.
“As a member of the Citizens’ Review Committee for the last General Plan update process, I sincerely hope that the city council and staff learned something. Hopefully the council can reach a unanimous consensus on what’s included in the General Plan-2035.”
“I have zero confidence that the city will be able to get a new General Plan passed.”
Egg Man
“My experiences in communicating with the city have been less than positive. I also speak for at least 30 of my neighbors who have had the same problem with issues in our neighborhood. I assure you it’s not a technical issue, it’s always about a city staff that seems to be loafing. As a consequence, I’m not optimistic about having input on the general plan if the city employees have anything to do with it.”
“I’ve heard the rumor that people have been spreading that Dave Ortega will only be one-term mayor. I know for a fact it was started and is being propagated by at least one well-known developer. It’s no surprise, because the days of drive-thru development approval by the City Council are over.”
Helen B.
“City Clerk Carolyn Jagger is the best!!!”
Karl with a K
“Mayor Ortega is right: While the General Plan update process has its shortcomings, creating a 9-member citizen task force will only be adding another layer of bureaucracy to the process. Absolutely unnecessary.”
Phil O.
“I agree that that the ‘pseudo public policy organization’ (SCOTT) will soon be obscure. Thanks to executive director, Don Henninger, the group had a head start. Its members are totally out of step and have been irrelevant for at least the last year, maybe even longer.”
Ginger T.
“Good luck on your 12th year. You’re a community institution.”
Betty D.
“As a nine-year member of COGS, I think this is really the time for our organization to step up. Some of the projects that were rushed through the approval process at the end of the year are open-ended, like The Collective in Old Town, so there’s still plenty of room for citizens, working through the council, to make some stipulations that the former council was unwilling to make in their haste to approve the project.”
Good Neighbor
“I will be interested to see how much the new city council will be able to accomplish. They have made some enormous promises. If they can get half of them done, I’ll be happy. Good luck.”
“Out with the old and in with the new.”
“I’m looking forward to 2021 as much as everyone else. But I think it would be foolish to expect the new year to be much different than 2020. It’s going to be the same issues with many of the same people making important decisions for us from state government to local government. I’ll try to be optimistic, but it won’t be easy. I am hoping Dave Ortega will lead the city in the right direction by listening to residents more than his predecessor ever did.”
Connie G.
“In my opinion, Wayne Schutsky of the Scottsdale Progress wrote a well balanced article about Mayor Lane’s record. He’s had some hits and some misses. I believe he could have been stronger and showed more leadership. But he was just good enough.”
Zoey G.
“Kudos to the Scottsdale Independent for keeping us abreast of COVID cases.”
“As a Old Town merchant for 18 years, I’m looking forward to seeing the difference the Collective will eventually make in downtown foot traffic.”
Robert S.
“I pity the three new members who have just been sworn in to the SUSD Governing Board. It has to be the most thankless job in the city, especially now. I’m glad there are three people willing to volunteer their time to serve without compensation. It doesn’t seem fair.”
Cathy G.
“Even though it wasn’t surprising, it was really disappointing to watch how the council majority waved The Collective through the approval process. I had hoped they had learned their lesson from the blowback about the Marquee. No such luck!”
Carol T.
“Mayor Lane was wrong on almost every issue I cared about.”
Phil O.
“I’ve got no clue what to expect from Dave Ortega. I imagine it will take him some time to get his bearings. Let’s give him a six-month grace period.”
“I wish Virginia Korte had run for another term on the City Council and not mayor. The new council could have benefitted from her knowledge and experience.”
Retired City Employee
“I’m giving Jim Lane a mixed review for the 12 years he was mayor. While he was good for small businesses like mine, the pace and type of growth he supported left a lot to be desired.”
Andy K.
“I know it’s in vogue to thank retiring council people and the mayor for their service, but I can’t bring myself to thank them given the last 10-12 years. As far as I’m concerned, it has been a horror story. They now move on leaving a legacy on turning our city into something unrecognizable. I’m not even sure that Scottsdale has an identity anymore. The damage is done. I only hope that this next council totally changes the course of the city.”
Egg Man
“Is Scottsdale turning Blue?”
“It’s time that the realtor organization get out of the political business get back to selling houses. They have failed horribly every time they get involved in an election.”
Mazy L.
“Is there any project that zoning attorney Jason Morris won’t take on? Now he’s trying to locate a marijuana dispensary downtown, again. If he’s successful, now since the passage of Proposition 207, a dispensary can sell pot to anyone of age. Great … a pot shop in the bar district. The last thing we need!”
“It’s hard to believe that police and fire organizations endorsed Lisa Borowsky given her family’s history in the bar and strip club business. Both organizations, the Police Officers of Scottsdale and the Scottsdale Fire Fighters Association, have lost my respect. Neither of their endorsements of political candidates means anything anymore.”
Carol C.
“Is it really true that Virginia Korte nominated Larry Kush to the Development Review Board? After his term expired on the Planning Commission, I thought we were finally done with him. Apparently not yet. It’s starting to look like Larry is making a career out of serving on commissions.”
Tommy Two Guns
“How did Tom Durham outmaneuver John Little for third place in the City Council election? So far it’s an unsolved mystery.”
Zeke T.
“I have nothing against Tammy Caputi personally, but anyone who was endorsed by Linda Milhaven I view with a healthy amount of skepticism.”
Rachel G.
“I was a supporter of Bob Littlefield for mayor. But I’ll settle for Dave Ortega. Anyone is better than Lane, Klapp or Korte.”
Phil O.
“Am I the only one in this whole (BLANKING) city who isn’t surprised that Lisa Borowsky wasn’t elected as mayor. Any voter who took the time to look into her history when she was on the council couldn’t possibly think she would be a good mayor. Then, for anyone really ambitious, reading about her family should have been convincing that she wasn’t mayor material.”
Judy. F.
“I’ve voted in every Scottsdale the last 36 years, and I can’t recall a single one of them that has made such a huge difference. What a monumental shift in political power! Never thought I would see the day when the city would make such a significant change in direction. I’m looking forward to where the new council people and mayor will take Scottsdale.”
Pete T.
“Scottsdale is a Golden Rule city … who knew?”
Virgil T.
“Guy who?”
Red Fred
“I can’t believe it even has to be said that ‘swastikas and racial slurs have no place in Scottsdale.’”
Throughout this nutty election, I thought Tammy Caputi wanted to be on the city council a bit too desperately. Then I read she loaned her campaign $100,000. That sealed the deal for me by revealing her motivations.”
Jim T.
“Sure wish I knew what got into Guy Phillips that made him decide to make his campaign so nasty and partisan. He should have run on the merits of his record. I believe he’s losing votes, not gaining them.”
Virgil G.
“How on earth was the car auction allowed to happen? We can’t get into city hall for a council meeting – but people can co-mingle at Barrett-Jackson. It doesn’t make sense!!!”
Egg Man
“We think John Little has by far and away run the best city council campaign. He has been positive, while the other candidates have ranged from negative to mean.”
Kristine O.
“Shake up to say the least. Whoever is elected mayor, Lisa Borowsky or Dave Ortega, there’s going to be a whopping change at the top of the city’s organizational chart. I’m glad to see Jim Lane go. He should have left long ago. I voted for Bob Littlefield, but I can live with either Borowsky or Ortega because anybody would be better than Lane.”
Junkyard Dog
“It is too bad that after serving eight years on the council Virginia Korte’s legacy is that she opposed Prop 420.”
Name Withheld
“I couldn’t agree more with your description of Carolyn Jagger. I’ve had several dealings with city over the last 5 years that had required me to interface with the City Clerk’s Office. Ms. Jagger is a gem. She dropped everything to work with me and made me feel like I was the most important citizen in the city.”
Craig H.
“With the treasurer, city clerk and police chief all leaving city government at the same time, it looks like rats jumping ship. I don’t blame them. I have a friend and also a neighbor who both work for the city, and they say the same thing. Scottsdale is being horribly mismanaged. They think it’s a combination of a city council in chaos and a city manager who is unable to control some department heads. Perhaps new council people with take care of part of the problem.”
Julie J.
“Mayor Lane has lost his marbles.”
“I can’t believe the council gave planning commissioner Christian Serena the shaft. All it does is make Korte, Milhaven, Klapp and Lane look like petty politicians who are in the pockets of developers.”
Karen T.
“Truly amazing how quickly some of the council people caved in on resisting Mayor Lane’s move to no longer require citizens to wear masks. My favorite part was Linda Milhaven wimping out and saying we all need to appeal to “our better selves.’ Are you kidding?”
“Anyone who was paying even just a little bit of attention knew that Police Chief Rodbell’s days were numbered after the Fashion Square looting spree. I still feel like the buck stops with the city manager, Rodbell’s supervisor. You can’t tell me that the police chief was making decisions without the knowledge and input from Jim Thompson, maybe even Mayor Lane. For Rodbell to take the fall was one of the hazards of the job.”
Peter G.
“Every time I drive by one of Guy Phillips’ signs with the big ‘FU’s’ spray painted on it, I cringe. To think there are people in our community capable of such awful behavior is appalling. Two wrongs don’t make a right … so I just voted for Guy.”
Jane S.
“Jason Alexander is a punk. His recent remarks about Guy Phillips’ wife are reprehensible. Alexander is the racist, not Phillips.”
Barb N.
“People like Don Henninger and his crowd are actually the ones who are letting the city stall out. They will not be part of the future, and only a faint memory of a bygone era. Happy trails, Don.”
“Now that the dust has settled from last month’s election, it’s hilarious hearing some of those who fancy themselves as opinion influencers fret over the two choices for mayor: Lisa Borrowsky & David Ortega. Neither one cuts the mustard for many of the Korte-Klapp voters. Too bad.”
Tina G.
“We live just south of Old Town, so we get to see how dead things really are downtown. The city does a good job of tracking revenue. But we would like to know how many businesses have had to close down during the coronavirus out break. We feel awful for the merchants who have had to throw in the towel.”
Bruce K.
“Your latest blog raises a good point. The longer the public is shut out of attending council meetings in some form, the better it is for the candidates who are stressing the importance of citizen participation in city government.”
Julie J.
“Sorry, but I don’t buy that the bureaucrats are baffled how to let people participate in city council meetings. This is a dream come true for the bureacrats. Not having to respond is political utopia. In the meantime, our elected officials are just sitting by.”
Ms. Cybil
“I expect the race between Lisa Borowsky and Dave Ortega to be feisty. Have the feeling it’s going to be a contest of style, which should give us a glimpse what kind of mayor they will be.”
Kathleen M.
“Sorry to see Guy Phillips’ motion to reopen council meetings to the public die on the floor of the Kiva. Public Comment RIP.”
Andy K.
“I’m really worried about what can happen the next four months with this city council. I’m afraid they will approve every development project they can before January. Hopefully, enough of them will have a conscience.”
Retired City Employee
“Councilwomen Klapp and Korte served the city well. But it’s time to give fresh faces and new voices a chance to govern. Hitting the reset button will be healthy for the community. Change can be good.”
“I never bought for a minute that the city should stay the course, no matter what surveys say about the city on the right track. We need to elect people that will keep Scottsdale, Scottsdale. For way too long we have had people on the city council ready to sell out to the highest bidder.”
Karl G.
“I was at Fashion Square last weekend and it was like a graveyard. Hopefully Macerich is too big to fail!”
Karl E.
“Hey, what happened? The mayoral election was supposed to be all about Councilwomen Korte and Klapp, and maybe Bob Littlefield. Looks like Ortega and Borowsky came from the back of the pack when no one was looking. I could live with either one as mayor.”
Vince F.
“Imagine how different our city would look if Dave Ortega becomes mayor. If he does end up in the mayor’s office, it will be because there hasn’t been one iota of leadership in that office for the last four years.”
“My kids are grown. But if I still had kids school-aged, no way would I be sending them back to school. Schools are already an incubator all kinds of illnesses. Why would the corona virus be any different.”
Kris L.
“David Ortega … really?”
Kathlene G.
“Leo Durocher, the late manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, must have been thinking about council candidate Kevin Maxell when he said, “Nice guys finish last.”
Merle P.
“Virginia Korte undoubtedly ran the strongest campaign. For her to finish third should tell people something.”
Name Withheld
“This has not only been the nastiest election I can remember living in Scottsdale for 33 years, but also one of the weirdest, thanks to Covid. It almost shouldn’t count. Of course it does, and from the looks of it, things could be changing rather dramatically. That wouldn’t be such a bad thing, either.”
Karen O.
“You heard it here: Don’t count Lisa Borowsky out of today’s election.”
“It’s absolutely disgusting what Scottsdale elections have turned into. Defacing street signs and defaming candidates is an awful statement about the state of our city. If we had even a sliver of leadership at city hall this wouldn’t be happening. Hopefully, we get rid of the people tomorrow who are dragging down our wonderful city.”
Julie J.
“It’s more than a little ironic that our esteemed City Attorney Sherry Scott, who donated money to Guy Phillips anonymous account, is now updating the city’s ethics code. Just one more conflict of interest in a long series that seem to be a trend in Scottsdale city government.”
“Tom Durham could easily be the dark horse in this year’s council race.”
Vicky T.
“What parent in their right mind would send their child back to school in this environment? COVID cases are starting to spike again, and a school is the perfect incubator for the pandemic. We know that schools are already places that benign diseases like common colds and flu spread quickly. Why would COVID-19 be any different?”
Molly the Trolley
“Well, well … now that we know who contributed to Councilman Phillips’ Go Fund Me account, somebody has some explaining to do. Namely, Charter Officers: City Attorney Sherry Scott, City Treasurer Jeff Nichols and City Clerk Carolyn Jagger.”
Jim Beam
“There’s still lots to be learned about the passive response from Scottsdale police in the Fashion Square area Saturday night. But for now, something seems out of sync with what I believe normal police procedures would be. I look forward to hearing more.”
Karl P.
“It feels like we’re in the Twilight Zone after seeing what happened at Fashion Square last night. Who are these people who looted stores? We’ll be lucky if nobody has gotten killed.”
Cindy U.
“I can’t believe what I’m reading on Twitter about what’s going on downtown. Where are the POLICE???
Phil G.
“Turning height & density into a campaign issue, the Yari’s are going to help elect Bob Littlefield, Tom Durham, Betty Janik and Guy Phillips … proving that the law of unintended consequences is in play this election season.”
Judy W.
“I think before the city council hears the pitch for Shawn and Steve Yari’s project they should be held accountable for letting their property on Indian School turn into a slum.”
Bruce T.
“Don’t be fooled by the political spin. The Yari brothers would like nothing more than to slip approval of their mega project in Old Town through before voters elect candidates opposed to more 15-story buildings. The Yari’s are shrewd and know they already have the votes. They can’t chance a new council.”
Frankie G.
“Are any of our fearless leaders going to step up and shut down the shit show in Old Town’s bar district?”
Bruce G.
“It’s time that the political establishment gives up trying to discredit Guy Phillips. For eight years they have tried to take him out. Move on folks!!!
Susan O.
“I read Rachel Sacco of Experience Scottsdale’s op-ed in the newspaper. I now have a new appreciation for why she gets paid the big bucks. She was very clear about what her organization is doing to get tourists to return here. Sounds like a good plan. I also like the idea that Experience Scottsdale has tightened its belt, including reducing her own salary. Rachel is walking the talk.”
Brenda V.
“Not sure why it took almost a year for the City of Phoenix to rule on the Jason Alexander campaign finance violation case, but now we know what we have suspected all along. The dude is guilty and is now $3,000 lighter in his pocketbook. He should never be allowed near another Scottsdale political campaign.”
“It was wonderful to watch Councilman Phillips to get out in front of the orange awnings issue at Coney Grill and stick up for a small business. This is the kind of grassroots issue that resonates with voters. He’s going to be re-elected going away. Thank you, Guy.”
“After watching last night’s marathon council meeting, my major takeaway is that I wish Jeff Nichols was our city manager instead of city treasurer. Mr. Nichols knows his stuff and that gives me confidence in these crazy times.”
Julie J.
“Is council candidate Bill Crawford still on Shawn Yari’s payroll?”
Name Withheld
“If I know this city council (and I do), all this criticism of the city manager and his staff is just political posturing. I predict that they will miraculously find a way out of this mess without laying off employees or cutting services. Dan Worth’s slush fund could be in play.”
“Larry Kush is an acquired taste.”
“Councilwoman Klapp sounds irritated with the city manager’s staff – and she should be. Time is wasting and they’re playing political tiddlywinks with the budget. Come on people, catch a clue! There’s a lot riding on this.”
Bruce J.
“For a former CPA, Mayor Lane seems lost in the discussion about preparing the city for the economic impact of the pandemic. Virginia Korte seems to grasp the issue.”
Patty U.
“Why aren’t the city’s staff people listening to council members about the budget. They’re making the city manager look bad!!!”
Karl G.
“I never thought I would say this in a million years – but I miss seeing the people during a City Council meeting. Listening to them is a whole different ball game. I’m looking forward to them getting back to the Kiva.”
Julie J.
“I watched the council meeting you’re writing about. I didn’t get a real sense of confidence that the city is on top of the budget issue. In fact I’m petty sure it’s not. These are not the people I would trust in a pinch or go to war with.”
Trudy D.
Happy to hear Rachel Sacco at Experience Scottsdale say that her organization is willing to make some budget cuts to weather this economic storm. Now we need to hear what the freeloaders at Scottsdale Arts is volunteering to do.”
Jane B.
“Now that Southbridge 2 is history, looking forward to what’s next. Any Carter Unger project is cursed. His best bet is to sell off the property and take a walk. The whole process has left a bad taste. Time to move on.”
Andy C.
“I can’t believe the council wants to put off an in-depth discussion about next year’s budget. Why wait? What else do they need to know? Tourism is in the tank. The economy is headed south like a high-speed train. People are losing their jobs and some businesses won’t be bouncing back. It’s pretty simple, folks.”
“Bob Littlefield usually hits the nail on the head. Granted, sometimes he misses and whacks his thumb. But he’s not one to pump out rhetoric of what people want to hear. Refreshing!”
Barb H.
“We tuned into the City Council sound-only broadcast last night. We were able to follow it – but have real reservations about how it works in the long run without letting residents attend. For example, how will it work for a zoning case? Does a zoning attorney get to present a case without public rebuttal? For all the talk about transparent government, this is the least democratic process we can think of.”
Julie & Phil G.
“Bob Littlefield is the only one running for mayor with the guts to say ‘no’ to developers. That’s enough for me. Bob has my vote, because it’s time developers aren’t given a blank check by the council majority that only costs taxpayer money.”
Jim W.
After seeing the first couple of video updates from the mayor, I was relieved to know that there won’t be arrests during this period of emergency of people who don’t comply with the new rules unless absolutely necessary. I also saw the mayor made the wise decision to begin handing off some of update elements to the city staff.”
Kathy G.
“As parents of two SUSD students, one in middle school and one in high school, we want to commend the school district for the job they are doing to convert traditional classroom teaching to virtual learning. Teachers deserve most of the credit. Our experience has been that the teachers have bent over backwards to make it work, and we thank them.”
Jim & Linda T.
“Mayor Lane likes to boast how he led us through the Great Recession. This pandemic is in no way, shape or form similar to the recession. But its the closet experience we can draw on.”
“It will be interesting to see what candidates step up during this emergency. That’s going to tell us a lot about who does and who doesn’t – and where the city is headed.”
Phil D.
“If history is any indication, it’s difficult to muster up confidence that Mayor Lane is the one to lead the city through this uncertain time. I hope I’m wrong, but we will soon find out.”
Julie J.
“I won’t be surprised if some of the same clowns who have been stirring up trouble for years won’t be stopped by the state of emergency. I would even go as far to say they might exploit the situation. When and if they do, it will be a shame. If it happens, I hope there will be people willing to step up and put them in their place without the fear of being targeted for character assassination.
Gary O.
“Mr. (Mike) Norton needs to make up his mind. He is either the research director for The SCOTT Project or he is the opinionated jerk willing to share his comments with anybody who will listen. He can’t be both!”
Barbara E.
“Because I’m practicing home confinement, I tired to watch the City Council meeting tonight. No such luck. The connection kept breaking down. I know it wasn’t my system because two of my friends had the same problem. For such a sophisticated city you would think they could get a signal out of city hall into our homes.”
“It looks like Andrea Alley picked a poor time for a career change going to work for developers.”
“No toilet paper, no problem! I’ve got a stack of old Sears’ catalogs in the garage for just such an occasion.”
Sid C.
“When I heard Grady Gammage was moderating the Chamber of Commerce’s development event, I knew the fix was in. Wouldn’t be worth the price admission. The chamber didn’t even pretend to be fair and balanced.”
Sheryl G.
“Have the mayor and council been tested for the Coronavirus?”
Josh V.
“Three Planning Commission meetings in a row cancelled? No big deal. The majority of the commissioners are just stooges for developers. If they don’t meet, it means we don’t end up with projects that suck.”
Phil T.
“Hey, how about a little transparency. The Athena Foundation, the research arm of SCOTT, is a one-person operation: Mike Norton in his underwear sitting at his computer.”
Zeke G.
“Scott Project think tank? I think not.”
Julie J.
“Glad parking is no longer a problem, so I only had to drive around 20 minutes this morning to find a parking place in Old Town.”
June O.
“So they’re getting ready to break ground on Entrada at 64th and McDowell and not a peep from our south Scottsdale ’community advocate” Andrea Alley. Guess the grass is greener (literally) when you’re working for developers.”
Kathy G.
“I made my way through the SCOTT Project’s ‘research paper’ today that was like a college term paper. Not sure what the point is. Trying to convince people that the city needs to be more ‘family friendly’ should be aimed at developers and the council members who are driving up real estate prices so it’s impossible for young families to afford a house.”
“Replacing Paul Sturgeon with Denny Brown was an upgrade for the Korte campaign.”
“My contacts in the development community are not pleased with Carter Unger and how he is handling his Southbridge project. They think he should have backed away and hit the reset button on his project long ago. Now he persists on making things worse for everyone, especially some of the best candidates running for the city council.”
Name Withheld
“I think there may be enough good, well-meaning people on the SCOTT steering committee to offset the bad behavior of Mike Norton and Paula Sturgeon. I’m willing to give them a chance.”
Nancy K.
“Thanks for the background on SCOTT. It actually confirms some of the things I’ve heard about this outfit over the years. Just another do- nothing group thriving on good meetings and bad ideas.”
Karl G.
Just because the sign text amendment was pulled from consideration, it doesn’t mean it’s dead. Somehow, someway, someday it will be revisited – probably after the November election if they’re smart. Nationwide should never have been allowed to build its monstrosity.”
Tommy Boy
“What the hell is Carter Unger thinking? Suing City Clerk Carolyn Jagger is one of his most foolish moves in a series of foolish moves.”
Pete P.
“My prediction: Guy gets off scott-free on the ethics charge and Mike Norton eats crow.”
“Hey, Bill Crawford are you in or out of the running for council?”
Virgil G.
“With David Ortega entering the race for mayor that already has three strong candidates, don’t expect him to poach Bob Littlefield voters. Littlefield voters, including myself, won’t be falling for Ortega’s pitch. We’re loyal Littlefield-ites. Kathy, too.”
“I remember David Ortega from the old days. A nice guy who was a bumbler and stumbler. I can’t imagine what possessed him to return to politics. Hoping this doesn’t open the door for the return of Kevin Osterman.”
Barbara V.
“Carter Unger has every right to take the referendum to court to get it knocked off the ballot. But all he’s doing is adding insult to injury. Going to court prolongs the pain and suffering that’s helping tear Scottsdale apart. I wish he would drop it and just build whatever he’s threatening to build. Get it over with, Carter.”
Phil D.
“12 years of Jim Lane was enough 8 years ago. Glad to see him go.”
Mary Jane O.
“Can anybody tell me who David Ortega is? Thank you.”
Kris K.
“I like Littlefield’s chances against Korte and Klapp.”
“Super happy to have the Voice back.”
Fancy Nancy
“I had a feeling that Bob Littlefield would run for mayor. How could he not? I, for one, am happy that he is.”
Jim K.
“I don’t feel one way or the other about Bob Littlefield, but now that he’s in the mayor’s race, at least we’ll have another choice.”
Carl G.
“Carter Unger is really getting a raw deal.
Betty D.
“With Bob Littlefield running for mayor along with Virginia Korte, can’t help but wonder if Suzanne Klapp is really going to run?”
“When I read that Carter Unger spent over $100,000 to prevent citizens from voting on Southbridge, it changed my opinion about the project. Shame on Mr. Unger.”
Carol P.
“BREAKING NON-NEWS: Paula Sturgeon is NOT running for the City Council. She felt that it was necessary to announce her intentions as if anyone even cared. Sturgeon is one of the most self-absorbed characters in the city. Being one of the five co-chairs of the city’s bond campaign went to her head. Someone needs to tell Paula that her 15 minutes were up months ago.”
Dennis K.
“The Planning Commission is undoubtedly the weakest link in city government. Poor attendance and conflicts of interests plague this group of “yes” people. Christian Serena is the only commissioner who even comes close to being resident-friendly. Time to clean house.”
Julie J.
“When exactly was the turning point when the only two members of Scottsdale Together became shills for developers?”
“I know Carter Unger quite well. I have socialized with him and done business with his brother, Austin. Carter is a stand-up guy. That is why it is hard for me to watch the Southbridge 2 project turn into a lightning rod. I understand this is politics, something outside of Carter’s experience. But watching him become the whipping boy for downtown development is hard to swallow. He has taken some horrendous advice from those around him with other agendas.”
Name Withheld
“Hey, Voice where are you? Our office has been waiting for your annual beginning of the year political trends and predictions. Hurry back!!! Joyce S. 1-4-2020 “Waiting for someone to write the story about how Shawn Yari worked behind the scenes to sabotage Carter Unger’s project.”
“It will be a dark day for Scottsdale if Prescott Smith is reappointed to the Planning Commission.”
Name Withheld
“I’m a card carrying Christian. I’m also openminded … so I say let the Satanists deliver a prayer at a City Council meeting. In a Democracy, all points of views (and religions) have a God given right to be heard.”
Debby D.
“I tagged along with a friend of mine yesterday to hear Shawn Yari’s yarn about his vision for downtown. He said a lot of the right things and how important it is for our feedback. It’s hard to believe that he spent years and millions of dollars creating the entertainment district, and now he wants to change the area into a business/art mecca. It might make sense if we didn’t know his background.”
Friend of a Friend
“Haven’t heard from the Voice in weeks. Being forced to rely on the local newspapers only provides part of the picture. Many of us count on the Voice for perspective. Hurry back.”
Ron G.
“Isn’t the Rose Law Group supposed to be the local experts on marijuana issues. How could they blow the Sunday Goods dispensary project so badly? It’s probably time for Jordan Rose to rethink what went wrong and how much the defeat will impact her law firm’s reputation.”
Angie S.
“The good vibes from the bond and budget override elections didn’t even last a day. A group of downtown business people filed a political action committee threatening to sponsor a referendum on the height of buildings going up in Old Town. That’s just great! So much for unification.”
Name Withheld
“Now that the bonds have been approved, when is the next bond election?”
Tammy W.
“I think we will look back on this election as an anomaly. I’m betting that we will return to business as usual November 6th.”
Julie J.
“If the city’s failing infrastructure is truly going to cost over $800 million, why is there only $319 million worth of projects in the bond package?” By employing this kind of fiscal strategy, we’ll never catch up. It’s time to bite the bullet!”
Bruce G.
“Does anyone know why Mayor Lane isn’t supporting the school district’s override issue. How on earth can the mayor not support schools in his own city? Yet another disappointment in Lane’s lack of leadership. “
Bill C.
“The term ‘resident-friendly’ is in the eye of the beholder.”
Carol V.
“I’ll only be voting for the public safety proposition. If we can’t keep Scottsdale safe, all the other stuff is just window dressing that doesn’t matter.”
Peggy Sue
“I have zero confidence in the city’s employees managing a $319 million bond package. If they can’t even keep up with the maintenance of two bridges, how can they be expected to be responsible for overseeing 58 projects. Consequently, I’ll be voting NO on all of it.”
Frank O.
“This election is important, but what happens after it is the critical issue. Can the warring parties bury the hatchet? Truthfully, I think not. The bellyachers and the unresponsive members of the city council are just too far apart to expect either side to let by things slide.”
Karl G.
“Even though we don’t think the council has done much to earn our trust, we are setting that aside and voting for all three questions on the ballot. It’s about doing the right thing for Scottsdale.”
Bob & Julie
“This pissing match between Jason Alexander and David Smith is the last thing Scottsdale needs. It’s time for both of them to start acting their age. Sooner the better.”
Bruce R.
“Voting Yes for the SUSD override is going to keep our teachers wages competitive. We don’t have a teacher in the family, but we’re all going to be voting for it.”
George D.
“Does anybody know when Prescott Smith’s term expires on the Planning Commission? He’s got to go!!!”
“Every time I go online at the Scottsdale Independent, it feels like there’s another op-ed from some citizen supporting the bonds. I stopped reading them a month ago, and I support the bonds. It’s all starting to be just white noise. I can’t believe I’m the only one who feels this way.”
James J.
“Is anyone going to hold Jim Thompson and Dan Worth accountable for the bridge fiasco?”
Name Withheld
“Whatever happened to Andrea Alley? She started out like a house on fire … but haven’t heard anything from her in months. Did she flame out?”
Kathy W.
“The Marquee office building (aka Titanic) doesn’t belong in Old Town. Not sure it even belongs anywhere in Scottsdale. I’ll remember what members of the City Council approved it.”
Jan P.
“I know at least two people, a neighbor and a friend, who were both attacked by the No DDC group during the Prop 420 election.”
Helen U.
“I support the bond package. But why is the campaign working on the issue going to spend half-a-million dollars? That’s a real waste money. Somebody is making a nice profit!”
Julie J.
“We’ve waited long enough to pass a serious bond proposal. It’s about time that the esteemed city council unanimously supported bonds. Even Guy Phillips, who has been notorious for opposing bonds, is on board. That should tell you something.”
Betty G.
“I will be voting yes on two of the three bond questions. We don’t need to spend $40,000,000 on soccer fields and a parking lot for Craig Jackson.”
Sid F.
“I wonder how long it’s going to take for the Yari Brothers to own every inch of Old Town. Then we can name it Yari Town!!!”
Phil O.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about we have a moratorium on apartments and start building the office space the city needs so badly.”
“To think that a building like The Marquee may some day be built downtown is sad. I know that Scottsdale can’t stay the same. But at least if our city is going to grow and evolve, it should be done thoughtfully and tastefully. The Marquee is neither thoughtful or tasteful.”
Tammi G.
“Larry Kush is really full of himself. Imagine if he ever put his experience and expertise to work for citizens!”
Julie J.
“After reading the latest Voice, curiosity got the best of me. I watched the video of the Planning Commission meeting. That zoning attorney for The Marquee is a pimp. He’s certainly no John Berry. I wonder if there isn’t a project he wouldn’t try to sell Scottsdale?”
Chet B.
“What’s it going to take for the city council to tackle the Old Town parking problem? Are they really that disconnected?
Jan P.
“Watching Planning Commissioner Christian Serena shred the attorney pimping the Marquee was a sheer delight. It’s amazing how easily one of these empty Italian suits can be knocked off their game when confronted with facts. Wish the other commissioners would buck up.”
George E.
“Larry Kush: Showboat or Blowhard?”
Frank V.
“It sounds like Vernon Parker, the failed candidate who moved here from Paradise Valley recently, is now rumored to be running for mayor. Good luck with that one, Vern.”
Phil O.
“Reliable sources say the Museum Square consulting team is on the hot seat with their client after the condo debacle. Double-secret probation?”
Sally G.
“Museum Square is far from a done deal thanks to shoddy work by the city staff.”
Red Robyn
“I think this whole Museum Square fiasco is Jason Rose’s karma catching up with him.”
Julie J.
“Something really sounds fishy about the Museum West and that condo. Thankfully, Kathy Littlefield and Solange Whitehead smoked it out. The statement coming out of the city has more vagueness than usual. That probably means somebody is in a whole lot trouble.”
Karin G.
“As a veteran Old Town merchant, I won’t lose any sleep if the Museum Square development gets flushed. Too tall, too dense, too much for the area.”
“Why does the City Council keep kicking the can down the road about the shortage of parking in Old Town? Are they really that blind … or don’t they care?”
Darlene J.
“If I had to venture a guess about who dropped the ball on the Museum Square SNAFU, my money is on Brent Stockwell. It’s got his fingerprints all over it.”
Bruce S.
“Who dropped the ball on Museum Square? Our esteemed city manager has some explaining to do.”
“I totally understand why the city council has a consent agenda. It’s a place to dump noncontroversial issues so council meetings aren’t six hours long. But I’m starting to get the feeling that its being used to sneak through issues under the radar when no one is looking. Surely there has to be a better way. Ethics, anybody? “
Cathy P.
“Whatever happened to Andrea Alley and that group she started in south Scottsdale. Are her 15 minutes up?”
Carol W.
“I think these two yahoos (Jason Alexander & Mike Norton) are just getting started. I worked on YES Prop 420 and know for a fact they can’t stand one another.”
Name Withheld
“The more I read about the parking codes and formulas, especially in Old Town, the crazier it gets. No wonder the downtown merchants’ hair is on fire. What’s it going to take to straighten this situation out?”
“Is Mike Norton working on the school district budget override campaign the good news or the bad news? There’s no debating that Norton knows more about education that most people. But he often can’t get out of his own way and has knack for pissing people off. I hope he doesn’t screw up SUSD’s campaign the way he did with the city’s bond campaign.”
Don H.
“It’s a toss up about who’s more toxic: Mike Norton or Jason Alexander.”
Frank O.
“Jason Alexander and Mike Norton are getting a divorce. Really … irreconcilable differences?”
Betty V.
“I’ll be eager to see how much the Chamber of Commerce and SCOTT contribute to the bond committee. Curious to see if they put their money where their mouths are.”
Carl U.
“Before Paula Sturgeon was appointed to be a co-chairperson of the bond campaign, she told people she would like to run for the city council. I wonder if she intends to do that, and if she’s using the bond campaign to advance her candidacy?”
Name Withheld
“No surprise that the bond campaign had the good sense to walk back on the crazy claims that if we okay the bonds it will lower our taxes. No way!!!”
Gary T.
“I voted to approve the bonds in 2013 and 2015. I’ll be doing the same this fall.”
Betty W.
“I’d like to put in a plug for the Scottsdale Progress. I’m glad it’s back. It’s where I’m getting my local news. Keep up the good work!”
Shirley B.
“A couple of my colleagues are on the steering committee for the city’s bond campaign. Both of them say that the committee is like the Keystone Cops who can’t get out of their own way. I support all three questions on the ballot and hope these yahoos don’t screw it up.”
“I think 2019 is just the calm before the storm in 2020.”
Julie J.
“Sorry, folks, but there’s no way the support for the 3 bond questions is hovering around 80%. I’m all in on the public safety one. Not so much on the other two.”
Vic P.
“How much longer will Mike Norton be allowed to be the spokesperson for the bond campaign. He’s a lightning rod who’s not a team player.”
Kathy G.
“So the City Council voted to raise the salaries of future council members. Wonderful. Let’s see if that helps attract more qualified people to serve on the council.”
“I won’t be at all surprised if Jason Alexander doesn’t run for the City Council. I don’t think he has what it takes.”
Doris G.
“Mark Hiegel had a great quote in readers’ comment that I agree with. It’s time for Jason Alexander to move on. The 420 election is over, Mr. Alexander.”
“No less than Mike Norton, one of the co-chairs of the bond committee, says if we pass the bonds our taxes will go down. Oh really Mike … how does that work?
Carl E.
“Emily Austin is really giving Jason Rose a run for his money. Or Craig Jackson’s money!
Kathy H.
“I read that the new fire station, #603, that’s going to be on Indian Bend east of Hayden is over budget. The article stated one of the reasons that the cost of the station was out of whack was because city staff time had been underestimated. Why is city employees’ time included in the construction costs? Aren’t they already paid to work on projects like this?”
Frank V.
“I would just as soon that David Smith hadn’t filed that campaign complaint against (Jason) Alexander and (Mike) Norton. It’s just digging up the past that many of us will like to forget. But if Alexander and Norton did actually break campaign finance law, they should be held accountable.”
Phil K.
“I remember clearly those elections 20 years ago you wrote about. But I don’t think any of them compared to the ugliness of last fall about the preserve. That one got personal. It was really a shame how people treated one another and the names they called each other. I believe a lot of it was inspired by President Trump. It’s like he makes it acceptable to call people names and bully them. I truly hope that was a one-time election and we can get back to working together to make our city better.”
Julie O.
“Phoenix Rising soccer team endorsing the bond campaign could be a game changer. Not!”
Zeke O.
“Sorry to hear that the new fire station is so over budget. Hard to believe the estimate could have been off more than $1,000,000 in labor costs.”
Shelia F.
“Will we ever hear from Paula Sturgeon, one of the co-chairpersons of the bond campaign, or is it going to be non-stop Mike Norton?”
Pat B.
“Will our taxes actually go down if we pass the bonds?”
Katie H.
“The council’s unanimous support of the bond should make a real difference in getting this issue passed. I believe that lack of overall support led to the last two bond failures. I guess we had to wait for things to really get bad before councilmembers took things seriously. Well … better late than never.”
“It’s wishful thinking to believe that one election, for instance this bond election, is going to restore our trust in the city council. They’ve got a lot to prove. It’s easy to lose someone’s trust, but hard to regain it.”
Name Withheld
“The political partnership between Paula Sturgeon and Mike Norton as co-chairs of the city’s 2019 bond committee feels like a shotgun marriage.”
“I see that Andrea Alley (aka Miss Cutie Pie) is starting to mature. She’s more humble and a little less arrogant as she is starting to understand some of the political realities of our city. It looks like she appreciates that if she wants to make a difference, rushing to make judgments about people she doesn’t know but who her coaches tell her to slam, doesn’t work.”
“I couldn’t help but notice that Howard Myers was on the bond committee, and then, POOF, he was gone. What’s up with that?”
Name Withheld
“Here’s my question: if there’s such widespread support for the new bond issue, why do they need to $350,000 for the campaign to persuade us to vote for it? “
Inquiring Mind
“Museum Square is too big, too tall and doesn’t have enough parking. Other than that, I like it.
Julie V.
“$40,000,000 for a parking lot at West World … really? How much is Craig Jackson going to contribute to the bond campaign?
Hank B.
“Scottsdale: We Have a Downtown Parking Problem!”
Sherry W.
“Thank you for the progress report about what’s happening in the school district and the unforeseen challenges the school board President Patty Beckman faces. I don’t believe people fully understand the harm that was done during the ‘Birdwell Years.’ SUSD has a long way to go to regain the trust of the community. Truthfully, I don’t know how much the district can accomplish with the three holdovers from the Birdwell regime still on the board.”
Louise P.
“Who’s responsible for making Mike Norton chairman of the bond campaign? This is a guy that couldn’t get enough support from even one City Council person for the planning commission. Is there a more divisive person in the city than Norton?
Tami G.
“I really hope Mary Manross decides to run for mayor. Because of the unsavory tactics by Jim Lane, she was royally screwed out of a third term. Scottsdale could really use her sensitive and strong leadership – something that Jim Lane has never provided.”
“It takes two to tango! Wondering if the ‘intolerants’ will ever lighten. Being gadflies is one thing, but being horse flies is another.”
Max C.
“I’ll have you know that I’m way past puberty and old enough to know politicians who are in the developer’s pockets when I see it.”
Merle D.
“I couldn’t agree more: Demonizing the city council has to stop. It only makes things worse, unless someone has an agenda that doesn’t include acting in the best interest of the city.”
Wayne G.
“Okay, answer me this. Why should we tolerate decisions that always favor developers and the corrupt behavior of the people we elect to represent us?”
Ready Freddy
“Thank you very much for the last two blogs about tolerance. I know it’s tough in this day and age, but if we want to make our city the best it can be, we’ll work together to be more tolerant to all kinds of ideas. Great cities are shaped by good ideas.”
Julie J.
“Full disclosure: I’m a card-carrying malcontent. I’ve watched city government for the last 10 years, ever since Jim Lane was elected to his first term as mayor. There were times when I thought he would make a difference. Those days are long gone. Yes, I’m a malcontent … and proud of it!”
Chuck Wagon
“My friend sent me a video from a girl named Andrea Alley doing a poorly-acted reading of the last edition of the Voice of Scottsdale. It looks like it was recorded in a bar because its noisy and she sounds tipsy. Her friends are giggling in the background. She sounds like an entitled brat. Ms. Alley needs to grow up. She was probably too far in the bag to realize as she tried to make a mockery of the blog, she actually helped make the whole point about intolerance and she isn’t as cute as she thinks she is.”
Julie J.
“I know I’m not a ‘malcontent.’ Maybe more like the ‘watchdog’ kind of person mentioned in the blog. I try to follow city issues as much as my job and commitment to my family permit. While I have strong opinions about some issues, I believe I’m able to respect those who don’t think like I do. I also follow local social media. I think your blog made a strong case for ‘tolerance.’ If we can’t do that, we’re just going in circles.”
“Scottsdale isn’t perfect. There’s room for improvement. Trying to do that shouldn’t turn into civil war. Check your egos at the door and knock off the intolerant crap and let’s get to work together.”
Sally G.
“I can hardly describe how grateful I was to read the new blog. You said what I’ve been thinking for at least two years. It had to be said. Some of the more radical people I hear about sound like they want to run a hostile takeover campaign of city government. I understand their harsh opinions of some of members of the City Council. Believe me, I share the same frustration. That’s no excuse for name-calling and labeling.”
Craig T.
“I know it’s open season on the council. But the real problem is the city’s staff. They’ve been allowed to run amuck for as long as I can remember. Hopefully, the city manager can rein them in so we can get the city back to being run the way it should be.”
Wayne T.
“Every time I hear someone accuse the mayor and council of being corrupt, I bristle. I’m originally from Chicago. You don’t know corruption until you’ve lived in Cook County.”
Sheila P.
“Tolerance? What a joke!!! We need to blow the city council up and start over again.”
Chet V.
“Hey, Malcontents … hoping you realize that every time you open your mouths you sound just like Trump clones!”
Vivian G.
“I don’t think you have to look any further than the Planning Commission to understand why city government is broken.”
Name Withheld
“It’s absolutely shameful that some scumbag stole baseballs signed by hall of famers from Don & Charlie’s. Don Carson is a great guy and a terrific ambassador for Scottsdale who didn’t deserve to spend his last days in business under such a dark cloud.”
“There’s not any iota of difference between Suzanne Klapp and Virginia Korte. We need someone else to run for mayor so we have a legitimate choice. Bob Littlefield comes to mind.”
“The Kelsey Pasquel debacle has exposed the city’s planning commission. It’s just one big conflict of interest. No wonder why we’re getting all the crappy looking apartments. I’m not anti apartments. But I am opposed to the uncreative buildings that seem to be designed by third-year architectural students. If we had a fully functioning planning commission, there’s little doubt we wouldn’t see these uninspiring residences popping up all over the city.”
Carol T.
“I’m hearing something about electronic signs coming. If it’s true, billboards will be next. Please keep Scottsdale billboard-free.”
Phil G.
“Andrea Alley would make a great planning commissioner.”
Chris & Martha
“Planning Commissioner Kelsey Young-Pasquel is now the former planning commissioner. She was never the brightest bulb on the commission, so she won’t be missed. Can’t wait to see who fills her seat and what developers they’re in bed with.”
Jackson C.
“It’s amazing how oblivious Mayor Lane is to how the city has become divided under his watch and takes no responsibility.”
Viva la Vicki
“’Scottsdale’s Unspoken Shortcomings’ is my favorite blog about our city, ever. It hit the nail on the head.”
Bruce W.
“Now that the neighbors are happy with the Papago Plaza development, sounds like they’re all patting themselves on the back and forgetting who gave them the chance to voice their opinions. If Councilwoman Korte hadn’t expanded the whole neighborhood outreach process, they would never have had the chance for the extra rounds of input. That’s a fact!”
Name Withheld
“Not sure I’ve heard a good reason to change the city’s flag. Doesn’t the City Council have anything better to do?”
Lucy O.
“This morning my wife tripped over one of those scooters that somebody left lying outside the grocery store. She took a tumble but wasn’t seriously injured. Isn’t it about time the city steps in and does something about this problem?
Jerry V.
“I’m still scratching my head over how Kathy Littlefield has become the authority on how to hold a bond election. After working with her husband in 2013 to defeat a $212 million bond package, she has no business leading the discussion about bonds in 2019. Give it a rest, Kathy.”
Glenn H.
“I’ve taught in SUSD for 17 years. So I’ve seen the district go from riches to rags. The last two years have been painful. I’m pretty sure we’ve put the dark times behind us and now we’re back on track. To remain there, we must pass a budget override to maintain and operate our schools.”
Kathy K.
“Kicking the can down the road, as David Smith used to say, has consequences. It looks the city and the school district have both become victims of their own procrastination. What a shame! It’s important that we support both the city bonds and the override elections. No more postponements!
Julie W.
“The more certain council people say we don’t trust them the more it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
“Why are people acting like it’s a big deal that we’re going to get more input on the bond election. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be in the first place?”
Julie J.
“I’m all for letting citizens like us to have more input about our opinions on the best bond projects. But I get the strong sense that some folks feel like they would just as soon leave the city council out of the process.”
Billy Joe
“Unless I miss my guess, Kathy Littlefield is going to find a way to mess with this whole bond package. She has done it before and will probably do it again. Sure would like to know what her husband thinks about the bonds.”
Phil G.
“It never hurts to use a quote from Abe Lincoln.”
Pam F.
“Is there a more disgusting soul in Scottsdale than Jason Alexander? Let me answer that: NO! His latest despicable stunt is to challenge Virginia Korte’s authority to speak on behalf of LGBT issues in Scottsdale. I know for a fact that Councilmember Korte has taken the lead on both the city council and our city on civil rights issues for the LGBT community. Mr. Alexander’s challenge of the councilwoman is nothing more than a desperate attempt to get traction for his run for council in two years. Knock it off, dude, you’re off base.”
Kent G.
“Okay, I’ll say it. This McCain mural issue in Old Town has gotten nuts. How on earth does a pure property rights issue between two landlords make it all the way to the city council? This is like something that would happen on Mayberry RFD.”
Russell D.
“If former City Manager John Little actually decides to run for the council, he better hope that voters have super short memories.”
Jill P.
“Does anyone know when the two bridges under repair are going to be back on line. It’s gone from inconvenient to just plain crazy. It has gotten so bad that you can’t even drive across the canal on 68th St.”
Bilbo B.
“I’m getting a real chuckle out of Bob Littlefield trying to keep the Prop 420 issue alive. Will somebody please tell him the election is over.”
Penny U.
“What nice job of capturing the highlights (and lowlights) of the past decade. I remembered most it.”
Stan the Man
“Wow, how time flies. I’ve been reading your blog for 4 years and thought I was probably there from the beginning. Hope you’re at it for 10 more years. Congratulations and THANK YOU!”
Carole Lee
“When we received the Silver Anniversary edition of your blog we were stunned. 10 years!!! Holy Cow … keep blogging.”
“My New Year’s Resolution is to tune out all the negative noise.”
Jenny G.
“From what I hear, Mike Norton and Jason Alexander are having a political spat and have gone their separate ways. Not surprised. Guys with those big egos can’t be expected to get along.”
“We’ve lived in Scottsdale for 43 years, and this year has been the ugliest year ever. We’re hoping and praying that people get a grip and things settle down in 2019.”
Maggie & Bruce
“I can’t help but be impressed by the new voice coming out of South Scottsdale, Ms. Andrea Alley. She’s really sharp. I think she represents us nicely, without being negative. She makes me wish that we were able to elect council people by districts. Andrea would be a shoe in.”
“Never thought we would see the day when Virginia Korte and Kathy Littlefield would agree on something. Attending last night’s council meeting, I saw them actually work together on the Papago Plaza development on McDowell Road. It looks like we’ll benefit from them holding the developer team’s feet to the fire. Now we’re going have a chance in January to give the city and developer our feedback, which we didn’t have before.”
Sally K.
“I hope Solange Whitehead doesn’t buy any elevator passes from any of the City Council incumbents.”
Jersey Joe
“I can’t remember when we’ve had a real consensus builder on the city council … or anywhere in Scottsdale for that matter.”
Kathy W.
“I truly hope that Kathy Littlefield doesn’t let her mandate from voters go to waste. She’s in perfect position to heal the divide that exists in our city, even though there’s quite few people who deny there is one. If she sincerely cares about Scottsdale, she will build some bridges that other people have tried to burn. She has my support.”
Merle O.
“Happy to hear Councilwoman Korte proposed that the city back away from any further discussion or involvement in the Desert Discovery Center. It’s time for the whole fiasco to be over. Thank you, Virginia.”
Phil G.
“Solange Whitehead is going to have a steep learning curve, even steeper than the one Guy Phillips had in 2012.”
Steve B.
“It looks like the strategy of ‘vote for two, and only two” worked like a charm for Solange and Kathy. Hip, hip, horray!”
Carrie R.
“Solange Whitehead would never have been elected under normal circumstances – like without Prop 420, not to mention all the help she got from Kathy Littlefield.”
Betty F.
“This election proved that it’s the people’s Preserve, not the politicians’ Preserve!”
Suzy Q.
“It’s hard to believe that there’s no organized opposition to the transportation sales tax issue. There was a time when if there was a proposition to raise any kind of tax people would have been coming out of the woodwork to oppose it. Our family already voted for it because it will help improve the condition of our streets which are a mess.”
Vince G.
“I’m not sure if being a Republican or Democrat makes any difference any longer in our City Council campaigns. If that’s the case, Ms. Whitehead just may have a chance to steal a seat on the council.”
Judy T.
“This is without a shadow of a doubt the biggest cluster of an election that I can ever remember.”
Frank V.
“I read a column today by Jason Alexander from the Prop 420 campaign. Now he and his group are in total denial about all of the name-calling and finger pointing they’ve been doing for the past year. He wants us to believe that they’re born again and have been running a positive campaign. Who’s he kidding? Anyone who has been paying attention knows who started what has digressed into an ugly campaign that’s ruining Scottsdale.”
Judy K.
“I can’t wait for this election to be over. It’s absolutely the worst one I can ever remember. I hope it’s not foreshadowing of what’s to come.”
Kathleen C.
“I thought I had seen it all until Kathy Littlefield hooked up with Solange Whitehead. Why, Kathy?”
Mark S.
“Can someone help me, please? Is it ‘our’ preserve or is it ‘your’ preserve?”
“Any group that runs a campaign to boycott Scottsdale businesses won’t get my vote.”
Bruce H.
“Even before I read about Jason Alexander cyber-stalking some of the women connected to the No side of the Proposition 420 campaign, I found him a little creepy. I’m really not sure he’s who he wants us to believe he is.”
Jean R.
“Personally, I don’t care who’s making all the NO 420 signs ‘disappear.’ I’m just glad there are fewer political signs on our streets.”
Max F.
“In politics, I believe that where there’s smoke there’s fire. There are far too many complaints being filed against the campaign supporting Prop 420 for violating campaign finance statues for some of them not to be true.”
Mary Beth
“I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something about that man from the NO DDC, Jason Alexander, that doesn’t ring true.”
Cathy K
“Prediction: The sales tax issue is DOA!”
Jim E.
“I’ve watched that video going around with Bob Littlefield when he was on the city council talking about the Desert Discovery Center. He used to be a big supporter. Now that his wife is on the council, not so much. He makes a compelling case for the DDC. He probably regrets having ever said it.”
Julie O.
“My family is totally aware that Solange Whitehead is a one-issue candidate. That’s enough for us. If she gets elected, she’ll have time to study up on all the issues beyond the DDC.”
Herb N.
“It’s hard to know which Proposition 420 campaign to believe. They both say they want to protect the preserve from each other. Talk about confusing. I’ll probably vote NO unless something drastically changes.”
“I really admire Bill Crawford because he’s not a quitter.”
“I don’t like it … but I have to admit that the campaign opposing Prop 420 did a masterful job of stealing the momentum from the other campaign. I think the people running the campaign to pass 420 were caught by surprise. The election feels like a toss up to me.”
Johnny W.
“NODDC owns the political division in our city!”
Franki P.
“All the name calling and blaming make me want to sit out this election. But I probably won’t. Kathy Littlefield is the only candidate I trust. Solange Whitehead is in way over her head. David Smith flip flops more than Flipper. Bill Crawford shouldn’t be running.”
“Bob Pejman would make a great City Council person.”
Shelia G.
‘I’m confused. I don’t know what’s what in Proposition 420 campaign. The two sides, Yes and No, are blurring for me. I’ll try to figure it our before election day, but I my just end up throwing a dart.”
“Our friend Mark Hiegel, now of Wells Fargo and formerly of the Chamber of Commerce, is really getting under Jason Alexander’s skin. It looks like Alexander has finally met his match … someone who won’t back down from bullying.”
Craig T.
“Saw your teaser asking if Bob Littlefield could make a comeback. Looking forward to the next blog.”
Stan T.
“I think you nailed it. Jason Alexander does, indeed, suffer from a Napoleon Complex. He’s just a pipsqueak.
Ron M.
“It’ hard for me to believe that such a trash talker who uses such harsh language has the nerve to run for city council. Of course I’m referring to Mr. Jason Alexander. What a potty mouth. We can do better than someone of such low character.”
Betty M.
“So now Mayor Lane and Councilwoman Klapp have crossed over to the other side. Starting to sound like an adult version of Red Rover.”
Jane O.
“Sorry to the folks who so strongly oppose the Desert Discovery Center – but just because Linda Milhaven works at Wells Fargo, it doesn’t mean that the bank has any place in the discussion.”
Miss Piggy
“I’d like to know where to get what Suzanne Klapp is smoking … for a friend.
Buzz Bomb
“We have been reading up on Proposition 420. It looks good on paper but we worry about how it’s going to be implemented. It seems like it isn’t accounting for unexpected circumstances. Unless someone can convince us otherwise before early voting starts, we’re two No votes.”
Carl G.
“I don’t have time to keep up with all the ins and outs of the Scottsdale political scene because I have a life. So I appreciated the new blog about how everybody seems to be shifting around. This is getting pretty crazy. Please keep us updated on who’s where and doing what.”
Barb E.
“I’m a fan of the Voice of Scottsdale and Bob Dylan. You guys rock!”
Jeff B.
“This Proposition 420 makes absolutely no sense. So if we pass it, every time we want to do something in the preserve we have to have a citywide election that will cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s crazy!!! Who dreamed up this mess?”
Phil T.
“I can’t wait to see Guy Phillips campaign ‘for’ something and not ‘against’ it. Never thought I would see the day that Councilman Phillips would want to raise taxes. He sure has changed over the last 6 years.”
Chatty Cathy
“The more I read about Prop 420, the less I like it. I hope everyone will take the time to read what’s actually in it and not just skim the surface.”
Pete V.
“Holy cow … the return of the Scottsdale Progress! We could use a real newspaper. Looking forward to it.”
James L.
“I was surprised to hear that there could be an independent expenditure campaign against David Smith. It seems like people should have learned a long time ago those kind of campaigns don’t work in Scottsdale. In fact they usually backfire. But if some folks want to waste their money on such a frivolous effort, that’s their business.”
June C.
“I feel like the sales tax is going to go down in flames.”
Billy The Kid
“It was good to get the Voice after a long absence. I’m guessing even bloggers have to go on vacation. I liked the special edition that’s getting readers caught up on the political season right around the corner. It looks like it will be a rough and tumble time during the next three months. Keep up the good work and don’t be a stranger.”
Dawn G.
“Talk about coming out of the blue. Councilwoman Klapp’s endorsement of Prop 420 yesterday is nothing short of shocking. For the last year she has been telling people that changing the city’s charter was a dangerous thing to do. Then she turns around and supports it. Feels like she is riding the political winds."
Name Withheld
“I had every confidence that the Mountain Preserve issue would make the ballot. All the hard-working people responsible for making it happen deserve credit and our congratulations. After November, we can put it behind us and move on … I hope!!!”
“I’ve been at a couple of events this summer where I was able to talk to Patty Beckman who’s running for the SUSD school board. She’s very impressive. We could be looking at the next president of the Governing Board.”
Vern K.
“Every time I hear those people who oppose the Desert Edge say that they’re not splitting the city but rather uniting it, I could lose my lunch. They are just mean spirited, name calling jerks who don’t take responsibility for their actions. Being in denial is not a legitimate defense for what they’re doing to our city.”
Casey G.
“This is my favorite time of year because the City Council goes on vacation.”
Frank T.
“I think there’s little doubt what candidate would benefit most by Ms. Robis being disqualified from running for City Council. Bill Crawford. It can probably never be proved. But my money is on Mr. Crawford.”
Marilyn V.
“We were sad to see Alyssa Robis knocked off the ballot, but we appreciated your blog that put things in perspective. We hope that she learned a lesson and will be back to fight another day.”
Kris G.
“If what you say is true about the wording for the sales tax on the ballot, that’s insane. Can’t ever remember when something on a ballot to raise money ever said what it wouldn’t be used for. Nuts!!!”
Bruce J.
“I’ll be voting NO on the sales tax issue. That’s no way to invest in fixing our infrastructure.”
Pistol Pete
“For my money, Scottsdale’s most pressing problem is its infrastructure. We’re falling way behind. That should be the city’s number one priority. Unless we get on the ball, it will take us 10 years (maybe more) to catch up.”
Mark S.
“Probably the most compelling blog you’ve sent. Thank you very much. You wrote what many of us have been talking about for months. The Desert Discovery Center is sucking the oxygen out of our city when there are so many other issues and topics worth discussing. Sadly, I think that will continue being the case until the November election.”
Jenny O.
“I believe there’s no more important issue in our city than the DDC/Desert Edge. For heaven’s sake, it’s all about protecting our preserve. What could be more important.”
Jill W.
“If the candidate debates were the only thing voters had to judge the candidates for council on, David Smith is a shoe-in.”
Nancy G.
“I wonder what Bill Crawford is going to do to shake his reputation as a repeat candidate who has never won an election.”
Julie E.
“I attended the forum today about the city’s infrastructure issues. Nothing I didn’t know, so I left about halfway through. I still don’t get what the event’s sponsor, Scottsdale Coalition of Today and Tomorrow, does.”
Jeff B.
“My neighbor and I stopped by the council candidates’ forum last night at the library. We both felt like Solange Whitehead is being underestimated. She may even be a sleeper candidate. Not ready to vote for her just yet, but she made sense. Maybe it’s time for a little fresh blood at city hall.”
Kevin R.
“In my 21 years of watching Scottsdale politics, I’ve never seen such a blatant example of corporate extortion as what Nationwide did to get 1,000 acres rezoned in north Scottsdale. Shameful.”
Name Withheld
“I read that Mary Manross has re-emerged. Never thought she would be back in the game. But it makes sense that she would be aligning herself with Solange Whitehead. They both eat and sleep the Mountain Preserve. I thought Mary was a good mayor, particularly suited for the time she served. I think the city would look a lot different today if she had been re-elected back in 2008.”
Pistol Pete
“Hello City Council … the more often you mention that the public doesn’t trust you, the more the public doesn’t trust you!”
Frank J.
“I really appreciated you including an email from a reader in this blog. Nice change-up, and it helped to make the point about how our city’s politics are shifting. I agree with the emailer: these new politics are really bad for Scottsdale. I like the role Guy Phillips plays on the council. But I, like so many others, was surprised that he came out for a tax increase.”
Helen P.
“Many people don’t take Guy Phillips seriously. But he always seems to get the last laugh.”
“Are Mayor Lane’s coattails long enough to help elect Bill Crawford? I think not. Crawford is on his own.”
Name Withheld
I’m still confounded how there hasn’t been a peep about increasing the sales tax. When people finally wake up, they won’t like it. If it’s difficult to pass bonds, how on earth can anyone expect that a sales tax proposal has any chance of passing.”
Fred S.
“We’re looking forward to the first council candidate forum in two weeks. Anxious to see how Solange Whitehead handles herself with other candidates. She may be a dark horse in this six-candidate race.”
“Sorry, but I’ll never call downtown Old Town!”
“The snowbirds may have gone home, but traffic is still a royal pain in the ass. Three-light waits during the morning and in the evenings have a way of making Scottsdale not so special.”
Bruce H.
“Before someone heaps too much credit on Guy Phillips for getting his proposal to raise the sales tax rate on the ballot, it’s important to recognize that no one (except three councilmembers) spoke up against it. I wonder if business leaders had stood up to be counted on the issue, if the outcome would have been different. Guess we’ll never know.”
Phyllis G.
“Looks like Mayor Lane’s idea to put Councilman Phillips on the CIP Subcommittee backfired.”
“It’s hard to get my mind around Jim Lane of all people wanting to raise the sales tax. Is that going to be his legacy?”
“We should give the new CEO of Scottsdale Arts at least a year to restore some type of order to the organization. I hear it has slipped much further than Kathy Wills and the Board of Trustees are letting on.”
Betty G.
“I hope Mark Stanton can turn the Chamber of Commerce around. It has become a place where old business leaders go to die!”
Bruce O.
“Scottsdale less special … I agree.”
Pop Tart
“I’ve live in Scottsdale since 1978, and I don’t remember the city ever being so divided. I believe a lot of what has gone wrong can be attributed to the lack of leadership on all fronts.”
Art D.
“So glad that someone else has noticed our deteriorating institutions and organizations. I think the erosion in SUSD is far and away the most detrimental to Scottsdale’s future. Without a stable school system, communities struggle to succeed. I hate to say it, but we probably have to blow it up and start again. I’m really sorry.”
Kathleen K.
“Since when did raising taxes in Scottsdale become okay?”
The Flintstones
“Is it just me or does anybody else think Mayor Lane has been looking more lost than usual in city council meetings? It seems like he’s having trouble keeping up.”
“I’m the owner of a small business near the downtown area. I need the sales tax rate raised like a hole in the head. I know the council was only talking about a small amount, but even that hurts a business like mine. I’ll be voting against it on the ballot.”
Bruce G.
“We watched the city council meeting last night about the sales tax issue. What about raising taxes doesn’t Kathy Littlefield get? Her husband would have never gone for it. Bob would have voted for a bond election and then campaigned against it.”
“I give the new guy at Scottsdale Arts two years … three tops!”
Jimmy J.
“Who does Scottsdale Arts think they’re fooling?”
Justin C.
“Just when you think things are finally straightened out at the organization formerly known as the Cultural Council, it all gets screwed up, again. Maybe they should change their name, because third time is the charm.”
Arty Farty
“Scottsdale Arts isn’t passing the smell test.”
Julie P.
“Is John Little really running for mayor in 2020?”
Sweet Sheila
“If the Scottsdale School Board wanted to sincerely advocate for teachers, all five members of the board would declare their support for #REDforED. Hey … it could happen!
“I never thought I would see the day when Suzanne Klapp would team up with Kathy Littlefield and Guy Phillips to undermine a bond election. She just lost the respect and support of the business community, I guarantee you.”
Name Withheld
“Why is Solange Whitehead holding a bond or sales tax election hostage for a vote on the Desert Discovery Center? Stupid and self centered. If this is the kind of political games she wants to play, she doesn’t deserve a seat on the city council.”
Philly Cheese
“When we moved here from Missouri 8 years ago, we thought we were moving to a place that was politically sophisticated. Boy, did we get a surprise. It’s obvious why Scottsdale is called ‘The West’s Most Western Town.’”
Patty & John K.
“Two of our children are enrolled in SUSD. But this will be their last year. We’ll be sending them to a more stable school district where people running it know what they’re doing and put students first.”
Deborah D.
“How much longer can the Scottsdale Charros afford to support the school district?”
Kathleen H.
“It’s hard to imagine how the Scottsdale Unified School District can rebound from this political debacle. The governing board has blown up the district’s credibility. It’s sad to watch its demise. I attended high school at Saguaro and still have fond memories. Now SUSD’s brand is deception and deceit. It’s shameful.”
Connie G.
“(The school district) Doesn’t sound any different than the Scottsdale City Council who’ve also lost the trust of the people, have many members who need to be replaced, and have a long way to go to rebuild citizens’ trust. Look in the mirror before throwing stones elsewhere. Both institutions are corrupt.”
Andrea K.
“Great to see the Scottsdale teachers’ union stand up for its members. The school board isn’t worth a plug nickel. Teachers need to become the backbone of the school district. Their voices are critical to the future of SUSD.”
Victor T.
“Our family loves Scottsdale Stadium. Not everyone may remember that it was the success of the bond campaign in 1990 that provided the funds to make it happen. Because it’s almost 30 years old, it now needs renovating. It’s going to be interesting to see where the $40 million comes from for the enhancements.”
Julie J.
“It’s pretty embarrassing that Scottsdale has unsafe bridges. Never thought I’d see the day when our city sounded like what happens in other places, not here!”
Penny For Your Thoughts
“I watched the council’s study session on the city’s failing
infrastructure. There is only one way to tackle something of such financial significance: general obligation bonds. Why Councilman Guy Phillips suggests increasing the sales tax is absolutely ridiculous.”
Jamie O.
“If there’s a bond election, does Kathy Littlefield campaign for or against bonds?”
“Why was the governing board the last group of people to figure out that Denise Birdwell was a snake in the grass? We elected these people to be watchdogs not lapdogs. Our schools and students deserve better than what we’re getting!!!”
Viva la Voice
“Looks like Mark Stuart is back at it. This guy doesn’t know when to quit.”
Merle K.
“I signed the NODDC petition today … have you?”
Bobby R.
“I wonder if the new bike share program is just too much of a good thing that people will keep abusing?”
Linda A.
“I think Councilwoman Littlefield had a bunch of terrific ideas how to make the rental bikes more efficient. I hope they were listening, particularly if they want to continue to keep them in Scottsdale.”
Rosemary V.
“In the last month I’ve had to remove 4 lime bikes from my yard. I called the company and the city, but ended up doing it myself everytime. If the bike companies aren’t going to be responsible for their inventory, they don’t deserve to do business here.”
Chet A.
“Hey, Denise: On your way out the door, please hold it open for Barbara, Pam and Kim. Thank You!”
George P.
“I think we need to give the bike companies more time to work the bugs out of the bike share system. Once all the tourists have left, the companies should have a pretty good idea how many and where the bikes should be located.”
Kathy G.
“My entire family has used the ride share bikes a number of times. We love them!!! I only hope that the companies can get their acts together and stop making it easy for cranky people to complain about too many bikes. It’s a great idea that isn’t costing taxpayers a penny. That’s nice for a change.”
“As a long-standing member of the Chamber of Commerce, I believe our organization needs a makeover. It has turned into a bunch of old, out of touch white guys who know little about the city’s issues.”
Old White Guy
“Why is Scottsdale Arts so fixated on hiring people from somewhere else to run the organization? The last two out-of-staters were huge disappointments. Then they turn right around and hire someone from Louisiana. After this one doesn’t work out, how about trying someone from here who understands Scottsdale.”
Kathleen G.
“I just finished reading Barbara Perleberg’s article in the Scottsdale Independent. She’s actually more out of touch with SUSD issues than I thought … and she’s the president of our school board??? Surely there are people who live in the school district who are qualified to serve on the board to replace people like Perleberg, Kim Hartmann and Pam Kirby. They are a real problem.”
Neil P.
“One of the things I like most about the Voice is that you guys always find a way to present some interesting angles on issues. Thanks for your commitment to Scottsdale and keeping people thinking.”
Peggy Sue
“I don’t believe for one minute that Mark Hiegel voluntarily resigned from the Chamber of Commerce. I think he got a raw deal. Hopefully, he will land on his feet.”
Chuck V.
“I was unable to attend the Businesses United for Scottsdale Schools earlier today. Two friends who were there said attendance was spotty.”
Kevin M.
“I’m not a labor law attorney. But I think the SUSD superintendent is getting mighty close workplace harassment.”
Phillip O.
“Thank you for not letting Kim Hartmann off the hook. It’s easy to blame Pam Kirby for a lot of the problems in SUSD. Heck, she’s the one who has bragged about bringing Denise Birdwell here. Barbara Perleberg makes me miss Bonnie Sneed. But Hartmann, little miss goodie two shoes, is just as complicit as the other two. They all need to be gone, yesterday!”
Deborah T.
“So now the truth comes out. Governing Board members Sandy Kravetz and Allyson Beckham knew that Laura Smith had a conflict of interest problem months before it was made public. That means every member of the school board has now been sucked into Superintendent Birdwell’s soap opera.”
Karen W.
“Is the Scottsdale school board actually in danger of being taken over by the state board of education?”
Mr. Curious
“I believe I remember that the Voice predicted SUSD issues would replace Desert EDGE issues in 2018. Looks like you were right. Not a peep about Desert EDGE and it’s now all SUSD all of the time.”
“Denise Birdwell … what did she know and when did she know it?”
Howard M.
“I’m starting to develop a phobia of turning on the TV or picking up a newspaper because of what I may hear or read about the deplorable behavior in our school district. This is terrible role modeling for our students.”
Viv T.
“SUSD: It’s not over until the fat lady resigns!”
“I voted for Kim Hartmann when she ran for the school board four years ago. I won’t make the same mistake twice.”
Fool Me Once
“I really like when the blog takes on the school superintendent and the school board without calling them names. They all deserve to be called out.”
Robert L.
“Appreciate that your blog cast some shade on Kim Hartmann. When it comes to the governing board, Pam Kirby ends up attracting most of the attention. Even though Ms. Hartmann is a follower and not a leader, she’s still just as responsible as Kirby for what’s coming down in the school district. Ms. Hartmann likes to play innocent, but she, just like all of her colleagues, is complicit.”
Kathy K.
“Shouldn’t someone speak up about Councilman Smith using council meetings to run for re-election … where’s the city attorney?”
Sandra D.
“When they first came out, I thought the green bikes were a great idea. Now I see them everywhere, especially in places that they have no business being. They’re not just an eyesore, they’re also dangerous when people leave them littering sidewalks.”
Vivian G.
“If NO DDC insisted on putting up a candidate, I would have much rather seen Jason Alexander run for the city council than Solange Whitehead. I doubt that Solange knows half as much about city issues as Jason.”
Short Pants
“Because our family is very active in the arts community, we are hoping that this is the year Scottsdale Arts finally gets its act together. Wouldn’t it be nice if they picked someone to run the organization from Scottsdale who understands our community and not some out-of-towner who doesn’t get our city.”
“We have two children attending two different SUSD schools … so we’re looking forward to the Attorney General’s investigation into the shenanigans in the district. It’s time for the superintendent to go!”
Carole & Bob V.
“I think Bill Crawford’s time may have finally come. I’ll be voting for him and, of course, Kathy Littlefield. I haven’t made up my mind about my third vote.”
Cecil K.
“I really enjoyed your latest blog. You seemed to cover all the bases. Your grasp of the city’s issues is appreciated. I, for one, am glad the Desert Edge has become a backburner issue. We have so many other things to worry about, like the chaos in the school district. It has much more impact on more people than the Edge.”
“Thank you Voice for the preview of 2018. All of us in a department at an unnamed location at the city of Scottsdale are loyal followers. So we have more than a passing interest in what you mentioned about the city manager promoting a bond election this year. You are spot on when you say that for a bond election to succeed it must have the unanimous support of the council. That’s been a big problem in the past. We hope it isn’t one in the future.”
Name Withheld
“Solange Whitehead will make a great councilwoman. No one is more committed to protecting our Mountain Preserve than Solange. We need more voices of the people on the council than just Kathy Littlefield and Guy Phillips.”
Nancy G.
“We live almost 2 miles from the bar district. Every night during this holiday season we can here the music generated from there. I feel sorry for those who live in the immediate neighborhoods north of Camelback Road. I thought there was supposed to be a noise ordinance???”
Cisco Kid
“We live downtown. We wish everyone could see how pretty it is this time of year. It’s every bit as gorgeous as Santa Fe or Santa Barbara. “
Lee & Steven
“The investigation by SUSD is a sham. Susan Segal, the investigator, had a conflict of interest when she investigated if the school district had a conflict of interest. Come on school board, how gullible do you think taxpayers are?”
“Now the real question is: Will those who oppose the Desert EDGE pay a professional petition gathering company to collect signatures to put the project on November’s ballot?”
Jeannie R.
“Let’s be honest, folks. Mark Stuart wasted a lot of time and resources gathering signatures for a bogus petition.”
Katie G.
“No DDC and their sister organization, POP, are about to find out how hard (if not impossible) it is to run a volunteer-only signature gathering campaign.”
Max F.
“It’s no surprise for those of us who have been following the DDC/Desert EDGE issue that the council punted. It’s very disappointing that the people we elect to handle big issues are incapable of doing so. It’s shameful how our elected officials have kicked the can down the road.”
Peggy Sue
“Well, it looks like our esteemed City Council is getting the last laugh. They’ve passed the buck on Desert EDGE to NO DDC. The public vote issue is now in the organization’s court. Yes, indeed … it’s time to put up or shut up.”
Frank V.
“Nasty and untrue. You forgot to mention the lawsuit that has been filed.”
Kathy H.
“I’m not a big fan of Bill Crawford. But I think he will add some color to the city council race. He may even draw out some issues that the other candidates aren’t willing to tackle.”
Cindy G.
“How about locating the Desert Edge project downtown, maybe near the Museum of the West. It would create synergy and draw people to the downtown area, which could use more foot traffic.”
Steve W.
“What’s the fascination of building DDC/Desert Edge at Taliesin West? No access, no land, no sense.”
Ranger Bob
“For anyone who came in contact with Scottsdale Arts during the last year, they could tell it was on automatic pilot. Not sad to see Neale Perl go. It probably didn’t come soon enough.”
Name Withheld
“Of course Neale Perl was fired. Come on Scottsdale Arts … step up and tell the truth and stop blowing smoke.”
“I hope David Smith decides to run for council. We need him to keep an eye on the books and our tax dollars.”
Karen K.
“As an employee of Scottsdale Arts, I know for a fact that Neale Perl was out of touch with the organization. For at least the last year, his detachment was a topic of conversation in just about all the departments of the organization. In his final year, he never shared a vision or provided leadership. Department heads were on their own. I truly hope that the Board of Trustees doesn’t make the same mistake when they hire someone to replace Mr. Perl.”
“I can’t think of a more screwed up organization in Scottsdale than Scottsdale Arts, including the City Council. It’s hard to believe the city gives that group of mismanaged elites $4,000,000 a year. What a waste of our money.”
Phillip G.
“For the record: No CEO resigns to seek other so-called opportunities and leaves their job the same day. No way.”
“What a horrible week for SUSD. How much longer can the superintendent and governing board deny the school district has real problems. And guess what? It’s not just a few disgruntled parents. The longer they refuse to face it, the worse it gets.”
Billy Joe
“The people at Scottsdale Arts are supposed to be smarter than they are appearing. What are they hiding from the pubic? Whatever happened, it must have been egregious.”
Julie J.
“The trustees at Scottsdale Arts explanation of Neale Perl leaving is absolutely ludicrous. It’s actually so bad that it’s transparent – or at least we can see right through it. They should be ashamed of themselves.”
Henry T.
“Something really smells fishy at Scottsdale Arts. How dumb do they think we are, anyway? Truly an insult to taxpayers’ intelligence.”
Ms. Vicki
“I have absolutely no knowledge of the arts situation and am not suggesting anything about Mr. Perl. But it’s possible that he was doing a great job running the organization but had some personal issue that the board could not live with. Or it’s possible to do a great job in all areas except one. Just sayin’”
George E.
“No one could be happier than all of my neighbors and me that Kathy Littlefield has decided to run for re-election. She is one of the few politicians I would ever think about working for. GO Kathy!”
Nancy T.
“Where’s Mark Stuart?”
Carl, Jr.
“From what I can see, Experience Scottsdale is doing a good job of promoting the city.”
Hanky Panky
“You just know Pam Kirby, the most politically conniving member of the school board, had to have something to do with Mayor Lane inserting himself into the school district brawl. Politicizing the situation is only going to make things worse. I hope his column in the newspaper was a one-time thing.”
“Does Jim Lane know he’s the mayor of Scottsdale and not the superintendent of SUSD?”
Cathy K.
“It makes no sense whatsoever for Mayor Lane to stick his nose into SUSD affairs. He should mind his own business. Running the city may be a good place to start.”
Julie H.
“I really enjoy your updates. I’m a Scottsdale millennial fairly new to the area … one of those darned apartment dwellers apparently destroying Old Town. I hear a lot about older folks complaining of my ilk … and your newsletter gives me a taste of their thoughts and those of the power players in Scottsdale. As a former beat reporter, I appreciate the thorough research and context you provide on the issues.”
Sarah R.
“I would pay to see Linda Milhaven and Mike Norton square off in a cage match.”
Tom Thumb
“Well, it sounds like the honeymoon period is over with the city manager. Now the only question is how long he will last?
“Thanks very much for the Fall Preview of issues. You’re doing what the newspapers should be doing.”
Peggy Sue
“I sat in on a presentation earlier this year by Don Henninger who was banging our company for bucks for SCOTT. His pitch was vague and had little substance. Our company didn’t take the bait. I’m not sure Henninger’s group has any idea what they’re doing.”
Name Withheld
“There are a lot bigger issues happening downtown other than whether we call it ‘Old Town” or Downtown.’”
“I for one am glad the council had the foresight and fortitude to approve the expansion of Fashion Square. I sympathize with the neighbors who live in the Optima – but I truly believe council members acted in good faith for the greater good.”
Phil D.
“I fear that your blog is right … irreparable damage is being done to the Scottsdale School District brand.”
Karol G.
“We’ve lived in Scottsdale for 26 years, and put three kids through the SUSD education system. During this entire time, we can’t remember a worse governing board. These five people end up politicizing just about every issue. It’s time that voters replace the whole bunch.”
“Looks like Mark ‘A Legend in His Own Mind’ Stuart lost another court case. This guy is nothing but a troublemaker bent on clogging up the court system without cause. Go away, Mr. Stuart.”
Jack in the Box
“From what I see and hear, the city staff is becoming less enchanted with the Desert EDGE project the closer it gets to the City Council’s agenda. Desert Discovery Center Scottsdale has somehow managed to get on the wrong side of staff members.”
“I’m a bit leery of this new group called Scottsdale Coalition of Today and Tomorrow. I’ve been to their website. It looks like a front for the Chamber of Commerce. All they’re doing is posting news stories and community activities. It seems like a pretty ineffectual organization … but only time will tell.”
“Mark Stuart’s lawsuits are going to end up costing the city millions of dollars.”
Cindy B.
“Thank you for following and reporting what’s going on in SUSD. It’s worse than you think.”
“I am not a member of the Scottsdale Education Association. But as a 17-year employ of the school district, I support SEA. The latest confrontation between the organization and the administration is nothing more than attempt to bust the union. Everybody I talk to who works for the district agrees with me.”
Name Withheld
“I must admit it’s kind of boring with the city council on vacation. I miss Mark Stuart.”
Carl V.
“Do the supporters of the DDC really think it’s going to make a difference by changing the name of the project to Desert EDGE. Please, people, give us some credit!”
Cathy K.
“I believe Jason Alexander could be a competitive candidate for city council. Winning is a different story, though. Running against three incumbents could be tough.”
Candy Man
“I have a clear memory of the political campaign 15 years ago for the city to take over operations of the fire department. I agree … it was the most contentious campaign I can ever remember in Scottsdale. What made it especially memorable was that after Rural/Metro won the election, the company told the city thanks but no thanks and walked out of the contract.”
“Five of us attended the Desert Discovery Center presentation yesterday. We were all impressed by the thought that has gone into the concept. But at the end of the day we were split. Two us would vote for it and two wouldn’t. The other person couldn’t make up her mind.”
Julie J.
“Thinking what you wrote about Jason Alexander taking a page out of Jim Lane and Guy Phillips’ political playbook makes a lot of sense. Using an issue like the DDC to build a campaign for council around could give Alexander a shot, particularly depending on what happens this fall when the issue hits the council’s agenda.”
Trudy G.
“I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s presentation of the plan for the Desert Discovery Center. I’ll try to keep an open mind, but it will be hard. It’s difficult to believe that the city has let Desert Discovery Center Scottsdale get away with keeping things under wraps for so long.”
Carol Lee
“Hands down … you’ve got the best local blog I’ve seen in the last several years. I like the diversity of issues you write about. I use it as a way to stay informed about things I would otherwise not know about. Thank You, Voice!!!”
Joyce S.
“You’re absolutely right! The businesses downtown basically wrote the events ordinance, so now holding an event is really difficult. Almost impossible. How did these people become so empowered?”
Jack Knife
“Somehow I feel a little bit safer knowing that the city council is on vacation.”
Craig H.
“I stopped shopping downtown because all the shops I wanted to visit were never open. We enjoy the restaurants – but that’s it.”
Vicki O.
“The downtown merchants and property owners have been spoiled rotten.”
Phil D.
“The Canal Convergence is one of the best things to happen to our city in years. It’s reigniting Scottsdale’s reputation for arts and culture and also attracting tourists. The best of both worlds.”
Vicki O.
“I don’t know what it’s going to take for the SUSD governing board to see the light, or should I say to see through Superintendent Birdwell. Someday they will look back on this time with regret. Their legacy will be one of failure and remorse.”
Fredrick the Great
“Christine Schild was a joke when she was on the school board – and she’s still a joke. She would be best served to mind her own business.”
As long as people like the members of ROSS support every move Dr. Birdwell makes, nothing will change.”
Linda G.
“I have friends who work in various capacities in the Higley School District. They told me and many others what to expect from Denise Birdwell. They said she was a tyrant who ran Higley into the ground. Birdwell may have changed districts but not her management style. At the rate she’s going, she’s going to destroy the credibility of SUSD. Declining enrollment will follow.”
Cathy R.
“Hoping we see a lot more of Christy Lee in her Wonder Woman get-up.”
Bruce S.
“Glad we finally know a date that DDC will be unveiled. July 31st. That’s when things will really start to get good.”
“I see that SUSD made an “egregious error” in their budgeting process. I think it was an “egregious error” to hire Denise Birdwell!”
Peggy Sue
“I’ll say one thing for the group that protested outside Harkins 14 Wednesday. Braving 118 degrees takes real commitment … or craziness.”
Beth D.
“I wonder if supporting the Desert Discovery Center will be Councilwoman Milhaven’s Waterloo?”
Sweet Sheila
“I agree with how your blog handicapped the potential campaigns of a Howard Myers or a Mike Norton. They’re not contenders.”
“If someone from the No DDC camp decides to run for city council, they’re in for the surprise of their life. It’s one thing to be critical how the city is being run from the stands, but it’s totally another to take the field and run a campaign. If someone like Jason Alexander does throw their hat in the ring, they will find out what hard work it can be to run for elected office. Believe me … I know from experience.”
“I can’t think of a worse role model for our students than Denise Birdwell.”
“I have a strong feeling that the “emergency” opioid epidemic is no emergency at all in Scottsdale.”
Carolyn H.
“All the best to Dan O’Brien on his new gig. Scottsdale’s loss is Mesa’s gain!”
Patti Jo
“How can the SUSD decision makers ignore the poor morale that’s sweeping the district like a pandemic. I’ve worked in this district for 16 years and have never seen it this bad.
Name Withheld
“I hope nobody is really expecting anybody on the school board to admit they are making a mess of things. These are people who believe it’s always somebody else’s fault when something goes bad. How 5 people could be so irresponsible is beyond me.”
“As a long-time member of Respect Our Scottsdale Students and a Scottsdale teacher, I was insulted and appalled when the SUSD Governing Board blamed our group for the botched survey that they aborted. This is a school district that’s spinning out of control. The members of the board are being manipulated by a superintendent who acts more like a czar. It’s awful. Ultimately, it’s our students who will suffer because of the power politics being used to control SUSD with an iron fist.”
Educator 10
“As a former principal (up until recently) in the Scottsdale Unified School District, I wonder if the Governing Board had it to do all over again, if they would still hire Denise Birdwell?”
Name Withheld
“Well, just when I thought I had heard everything, I’m reading that Jason Rose has thrown in with the NO DDC crowd. Talk about peas in a pod … they deserve one another.”
Chris D.
“I attended several meetings about branding south Scottsdale. That was months ago. When can we expect to see something … what’s the hold up?”
Sandra P.
“It was pretty neat how you worked in Alice Cooper to the latest blog. You know he attended Cortez High School in the West Valley.”
“I’m not sure I could name one thing Denise Birdwell has done to improve the morale of school district employees. She has only made matters worse since taking the helm as superintendent. She has lost the trust of many of us who were looking forward to her tenure. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the governing board buys her out before her contract expires.”
Gym Rat
“With Memorial Day less than one week away, it will be the beginning of the summer swim season. We have already seen too many drownings this spring. Please pay attention and watch your kids around pools.”
Vicki O.
“We really enjoyed your recent blog that dealt with a potpourri of topics. We hope to see more of this type of blog. Once a quarter would be nice. Thank you.
Shelia E.
“It’s great to see that Christine Marsh is going to run for the State House of Representatives. I’m not sure how many teachers are serving in the legislature, but we could use a teacher like Christine at the Capitol. Although if she’s elected, she’s still only one voice of 90.”
Bobby G.
“You’re right. I’m in the Coffee Bean at least 3 times every week and see someone on the city council usually one of those times.
Carol Lee
“How can the city’s budget be unsustainable? We have record revenues. Is a forensic audit in order? Show us the money!”
What’s Up Doc
“It looks like the Voice was the first one to break the story about the matching funds for the No DDC. Thanks for the scoop.”
Slim Jim
“I attended one of the Downtown Scottsdale 2.0 sessions and came away disappointed. It felt like just one more dog and pony show to keep downtown stakeholders politically medicated. Why it takes so long to collect opinions and ideas is anybody’s guess. Mine is that the longer it takes to finish the study, the longer the city can postpone pushback from property owners and business owners. It’s time to stop the ruse and get on with it, folks!”
Sherry W.
“On the topic of the Desert Discovery Center: Mark Stuart makes Jason Alexander look reasonable.”
The Ice Cream Man
“Loved Karen Treon’s Bite Me quote. She’s telling it like it is.”
Name Withheld
“I agree – Mayor Lane’s idea of The Golden Rule will only work if the community buys in. But the mayor must also get out there and promote it. Otherwise, it’s not worth the paper it’s written on.”
Viva la Scottsdale
“Mark Stuart is crazy like a fox.”
“Since all the hub-bub started about SUSD, it’s interesting how the school district has churned out not-stop stories that make everything sound hunky dory. Guess Birdwell and her birdbrains think we’re idiots.”
Julie J.
“I’m glad that Mr. Lane is at least making an effort to bury the hatchet. I honestly don’t think his Golden Rule program will work. Can’t blame him for trying.”
“The first I had heard about The Golden Rule was in today’s blog. I wished I lived in Mayor Lane’s world, but I don’t. I live in the real world. So now, the same guy who played down-and-dirty in his campaign against Bob Littlefield, now wants to play nice. How much more disingenuous can it get?”
Phil F.
“As a parent of two students in the Scottsdale Unified School District, one in elementary school and one beginning high school, I get the feeling that the district’s administration couldn’t care less what I think about my kids’ education.”
Julie G.
“I was glad to read that the City Council voted to promote more outreach into the community to discuss the Great Hearts’ proposal to build an athletic complex/park. DC Ranch residents need to be given a stronger voice in the decision making than they have been given to date. Hopefully a compromise will be reached that will benefit both sides.”
Phil G.
“It was great to see the solidarity of teachers and parents at the School Board meeting. As I watched the proceedings, I think the board was shocked about the turnout and the display of unity. What’s taking place in SUSD can’t be swept under the rug, no matter much the members of the board would like to.”
Kathy V.
“Our family knows several of the people who run Great Hearts. Trust me … they’re running a scam on the city. ‘Public Park?’ Give me a break!”
Name Withheld
“I’ve heard that at least two people are considering running for the school board in two years. Both of them would make legitimate candidates. We’re doing everything we can to encourage them. The only way we can reverse what’s going on is to change the people who are making the decisions.”
Scooter The Second
“When we lost George Jackson and Bonnie Sneed off the SUSD Governing Board, we lost two people who really cared about our schools. I understand why both George and Bonnie didn’t want to run for re-election. With the district in such flux, I doubt we’ll ever see anyone of their caliber run.”
Gene T.
“Our esteemed Scottsdale School Board is using a smoke screen to prevent us from seeing what’s going on in the district and the secret decisions being made.”
Rita W.
“You don’t have to be a teacher or an administrator to be affected by what’s happening at SUSD. There are plenty of us in support services who are also feeling the brunt of the school district’s environment. Almost everybody I come in contact with is operating out of fear. It’s a totally frightening place to be working. Some of my closest associates are looking to find jobs in other districts. A few have applied at the City of Scottsdale.”
“The people who work in the upper echelons of the school district’s administration are dropping like flies, voluntarily and involuntarily.”
Name Withheld
“I read about Mayor Lane’s idea about having a Golden Rule Day …he’s kidding, right?”
Barbara J.
“Is it true that Respect Our Scottsdale Students and No DDC are the same organization?”
Craig T.
“Our school totally appreciates your blog’s compassion for teachers and students in SUSD. We think our community needs to be educated (no pun intended) about what’s happening to our once great Scottsdale schools. Fear runs from one end of the district to the other. It’s killing morale!”
“Couldn’t help but notice that the Voice is the only outfit reporting what’s going on in the school district. Thanks for the scoop.”
Billie Jean T.
“Your blog’s headline says it all: ‘New Superintendent’s Amazing Audacity.’”
Carol Lee
“Anything that Superintendent Birdwell does is on the school board.”
Betty G.
“For anyone who has taken the time to delve into Denise Birdwell’s past in the Higley School District, they should not be surprised what she’s doing to our Scottsdale schools. Wake up people!"
Jeff D.
“Thank You … Thank You … Thank You!!! I’m a parent of three SUSD children. One has graduated but two still attend school in the district. Many of us parents have known that the district has deep-rooted issues that no one wants to address. We need to encourage all parents to speak up when they don’t agree with the decisions being made by the superintendent and the governing board.”
“I think your blog is being a little rough on Superintendent Birdwell. We need to give her more time to do what she was hired to do.”
Fran T.
“Thank you Voice of Scottsdale for carrying the torch for SUSD teachers. As a veteran teacher in the district who’s nearing retirement, I’ve watched as teachers have less and less to say about what’s happening in our schools. I realize that sounds odd, but it’s the truth. Please continue to write about the troubles in the district, because they can’t continue to be swept under the rug.”
Name Withheld
“Thank you Great Hearts … but the last thing we need at DC Ranch is another controversy. Please back off and be realistic.”
Vivian P.
“I thought Guy Phillips was supposed to be on our side. Shame on you Councilman Phillips for your vote to allow more housing where we don’t need it.”
Craig T.
“I watched last night’s council meeting and caught another encore performance by Mark Stuart. Could there be a bigger clown in Scottsdale? I swear he wants to be arrested again. He’s nothing more than a publicity hound.”
Jill H.
“I’m a NIMBY and proud of it! That doesn’t mean I’m automatically a Naysayer.”
George J.
“Down-zoning is a no-brainer! What’s wrong with my neighbors in Windgate?
The Flintstones
“Once again this council ignored neighbors and were under the spell of a developer with deep pockets and his high-priced zoning attorney.
We are starting to run short of land that is zoned for commercial use. What happens when there’s no place to build businesses to provide us services?”
Carol K.
“We live in north Scottsdale, so we know a thing or two about traffic. That’s why we liked your blog about Scottsdale Heights and neighbors insisting on an expansion of The Summit instead of residential housing. Traffic is our number one problem living up here. Thanks City Council for not making it even worse.”
Jack and Karen
“Suffice to say that Mr. Pollack won’t be invited back to the our organization (Chamber of Commerce) any time soon.”
Name Withheld
“’The chamber is aging out.’ Truer words were never spoken. The Chamber of Commerce has become a group of over-the-hill members who like to talk about the good old days.”
Bart Y.
“Tom Sadvary is one of the principal members of the conspiracy to bring light rail to Scottsdale!!!”
Jana D.
“I’ve never known the chamber to have the best judgment. So I was not surprised when Elliot Pollack crossed the line into an area that made most of us in the audience uncomfortable. I also heard he received a handsome speaking fee to offer his insulting remarks.”
Jack M.
“Thank you for calling out Elliot Pollack for his inappropriate references at the Chamber of Commerce event. His comments about millennials were foolish and ill-founded. But what he said about Bruce Jenner was egregious.”
“Nothing against the homeowners in Silverleaf – but maybe having to look at the big tent is a reminder that they can’t always get what they want. And actually they may be just a little on the spoiled side. Life is a compromise, folks.”
“I was glad to see David Smith not buckle under to Craig Jackson’s threat to take his ball and go home. Wish they all had this much nerve.”
Adam G.
“When is this council going to call Craig Jackson’s bluff? He’s not going anywhere!!!"
Janice V.
“I wasn’t able to attend the city council meeting when they discussed what to do about that big tent. But your blog squares with what two neighbors told me happened. I live a mile east of the WestWorld tent, so I drive past it at least once a day. Sometimes two or three times. I’ve never understood why someone can’t build a real building instead of a circus tent. This is the kind of thing that tarnishes Scottsdale reputation. Sorry, but world-class cities don’t have tents.”
Beth B.
“It’s difficult to say for sure, but it looks like David Smith is trying to get unelected in 2018.”
Busy Bee
‘Nice to see our tax dollars aren’t being used for the extra police protection that is no longer necessary when Mark Stuart speaks at Council meetings.”
Fred T.
“I’ve lost track of the schedule Desert Discovery Center Scottsdale, Inc. is supposed to be on. But I believe we’re going to be seeing some preliminary plans soon. I think it’s safe to say that for people like me who haven’t made up our minds about the DDC, we look forward to seeing the next step. The sooner we can stop relying on all of the negative hyperbole the better.”
Tricia B.
“We attended the mayor’s State of the City Address yesterday as guests of a law firm who works for my husband’s company. That’s the only way I would end up at one of these things. From his past performances, I was aware that the mayor has challenges with public speaking. But why on earth did he insist on speaking for 45 minutes. I’ve never been at a public function in which so many people were checking their phones for the time.”
“I think those who are attempting to block the Desert Discovery Center need to take a break. They’ve managed to turn the issue into white noise and no one is listening.”
Ellen G.
“Thanks for the very timely blog. When he started out months ago, I respected Mr. Stuart because of what seemed like his commitment to the DDC issue. After all his craziness, I no longer respect what he is trying to accomplish. I’m not sure it’s about stopping the DDC any more. It now looks like he’s just trying to show off and make a name for himself.”
Tom G.
“Any truce between Mayor Lane and Mark Stuart will be short lived.”
Amy I.
“Howard Myers is living proof that advanced age is not synonymous with wisdom.”
Sally S.
“After reading Howard Myers’ column in the newspaper, I was totally confused. I can’t figure out if he really understands the role the Millennial generation has right now and in the future. Then, after ready the Voice blog, I see that I was not alone. I’ve heard Myers be articulate on issues that pertain to the desert. But he’s totally lost when trying to discuss the city’s young people.
Ken G.
“I try to watch as many city council meetings as possible because I find them informative. Many are boring. Tuesday night was certainly not one of the boring ones. The quarrel that took place between Mayor Lane and a citizen, Mark Stuart, blew my mind. A citizen not being allowed to speak and then arrested shows the deep trouble Scottsdale is in. I truly hope this isn’t the direction things are going.”
Jean H.
“I was very sorry to see the hatchet job your blog did on Howard Myers. Howard has given a lot to our community. I hope when I’m his age that I can be just as engaged as he is on so many issues that matter to our great city.
Craig T.
“Well, what can I say but that Mark Stuart is a real piece of work. I wonder how many people who know about last night’s incident at city hall will now refuse to sign his petition to block the DDC. The term class clown comes to mind.”
Cheryl O.
“I’m glad somebody had the guts to finally call out Howard Myers. Somehow he’s been allowed to become the authority on everything from the DDC to downtown development. Everybody is entitled to an opinion – but Mr. Myers’ arrogance that he’s the final arbiter on every issue in our city is hogwash. What are his credentials? Why does he have credibility? Or does he?
Name Withheld
“Thank you very much for your latest blog reminding readers about how the people who put our city on the path to greatness weren’t frightened by the future. Well done, Voice.”
Evan H.
“Could someone please tell me how the Scottsdale police chief goes from having his department under investigation to being named the police chief of the year.”
“It sounds like your blog has started to be sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.”
Duke of Earl
“My husband and I moved from Desert Mountain to a new downtown condominium in October. We’re having the time of our lives! Every time we hear or read about someone complaining about all the apartments and condos going up we have a good laugh, because that’s how many of us want to live. And guess what: our millennial years are way behind us.”
Jennifer and John
“I moved to Scottsdale in 1963 and have witnessed the city grow from dirt roads to freeways. I knew that the city couldn’t remain the same, even though I would have liked that very much. Our city is still a wonderful place to live – let’s count our blessings and make the most of it.”
Jane S.
“I hate to break it too Councilman Phillips, but Scottsdale is not a BIG CITY. Our population is 220,000, not 2 million. I’ve lived in real big cities, and Scottsdale doesn’t have big city issues like crime, housing and pollution problems.”
Teri P.
“Photo radar is a scam!!!”
Julie K.
“Is there ever a development project that John Berry represents that the City Council refuses to approve? Is he that good? Or is he blackmailing councilmembers?”
Victoria E.
“I’m skeptical that the survey used to brand South Scottsdale is on the up and up. So we’re supposed to believe that the majority of people said they wanted denser development. No way, Jose.”
“Mayor Phillips? I don’t think so!
Bev M.
“It’s really a shame that the days of a candidate running for the council could get elected for under $10,000 are long gone. It wasn’t that long ago that someone didn’t have to be Daddy Warbucks to run.”
Frank O.
“Anyone who underestimates Councilman Phillips is a fool.”
Name Withheld
“How could you leave the Desert Discovery Center off the list of issues City Manager Thompson is going to be forced to deal with it?”
Vicki O.
“Well, it looks like it’s officially ‘event season.’ It won’t be safe for local residents to come out until March.”
Carol C.
“I couldn’t agree more about the parking problem. I honestly don’t know how the businesses downtown can survive without places for people to park their cars. Is this a conspiracy to make people ride the trolley?”
Karl G.
“I appreciate your take on the top three issues the new city manager will be dealing with this year. But I would add transportation. And by that I mean traffic! The city is becoming harder and harder to get around in. I can see why some people say our traffic is a symptom of our success in attracting people. Okay, I get it. However, it’s really becoming a pain to get from one end of the city to the other, no matter what time of day.”
Cathy E.
“I met with our new city manager, James Thompson, before and after he was hired. He’s really a class act. Whoever was hired was going to be in the unenviable position of being compared to Fritz Behring. If anyone is up to the task of filling Fritz’ shoes, I think Mr. Thompson has a good chance. Now that the city has found their man, I hope they do everything they can to keep him.”
Name Withheld
“Wishing Mayor Lane and the Council a Happy New Year! Expecting 2017 to be much better than 2016.”
Craig H.
“We can only hope that one of the City Council’s resolutions for 2017 is to stop the proliferation of apartments all over the city.”
“South Scottsdale residents and business owners should be looking forward to James Thompson serving as city manager. There is still much more that can be done to further the revitalization efforts that were started three years ago.”
Betty G.
“I was glad to read about Mayor Lane’s overwhelming support for our downtown. For those of us who own property and work down here, we are pleased that he recognizes the importance of this area to the entire economy of the city. I think our businesses are experiencing a real resurgence, and with the help of leaders like Mr. Lane, I’m optimistic about our long-range success.”
Robert J.
“I’m getting the idea that David Smith is starting his re-election campaign early. Every time I turn around he has written something in the newspaper.
Tami O.
“So Kathy Littlefield’s only wish for 2017 is for there to be a pubic vote on the Desert Discovery Center. Aren’t there plenty more important things she could be hoping for?”
Diana G.
“My husband and I went to the meeting with the consultants studying downtown tourism last night. As downtown residents, their early recommendations were very enlightening. They said the downtown lacks energy. We agree. There could be many more events held downtown to attract people, including tourists. Events would bring new energy and be good for downtown businesses.”
Carol C.
“Thank you Virginia Korte. At least there’s one leader in our community willing to step up to mend some fences between diverse factions in our community.”
“I can’t speak for all city employees – but everyone in my office was pulling for the council to hire Jeff Nichols. He was and still is totally qualified to serve as city manager. We all hope he continues as treasurer. Our city needs him!!!”
Beth G.
“I totally lost faith in our city council during their escapade of trying to find and hire a city manager. It’s going to take a while for them to regain my respect, if ever.”
Name Withheld
“Well, it finally happened. I wasn’t sure the city would ever be able to hire a city manager. Now Brian Biesemeyer can go back to the water department where he belongs.”
Craig C.
“I want to express my appreciation for the wonderful blog that described Fritz Behring. As a city employee, there’s hardly a day when I’m at work that I don’t think about Mr. Behring. The conditions under which he left the employ of the city were terribly sad. Even though he was here for such a short period, I believe he was the best city manager we’ve had in the last 10 years.”
“As a long-time city employee, I couldn’t care less about who the city manager is. The city manager has never impacted my job, nor will it in the future. Much ado about not much.”
Name Withheld
“My wife and I attended the Desert Discovery workshop yesterday and leaned quite a bit about the project. Having only read some of the negative blogs, we were skeptical. We’re not totally sold on putting it on the Mountain Preserve, but we now believe the concept has a lot of merit.”
Phillip R.
“It wasn’t surprising to see that Rachel Sacco’s salary at the Convention and Visitors Bureau is almost $500,000 or that others at the organization make more than $100,000. I cannot help but be more than a little curious who turned on Parker Leavitt to an audit in a City Council subcommittee meeting. Someone sure has it out for Sacco and the CVB.”
Karen S.
“Is it too much to ask Mayor Lane to step up and lead in the process of picking a city manager? The mayor is part of them problem!!!”
Robert L.
“Hiring a city manager has turned into a full-blown fiasco. It’s probably not as much about inferior candidates for the position as it is about a dysfunctional mayor and council. The buck stops with them.”
“The company the council hired to recruit candidates for a permanent city manager should have been fired months ago. They are being paid a pretty penny and all they are coming up with are people from the minor leagues. Come on!”
Mary Beth G.
“If the City Council was counting on people losing interest in hiring a new city manager, it’s working.”
“The City Council is a joke.”
City Employee (ret)
“I watched the presentations of the three people interviewing for the city manager job. The guys from California and Texas were clearly out of their league. Our treasurer, Jeff Nichols, isn’t flashy … but he sure has more on the ball than the other two. I can’t believe the council didn’t hire Nichols.”
Grace S.
“So after spending literally hundreds of thousands of dollars during this election, we end up with the same people on the council. Same mayor, too! I only voted for Guy Phillips, and I’d do it again.”
Phil T.
“Our council is sending the rest of the country a terrible message about Scottsdale. Who in their right mind would want to work for a city that can’t get its act together to hire a city manager. This has been going on for much too long.”
Beth G.
“Even money says the council still won’t be satisfied that they’ve found a new city manager because they only have three to choose from.”
“For all of those who doubted Guy Phillips’ electability, tonight’s election should have put those rumors to rest. Guy is our voice on the city council along with Kathy Littlefield. I had hoped that Kathy’s husband would be elected mayor, but that wasn’t in the cards.”
Betty E.
“When Jim Lane beats Bob Littlefield tomorrow, maybe it will finally send Mr. Littlefield a message that his political career is kaput in Scottsdale.”
“Mayor Lane is spending $400,000 to beat Bob Littlefield. Disgusting.”
Name Withheld
“I pray that your blog is wrong about what happens after this election for mayor. In my heart of hearts I won’t be voting for either Littlefield or Lane. Both men have conducted themselves poorly. Hopefully, all the hate and animosity will die down so we can have a peaceful holiday season.”
“Nice blog. Since Bob Littlefield has been adopted by that NO DDC bunch, next week’s election will surely be a thumbs up or thumbs down vote on the Desert Discovery Center. I don’t have a strong feeling one way or the other. But it will be fascinating to see the outcome.”
Karl G.
“Guy Phillips can be a real goofball sometimes. But guess what … he’s our goofball.”
“Will Guy Phillips declare the attack on him by Arizona Citizens United an in-kind contribution?”
Sandy V.
“I voted for Councilman Phillips out of principle. If dark money is being used against him, he’s automatically my guy.”
Craig J.
“Guy Phillips is probably more dangerous than Bob Littlefield.”
June Bug
“I realize that history has a way of repeating itself. But it’s hard to believe that all four city council candidates are so bunched together in that poll you cited. Who the heck is Dan Schweiker, anyway? And a well-known incumbent like Suzanne Klapp in 4th place is beyond belief. I don’t think in this crazy political climate that such a poll can be trusted.”
Merle O.
“Totally agreed with your statement in the blog about ‘they still don’t get Guy.’ Truer words were never written. Our city’s elite can call Mr. Phillips all the names they want, but he must be doing something right because he didn’t get appointed. Guy Phillips was elected!!!”
Judi R.
“Your blog raises a good point about voting ‘for’ or ‘against’ a candidate for mayor. That’s how bad this election between Lane and Littlefield has become. It’s a sad commentary on where politics has sunk in Scottsdale.”
Name Withheld
“Our community is bitterly divided. The election for mayor is proof. It also is making it worse, which is too bad. We deserve better.”
Phil K.
“I believe people are going to be talking about the campaign between Littlefield and Lane well after this election is over. It may be a tipping point for our city. Do we stay on the current course or make an abrupt shift in direction? It’s anybody’s guess at this point.”
Chocolate Chip
“It was easy to make up my mind about the three candidates running for city council. The whole negative campaign atmosphere created by the two lunkheads running for mayor was a different story – so I just skipped over that part of my ballot.”
Louise R.
“I’ve been reading the Voice for several years, and I can’t recall two editions that were more balanced than the last ones about Jim Lane and Bob Littlefield. The two blogs were fair to both candidates and offered insight I didn’t have before reading them. I’m looking forward to this election being over with. But I hope during the next several weeks in the lead up to the election that the Voice continues writing about the election that I think is going impact Scottsdale for a very long time.”
Carol K.
"Whack-a-Doodles for Littlefield!”
Sheri O.
“I’m all in for Bob Littlefield. He couldn’t be any worse than the stiff who’s the mayor now.
Frank D.
“One of the things I like most about your blog is that you take topics I know about and put a twist on them. Keep it up … we need your opinions.”
Name Withheld
“How can Henkel leaving Scottsdale not be major news. You know if some company with the brand and footprint of Henkel were relocating here, Mayor Lane would be all over it making hay. Do people not understand the significance of Henkel leaving that ugly-ass building vacant?”
Pickle Puss
“If the City Council can’t choose a city manager the second time around, it’s about them … not the quality of the candidates.”
Julie B.
“We attended the forum for candidates in the gallery district. It was very illuminating. We were probably in the minority, but Guy Phillips defies logic about how to pump up patronage downtown. He thinks more people living downtown is a detriment to growing business. It’s hard to comprehend his opinions. It sounds like he would like to take the city backwards into the past.”
Phil D.
“Glad to hear the Jeff Nichols is going to give running for city manager another shot.”
City Employee (ret.)
“I’m waiting to hear more about the issue I saw on TV about the improprieties at the city jail. Is anybody going to doing something about it or is it going to be one more issue swept under the rug?”
“It looks like Guy Phillips has a new batch of campaign street signs on some key corners. Not many candidates could pull it off using cartoon characters in a political campaign – but that’s the way Guy rolls!”
Jan E.
“I believe the Jim-Bob Show is probably turning a lot of people off.”
“I truly believe that there’s a generation of shop owners in Old Town who have a blind spot about how to help our downtown area become bigger and better for those of us who live here and, of course, our visitors. The horse and buggy days are over. You can relive the past through Paul Messinger’s columns in the newspaper.”
Billy the Kider
“Some people like Mr. Bob Pejman just don’t get it about the millennial generation. Hey, Bob … they’re the future and you will soon be the past!”
“My family stopped shopping in downtown Scottsdale years ago. We still go there to dine. But Fashion Square has more to offer us than the souvenir shops downtown.”
Frank J.
“As a business owner in the downtown area, I’ve learned there’s only one way to get our decision makers’ attention. That’s by being loud and proud!!!”
Kathy D.
“I couldn’t agree with you more about Bob Pejman, the self-ordained voice of downtown merchants. His negative attitude does little to endear merchants to the public. Every time he opens his mouth it’s to criticize someone or something.”
Elaine S.
“I can’t believe that there were 40% of voters undecided about who they are voting for in the mayoral election several weeks ago, and then, almost overnight, Jim Lane has a 27 point lead over Bob Littlefield. No way.”
Dan G.
“The negativity surrounding the Desert Discovery Center is making me sick to my stomach. I never in my wildest imagination thought I would live to see the day that Scottsdale would sink to the depths it has over the DDC. It makes me sad for our city. We’re better than that.”
Debra S.
“Surely there are other issues besides the DDC that the two candidates for mayor can and should be discussing. I’m still undecided about who I’m going to be voting for … but I won’t be making up my mind based on one issue.”
“Keep up the good work VOICE. Your political insights are a valuable resource.”
Bill P.
“I agree with you about the Lane campaign not even sounding like the mayor. More like Jason Rose, his public relations stunt man.”
Cathy R.
“It sounds like you’re suggesting that Bob Littlefield is the problem. He’s not!!! If Jim Lane had any clue about running this city, Bob probably wouldn’t even be running for mayor.”
Johnny on the Spot
“I think that’s great advice you are offering Mr. Lane to stay positive. It makes all the sense in the world. Mr. Littlefield’s chances of winning the election, and it’s a slim one, is to be negative about the direction of the city. While he raises some good points, Littlefield fails to say much of anything positive. Scottsdale is a great place, that’s why all of us have chosen to live here. Hearing a relentless drum beat of doom and gloom really doesn’t square with most people’s experience of Scottsdale.”
Trish K.
“I’m sick and tired of all the negativity that the mayoral campaigns are generating. These two candidates need to grow up. They are the poorest role models I can imagine for the younger generation.”
Jelly Bean
“As Donald Trump would say … the fix is in!!!
“I get the distinct impression that Jim Lane and Howard Myers are in cahoots.”
“I frequently find myself agreeing with your blog – and the current one about the DDC is no exception. While people are fretting over several acres of desert, our city’s infrastructure is crumbling. I know people don’t want to hear that, but it’s true! If we don’t take strong measures to correct things soon, we will regret it when we see what it will cost to catch up.”
Dick B.
“I like what Councilwoman Klapp has been saying about the Desert Discovery Center that it’s a way for those who can’t hike the preserve to take part in it. For the life of me I don’t understand how some people can be so callous.”
Carl O.
“We have Bob Littlefield to thank for making such a big issue out of the Discovery Center. What part of ‘preserve’ don’t the shysters who want to build the DDC on Mountain Preserve understand?”
Billy Jo
“Guess what, Voice … the DDC is the BIGGEST ISSUE facing Scottsdale!”
Sandy S.
“I couldn’t agree more with your latest blog about Audrey Thacker. She was bullied out of downtown by a bunch of business bigots. They will be sorry.”
Bruce J.
“I hated hearing that George Jackson wasn’t going to run for re-election to the SUSD Governing Board. For the past four years I found him the most level headed and non-political person on the board. What a shame.”
Carol Lee
“Almost every time I go on twitter I see Mayor Lane in a restaurant. He looks like he’s waiting on tables.”
Ben C.
“As a non-gallery business owner on Main Street, I sincerely believe if Ms. Thacker would have been allowed to continue her no-overhead business downtown, some galleries would have been driven out of business.”
“Three cheers for Audrey Thacker. You go girl!”
“I work at a well known restaurant and bar in downtown Scottsdale. Our entire staff from the front door to the kitchen could not be happier that Audrey Thacker is back in business, even if it is Tempe. I think if some people had their way in this area they would roll back the clock to the 1990’s. They really don’t get what it’s going to take to bring downtown back to life like it once was.”
Name Withheld
“When the final votes for Jim Lane and Bob Littlefield are counted November 8th, it’s going to once and for all quantify the political divide in our city. I predict a 55-45 vote. Lane will be re-elected, and who knows where Littlefield goes after that?
The Chef
“Who is Dan Schweiker? I’ve seen his signs on the street, but I’ve never heard of him!
Toni M.
“I hope Mayor Lane gets re-elected and then quits to run for State Treasurer. Virginia Korte would make a great mayor.”
Name Withheld
“Mark Hiegel’s comment in the Bite Me section about those of us who don’t want to see the DDC built on the preserve, pretty much captures the arrogance of the Chamber of Commerce and those who support the organization’s political positions.”
“My experience with Jim Lane is that he is a man of his word. If he is elected to a third term, I truly believe he will serve the whole term and not resign to run for higher office.”
Beth Y.
“If, as you say, 4 out of 10 voters are still undecided about who they’re voting for in the mayors’ race, that speaks volumes about the nature of the two candidates. But mostly Mayor Lane. After eight years as mayor of Scottsdale, he should easily be over the 50% mark by now.”
“One of the things I like about your blogs is that you tell it like it is. Can’t imagine that your current one was well received by some of the gallery owners and the downtown businesses still trying to make old business models work in the new economy. Those folks need to wake up and smell the truth … but obviously, they can’t handle the truth!”
Joyce F.
“I try to shop in the downtown area as often as possible. But with each trip I make there (and try to find a parking place), there’s less and less I can find. We do like to eat at some of the new restaurants, though. I wouldn’t be surprised if the future of downtown will be made by restaurants and no longer the galleries and knick knack stores.”
Rudy E.
“We have friends who are familiar with the new special events’ code. You’re right, they say it’s pretty difficult to interpret. The city needs to make it easier to stage events, particularly downtown, not harder to meet all the criteria.”
“I enjoy reading your columns. But sometimes I wish they offered more solutions instead of pointing out the problems. I hate to see the businesses downtown not making it. I heard that five of them closed last month on 5th Avenue. Really sad.”
Kathy G.
“Let’s face it. Much of downtown Scottsdale is on life support. All kinds of shops are dropping like flies. Maybe they’ll start to get the message if they start reading the Voice of Scottsdale.”
Franklin and Friends
“Now that the mayor and council are on vacation, it looks like it’s safe to come out.”
“You’ve got it right. The rest of this year is going to be more of the same. I’m disappointed that the council put off addressing whether or not they are going to call for a public vote on the Desert Discovery Center. I think they’re also scheduled to revisit the Updated General Plan. Hopefully, they’ll get off the dime so we can get this issue behind us.
Ron M.
“My friend dragged me along to the LD-23 meeting where Jim Lane and Bob Littlefield were debating. I’m glad I went because it was informative. Mr. Littlefield put Mr. Lane on the defensive from the very beginning and never let up. Mayor Lane’s support of the Desert Discovery looks to be his Achilles Heel. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get out from under the specter that he’s tied to special interests with deep pockets.”
Bruce J.
“Like what you said about our esteemed Chamber of Commerce being reduced to a ‘business club.’ I can’t remember the last time the organization actually did something meaningful for the community at large.”
Ken D.
“I’m absolutely sick about hearing light rail this and light rail that. Let’s put it to a vote and get over it.”
“I can’t quarrel with your analysis that the three incumbents running for re-election will be returned to the City Council. Perhaps the mayor, too. So I don’t expect much to change in city government. I hope a new city manager can be chosen sometime soon.”
Trudy O.
“Best blog yet. We really appreciate your insight and powers of prognostication. It also looks like there may have been a little tongue-in-cheek humor. One of the things you mentioned was that Dan Schweiker may not make the cut in the council election. Personally, we think he would make a good councilperson. We’re not sure that many people recognize the changes our city is going through. As they say in politics, ‘we’re at a crossroads.’ Unless some of our so-called leaders get on the stick, Scottsdale is going to be stuck as other cities pass us up. Keep up the good work … we look forward to your next blog.”
The Simpsons
“Why even meet with candidates for city manager if you’re not going to choose one of them?”
Judy R.
“This is probably a good time for the council to go on vacation. They need it … and so do we.”
Flower Girl
“Is Brian Biesemeyer serving as the city manager for six more months the good news or the bad news?”
“Thank you very much for disclosing the troublesome issues bubbling in some of our city department’s. It’s much worse than most people realize.”
Gene K.
“I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall during the city council’s session behind closed doors when they tried to pick a city manager. It must have been a truly awkward situation to reject City Treasurer Jeff Nichol’s application.”
Stephen O.
“It confounds me why a city with the status of Scottsdale has so much trouble finding and keeping city managers. I’m beginning to wonder if the city doesn’t have an inflated importance of itself. Maybe, just maybe, our city isn’t viewed with high esteem by those who don’t live here. In addition, the horrible history of the lifespan of a Scottsdale city manager can’t be helping. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.”
Evana T.
“Fritz Behring was the best city manager Scottsdale ever had.”
“Glad to see that long, ugly stretch of dirt along the canal at Camelback and Scottsdale Road is finally going to be built on. But do we really need more condos and a hotel?”
Tami L.
“It’s hard to fathom how the city council could overlook hiring Jeff Nichols as our city manager. Jeff is a leader in a leaderless bureaucracy. He would have been the perfect choice to pick up where Fritz Behring left off. I wouldn’t blame him if he told the City of Scottsdale to take a hike. But that’s probably not his nature.”
Cindy G.
“I read that the whackos in the Republican LD-23 organization only endorsed one candidate for the City Council, Guy Phillips. What’s up with that?”
Bean Counter
“None of the finalists for the city manager position can hold a candle to Fritz Behring.”
William T.
“It was terrific to see John Little’s quote used in your Bite Me. I thought John might have moved on. Glad he’s still here and not afraid to speak up by challenging the political establishment. I still think he would have made the kind of councilperson we need. Rock on. John!”
Patricia O.
“So who died and left Guy Phillips in charge of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve?”
“As both a parent and a teacher in SUSD, I’m looking forward to visiting the Desert Discovery Center. It will be a great blend of entertainment and education. Truthfully, I couldn’t care less if it’s in the preserve area. But it should be close to the preserve. Otherwise it really doesn’t make much sense.”
Kena T.
“We support the Discovery Center … but the devil is in the details!”
Phil D.
“I disagree with you. The Desert Discovery Center is not Scottsdale’s next big idea. The DDC is just a big waste of time and money. As long as taxpayer money is involved, I doubt that it will ever be built, either inside or outside the Mountain Preserve area.”
“Outstanding analysis of what’s happening or not happening with the struggle over the Desert Discovery Center. I’ve been waiting for the backers of the DDC to come out of hiding and defend the project. But no such luck. All they’re doing is making Guy Phillips look like a genius! Personally, I would like to see the DDC built. “
Liz A.
“I find it interesting that no group like the hoteliers or resorts have surfaced in the debate about the DDC. The facility would be all about tourism, right? So where are the ones who have the most to gain from more visitors coming here?”
“It makes no sense to build anything, no matter how big or small, in the Mountain Preserve. There’s a reason it’s called a ‘preserve.’”
Phil O.
“Hey, Scottsdale … let’s give the DDC process a chance to work and stop the whining before we even know where it’s going to go or what it’s going to look like.”
“If the Desert Discovery Center never happens, it’s going to be on the people too frightened to speak up and defend it.”
Gene T.
“Your readers might like to know that some of the same people who worked for the North Chamber of Commerce against Guy Phillips 4 years ago, are the same people behind Scottsdale Strong.”
“Before this election is over, Bob Littlefield should be prepared to be attacked by dark money. It happened when he ran for the legislature and it’s going to happen again.
Phil T.
“I’ve watched Councilman Phillips’ video about the Discovery Center. He has really upped his game. He’s still not my cup of tea – although I think he’s sincere. It’s probably good that we have someone like him on the City Council. But, frankly, one of him is enough.”
Vicki G.
“I know for a fact that some of those people who are backing Mayor Lane’s re-election campaign are nervous as a cat about this election. They privately say that they expect there to be a run-off with Bob Littlefiled.”
Name Withheld
“The election for mayor isn’t a slam dunk for Mayor Lane. He may end up winning, but before it’s all over Bob Littlefield is going to give him a run for his money … all $100,000 of it!
Carole G.
“Mark my words. Bill Crawford is going to be a spoiler in this election between Jim Lane and Bob Littlefield.”
“It really sucks that dark money has crept into our city’s politics. I wanted to think that Scottsdale was immune from evil doers with deep pockets.”
Craig T.
“Thanks for the scoop on the Cultural Council’s latest shenanigans. Now that the local Republic is no longer covering these kinds of issues, organizations like the Cultural Council don’t think they need to be accountable. Keep up the good work.”
“The morale at the Cultural Council has been a problem for as long as I can remember. Now it can no longer be blamed on Bill Banchs!”
“We’ve thought that the Cultural Council has been a train wreck for several years. We like to attend the concerts and other events at the Center for the Performing Arts. We also like to take our out-of-town guests to SMoCA. But we have had some really bad experiences with the people who say they work directly with the Cultural Council. Many have been rude and unfriendly. We think they have no sense of customer service.”
Carol T.
“Excuse the pun, but there’s something wrong with the culture at the Cultural Council.”
Phil G.
“Neale Perl is a better cello player than he is a manager of an arts organization.”
“Last night I watched Guy Phillips’ video about the Desert Discovery Center, and it was convincing. There are still many more questions than there are answers about the project. But for now, I’m hesitant to support the concept until we know a whole lot more.”
“One year of Brian Biesemeyer as acting city manager is one year too long.”
“Nice try mayor, but no cigar! It’s obvious you’re trying to pull a fast one on southern Scottsdale. I’m not opposed to some form of district representation. I’m just against being played during an election year.”
Vicki T.
“Yes, I’ve also heard about the rumor connected to Mayor Lane that he would like to run for state treasurer in 2018. I think he would probably make a pretty good treasurer.”
Harold G.
“It’s hard to criticize Mayor Lane for trying to capitalize on the district representation system in the south part of our city. It’s just good politics. If it happens, it happens. No big deal.”
Betty D.
“I think you made the point that it doesn’t always matter if south Scottsdale has a person on the council. Although Kevin Osterman lived here, once he got on the council, he became part of the political establishment. So that was that.
Judy K.
“Great blog about South Scottsdale. You got it – we feel like the prettiest girl at the dance with all the attention we’re getting down here. I would like to think that it’s not just because it’s an election year. But even if it is, there are many of us who can live with that. I believe it’s up to all of us who live in South Scottsdale to keep the ball rolling.”
Bruce G.
“If Jeff Nichols, our esteemed treasurer, is hired as city manager, does that mean Judy “Hot Pants” Doyle will be appointed treasurer?”
Name Withheld
“I see that the Scottsdale Independent has turned into a political war zone. There are at least two columns every day from people either running for the city council or their supporters. Does the Scottsdale Republic even know there’s an election this year?”
Carol Lee
“I don’t care who the next city manager is – just as long as it’s not Brent Stockwell!!!”
“If Mr. Nichols has actually thrown his hat in the ring to be the new city manager, I say good for him! As a veteran city employee, I’ve seen lots of Charter Officers come and go. He, as you said, is truly one of the best in city government. I think the title of city manager would fit nicely in front of Jeff Nichols’ name.”
“It’s starting to sound like the Voice of Scottsdale is in Jeff Nichols’ back pocket. There’s no way he can be as could as you report. Surely he has some shortcomings besides being too nice of a guy.”
Coffee King
“It’s a shame more people haven’t wanted to run for city council. We need more choices. If we had the district representation system, more of us could afford to run.”
Peggy Sue
“For the life me, I can’t understand what all of the paranoia is about over light rail. If some citizens had their way, we would probably still be getting around in horse and buggies.”
Mac the Knife
“Bet your readers aren’t aware that the Scottsdale School District is one of the only ones in Arizona that is going to be penalized if Proposition 123 passes.”
Mel B.
“I was glad to see that Mayor Lane didn’t cave in on light rail. He obviously has the courage of his convictions.”
“Hopefully, some of those folks who fancy themselves as people who can influence others on issues learned something from the debate the other night at the council meeting. The days of the good old boys network running our city are disappearing. Scottsdale is no longer a place where old-timers call the shots.”
Arlene O.
“It’s becoming clear that businesses, both big and small, don’t speak with one voice on every issue. That’s probably a good thing.”
Judy S.
“I thought you would like to know that the Voice of Scottsdale was a major topic at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. It’s hard for them to admit that their powers of persuasion with the City Council aren’t what they used to be. The chamber’s failure to have any mention of light rail inserted into the transportation plan was talked around, almost like it never happened. I don’t think that many of the organization’s deciders understand the political dynamics of what’s happening in the city.”
“Jeff Nichols would make a great city manager!!!”
Karen G.
“Is there any truth to the rumor that Tom Silverman may come out of retirement and run for council?”
Craig O.
“Two weeks ago we had visitors here from Kansas. We took them down to Old Town twice, once in the day and then again at night. Both times it was nearly impossible to find a parking place. Something has to be done about the parking problem down there, especially for tourists. The parking issue sends the wrong kind of message about Scottsdale.”
“Why do council meetings have to be so gosh darn long. I started watching last night’s meeting about transportation and gave up after 3 hours. Ridiculous.”
Mack M.
“Is anybody really surprised that Jim Lane’s idea for district representation didn’t generate any enthusiasm? I’m not. I bet if anybody else on the city council would have proposed it that people would have taken it seriously. When Lane did it, people saw it for what it was … political pandering at its worse.”
Chuck E.
“It’s hard to believe that Rachel Sacco has been at the Convention and Visitors Bureau for 30 years! She has managed to dodge trouble and not step on any toes. Don’t know if that’s the good news or the bad news?”
Maggie May
“I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of reception the city council gives Mayor Lane’s proposal for his ‘hybrid’ election system. I won’t blame them if they postpone any decisions to send him a message about going rogue.”
Ken P.
“I see that the members of the Executive Forum are pitching light rail. None of these business leaders have businesses or homes near what will probably be the eventual rail lines. It’s interesting how these big shots know what’s best for the rest of us while they have no skin in the game.”
Herb T.
“I agree with your blog. If we’re going to change the way we elect people to the City Council using district representation, the city should be divided up in six different districts. That’s the fairest way to do it so everyone is treated the same.”
“Councilman Phillips asked the question in a newspaper column that a lot of us have been asking: Why does Scottsdale allow food trucks. They’re tacky! Reminds me of stuff you see at a carnival. I wouldn’t eat food off of one of those rigs if you paid me.”
“I’ve started following the Scottsdale Independent online for news about Scottsdale. The Republic has nothing worth reading anymore, unless you’re looking for tips on how to bake bread”
Betty D.
“Who the (bleep) is Lane kidding. The day Jim Lane gives a hoot about south Scottsdale I’ll buy him all the beer he can drink at Fate.”
“I could go either way on the district representation concept. But I would be willing to give it a try.”
Devil in the Blue Dress
“Trust me, Mayor Lane didn’t dream up the notion of district representation on his own. He’s not that bright!”
Rachel S.
“Nobody on the Council should be surprised that Jim Lane went off on his own to the press about his idea for instituting a district representation system. I thought everybody knew that the mayor plays by a different set of rules than the rest of the council.”
Name Withheld
“At first I was surprised to see Bill Murphy’s name pop up as a possible candidate for the city manager’s job. Then I thought about it, and it makes total sense. Two of my immediate family members work for the city, so I follow local politics pretty closely. The culture in the city is just as you describe it … chaotic. That is why I think Mr. Murphy deserves the council’s serious consideration to replace Mr. Behring. Employees need somebody they can trust and believe.”
Ralph O.
“I would like to see the Voice published more often. Once a week isn’t nearly enough. Thank you for your consideration.”
Tom G.
“I read where Mayor Lane wants to break the city up into three parts to elect people to the city council. Why only three? Why not six, like the number of those on the council? I’m not sure that the mayor has thought through this idea.”
Beth Y.
“Brian Biesemeyer should never have been appointed acting city manager. It’s probably the only mistake Fritz Behring made when he was city manager.”
Name Withheld
“I understand than Dan Schweiker is supposed to be running for the city council. But what’s he waiting for?
Patty Jo
“It was a real relief to read than Dan Worth won’t be included in the pool of candidates for city manager. When he was the interim manager before Fritz was hired, he was absolutely terrible. He treated employees like second-class citizens.”
“Scottsdale should be able to attract good people to work for the city, including a city manager. But given the lifespan of our city managers, I’m overcome with pessimism that we’re going to get the kind of candidates for that position the city deserves. We would be foolish to not to believe that Scottsdale is developing a national reputation as a place where people don’t want to work.”
Carol Lea
“If I hear someone at the city say that ‘our employees are our biggest asset’ one more time, I’m going to scream … then puke.”
Judy R.
“I wonder if it’s time for the city to change its health care provider.”
Maya W.
“If Brian Biesemeyer is the acting city manager, who’s running the city’s water department. He can’t be doing both, can he?”
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … Scottsdale is Trump Country!”
Ivan the Terrible
“Can anyone tell me what Mayor Lane has against people with alternative lifestyles?”
Debi F.
“My wife is an employee of the City of Scottsdale, so I have been following the city’s feeble attempt to resolve the health care coverage issue. Believe me, we are thankful for being able to have medical insurance. But what the city staff is putting their fellow employees through is totally unacceptable. From what I understand, the buck stops in the city manager’s office. I hope that the members of the City Council intervene. Thank you!”
Steve G.
“Please tell us that Brent Stockwell isn’t being considered as the city’s next city manager. God forbid!!!”
Black Bart
“Two friends of mine who both work for the city say that Fritz Behring has retained an attorney and is probably going to sue the city. I really hope that the Fritz era doesn’t have an ugly ending – it’s already sad enough.
Name Withheld
“Not sure I agree with the notion that the city’s art scene is dead. It’s just not what it used to be. And that’s okay, what is?”
Frankie G.
“I think Scottsdale’s leadership’s true colors came out with the demise of the non-discrimination ordinance.”
“The city’s arts community has been running on fumes for years. It’s about time that somebody called it out. The Cultural Council is a joke and the downtown galleries look like a flashback to the 1980’s. It’s time for the arts community do some real soul searching.
Hank O.
“Today’s blog was pretty clever bringing all three things together. We’ve been reading the Voice for two years. One of the best!”
Betty D.
“What is it with Scottsdale not being able to keep a city manager. We moved here from Tucson 3 years ago, so we weren’t here for all of them … but we find it very strange. Could the city be cursed or just unlucky?”
“I agree! If the Chamber gets active on this year’s campaigns, there’s a good chance they could do more harm than good.”
“I had the dreadful feeling the non-discrimination ordinance wasn’t going to cut the mustard. Not in Scottsdale this year. I think Councilwoman Korte has it right. We’re going to have to change some of the members on the council if an ordinance stands any chance of passing.”
“It’s too bad the council had to let Fritz go. After all the years of trying to find the right city manager, it has to end like this. We should all pray for his recovery. I’m a realist. I know he will never be back. But he’s a good guy we should all be pulling for.”
Michael O.
“Mark Hiegel has turned out to be a great replacement for Rick Kidder. Truthfully, I wish it would have been done much sooner.”
Craig J.
“I’ve been a member of the Chamber of Commerce for 12 years. For what it’s worth, I don’t think the Chamber should be messing around in politics. The organization should stick to what it does best … promoting business.”
Name Withheld
“I hear that Kathy Littlefield was the only member of the council who didn’t have a videotaped message for Jim Lane’s State of the City Address.”
“I don’ see how the city can talk about a 20-year transportation plan without at least addressing light rail. I know some people think talking about light rail means the end of the world as we know it. But it’s hard to imagine all of our neighboring communities having it and Scottsdale not exploring the possibility of being connected to it.”
Alan B.
“It was a good turn out for Mayor Lane’s State of the City speech today. I know these annual addresses are supposed to highlight all of the good things happening – but every year it’s noticeably absent what the mayor is going to do to close the political gap that only seems to be growing in Scottsdale.”
Rachel S.
“Two members of my family rely totally on bus service. Scottsdale has a long way to go before even coming close to its bus service being adequate.”
Felix S.
“I remember clearly how the Puliam family blocked the effort to install freeways 40 years ago. You had it right. I can’t help but think the people who are resisting even discussing mass transit for our city are doing exactly what they freeway naysayers were doing in the 1970’s. They’re like ostriches with their heads stuck in the sand.”
“If we build some kind of high-capacity system, Scottsdale residents will never ride it. Maybe the people coming from other places to work in our hotels and restaurants – but not anyone I know. Spending our tax dollars so a bunch of minimum wage people can ride it is ridiculous.”
“As a city employee in a mid management position, I can’t believe our own staff’s proposal to cut back the health care provider network and force us to stop seeing our family doctors because they’re being eliminated from the provider network. One of the primary reasons I came to work for the City of Scottsdale seven years ago was for the health care benefits. This kind of radical change to the program is going to send some people packing.”
“I’m not in favor of building high-rises. But if the city is going to allow it, at least the Fashion Square group will be clustering them all together. Better that than spreading towers throughout the city.”
Candice O.
“It sounds like the sky is going to be the limit at Fashion Square.”
Tom G.
“I get a real kick out of the stand-off between the affluent going to battle over the location of the BASIS charter school. Money usually talks with an issue like this. But both sides have plenty, so who knows how it’s going to turn out.”
Billy Jo
“The people at Fashion Square are serving up the high-rise issue on a silver platter for Littlefield and Phillips. They’re going to find themselves right in the middle of the elections. It’s going to put the mayor in a tough spot with his friends at the Macerich company.”
Trudy K.
“Two words: Height and Density.”
“I was glad to see Laurie Roberts writing about a Scottsdale issue again. We’ve really missed her insight and ability to uncover issues here. I wish she would do it more often.”
Betty D.
“The devil is in the details.”
Devil in the Blue Dress
“Those who turn their back on the Lord will regret their actions on Judgment Day.”
“I can’t believe Mayor Lane and the Council is actually going to allow a Satanic prayer to be used to open the April 5th City Council meeting. Satanism isn’t even a religion … it’s a cult. It’s embarrassing and disgusting.”
Carol Ann C.
“I never thought I would see the day when Christianity was replaced by Satanism in the Kiva. I’ll remember that on election day.”
Loretta T.
“When I first heard about the satanic group being approved to give the prayer at one of our council meetings, it sounded like a political prank. I can’t believe it. If these devil worshipers are allowed to do it, I’ll join the organized protest, providing there is one.”
Karen C.
“I don’t think Bill Crawford being in the race makes any difference whatsoever. My prediction is that Mayor Lane walks away with the election in August … so a runoff won’t be necessary.”
Cecil O.
“Truthfully, I didn’t know Bill Crawford was still around. He’s been surprisingly quiet, so I thought he might have moved. I believe Bill’s heart is in the right place, but I’m concerned that in a three-candidate competition he will tilt the election in favor of Bob Littlefield. Since he stopped sounding off about the bar district, I think he got more moderate about city issues. That’s why he may chip into Mayor Lane’s vote.”
“I can’t wait for the debates in the mayor’s campaign. If Lane shows up, it should be entertaining.”
Scottsdale Voter
“Leave it to Bill Crawford. We finally get the showdown that’s been brewing for years between Lane and Littlefield, and Crawford goes and spoils it. I think Crawford getting into the race hurts Littlefield more than Lane. Isn’t that why Crawford is running?”
“I got a real laugh out of your blog saying Jim Lane has had to work with four different city managers like it was a badge of honor. Lane is the only one to blame for that. He’s the one who helped chase off Dolan, Little and Richert.”
Debi T.
“Nobody I know is dismissing Bob Littlefield’s campaign as a sideshow. You just wait. Bob is going to be the main attraction this election year and give Jim Lane a real ride for his money.”
Joanne K.
“Never ever underestimate Bob Littlefield.”
“Appreciate you bragging about Mayor Lane. But guess what, he didn’t do it alone! He had a little help from his friends on the city council.”
Rita D.
“I’ve never known the Voice of Scottsdale to be a fan of Mayor Lane. You sure keep us guessing. Like you say, Jim does have a lot to brag about. Littlefield is going to have a tough time convincing voters the mayor doesn’t deserve another term.”
Name Withheld
“It’s hard to say how history will remember Mayor Lane. He’s certainly no Herb Drinkwater. However, he’s probably a pretty good fit for this time in Scottsdale. I like the idea that he’s fiscally conservative. I wish he would be more open minded on social issues, though. Right now improving the economy should be our first priority.”
Sheila S.
“Mary Manross was just about the perfect mayor for Scottsdale. I think the political climate of the city changed radically after Jim Lane was elected mayor. I really don’t feel that was a coincidence.”
“I’m not a big fan of Bob Littlefield. But I respect him for challenging Mayor Lane. So many people like to criticize politicians, but aren’t brave enough to do more than just scream and shout. At least Littlefield is willing to stand up for what he believes.”
Name Withheld
“The mayor can spend all the money he wants, but it won’t make a difference because Bob Littlefield’s political capital is the truth.”
Ms. Fantastic
“I believe Mayor Lane has earned a third term. He led our city through and out of the worst economy that most of us have ever seen.”
Alan B.
“Jim Lane has never faced a political competitor with the courage and tenacity of Bob Littlefield. Bob isn’t bashful about telling it like it is. I commend him for walking the talk. He’s getting my vote.”
Mr. Rogers
“I remember the campaign between Mayor Manross and Jim Lane quite well. I worked on Mary’s campaign, so I had a ringside seat on what Lane’s group threw at her. You’re right … it was a very nasty affair. Mary could have won the election if she would have been willing to turn her campaign into a mudslinging contest. She was, and still is, a class act.”
“We can’t wait to take our family, including our grandchildren, to the Desert Center. Hurry up and build it.”
George & Betty Y.
“$1.7 million for a ‘plan’ for the Desert Discovery Center. They’ve got to be kidding.”
Ben G.
“We should be allowed to vote up or down on the DDC. What are the mayor and his friends on the council so afraid of? Oh, that’s right, maybe that we’ll defeat it!”
Marty O.
“Hello … planet earth. Bed dollars are tax dollars!”
Craig P.
“I attended the council meeting Tuesday night and was pleasantly surprised how articulate and under control people on both sides of the Desert Discovery Center were. Maybe there’s hope that some of the ugliness that has infected our wonderful city the last several years is dying down.”
Maggie May
“After watching Bob Littlefield at the City Council meeting about the DDC, I can only come to one conclusion: What a Buffoon!”
Sally R.
“I wasn’t around when our city fathers were working on launching the green belt way back when, so I wonder how much pushback they had? I think we should give the Desert Discovery Center a chance to succeed. Some day I hope we all look back on this time and are able to joke that some people actually tried to scuttle the DDC.”
“I’ll be backing Bob Littlefield in the election for mayor. If he changes his mind and pulls out, I won’t be voting.”
Tea Party Tim
“Artisan Markets didn’t get a fair shake. Shameful.”
“When voters, particularly the ones in the north, defeated most of the bond proposals, it set Scottsdale back at least 5 years. Now the city is being forced to play catch up. I’m puzzled about where we’re going to find the millions of dollars to repair some of our most needed infrastructure.”
Fran M.
“I miss Lisa Borowsky!!!”
Slim Jim
“Curious if your blog staff would ever consider ‘Where Are They Now’ features. I would be interested in knowing where people go and what they’re up to when they leave the city council or no longer work for the city.”
“I remember when the Scottsdale Republic used to have a year-in-review. Now that the newspaper has all but thrown in the towel, I guess it’s left to the blogs like the Voice of Scottsdale.”
Carole G.
“If Mr. Behring is unable to return as city manager, wonder if the city has a back-up plan?”
Peter K.
“I think it took a year to see what kind of councilperson Kathy Littlefield is going to be. I was giving her the benefit of a doubt. She’s starting to turn into a disappointment. Oh well.”
Vicky G.
“Everyone in our office (at an undisclosed location) really enjoyed your 2015 wrap up. Unless something else breaks, most of our attention is going to be on the goings on in the school district. The search for a new superintendent to replace David Peterson has the potential to be a real adventure. I hear the sides are already being drawn. Keep up the good reporting.”
Molly & Company
“David Peterson reached a point of diminishing returns with our school district.”
“The school board elections next year are going to be intriguing. I think the terms expire for Bonnie Sneed, George Jackson and Kim Hartman.”
Eraser Head
“Around SUSD Pam Kirby is known as ‘The Black Widow.’”
Concerned Parent
“How on earth can we expect to attract a top flight superintendent after the way Dr. David Peterson was treated?”
“David Peterson had to go because the Scottsdale school district wasn’t big enough for both him and Pam Kirby.”
Betty D.
“As a former administrator for SUSD, I know how toxic the environment is around the district. It’s no surprise to me or employees both past and present why Dr. Peterson called it quits. Although he had the support of the majority of the Governing Board, Barbara Perleberg and Pam Kirby made his life miserable. Both women are well known throughout the district as troublemakers.”
Name Withheld
“I see that the Voice of Scottsdale nailed it again by being the first one to disclose why David Peterson threw in the towel. Nice work. The Scottsdale Republic, the alleged newspaper of record for our city, hasn’t even reported that he quit. Thanks for being on top of the issues in our city.”
Gloria O.
“I liked the tidbit you threw in about the Cultural Council on your recent blog. What cheapskates!!!”
Patti U.
“We just heard that Dr. David Peterson resigned as SUSD’s superintendent. Wow.”
The Wilsons
“How can the Scottsdale Republic call itself a newspaper when it no longer reports news? If it wasn’t for columns by Paul Messinger and Dana Close, I wouldn’t even read it.”
Phil O.
“I could see Guy Phillips and Bob Littlefield running as a two-man political slate. They really could be a strong one-two punch.
“The last time Scottsdale had a really competitive race for mayor was in 2008, Lane vs Manross. Lane vs Littlefield should be just as competitive. I’m not sure that Bob can win – but he sure will give Lane a run for his money. I hope this is a wake-up call for Jim Lane. He won’t be able to sleepwalk through this election.”
“You’re right! I remember when Lane and Littlefield were called ‘Jim-Bob.’ I’m looking forward to the pubic forums. They should be very entertaining.”
Peggy Sue
“Not sure that I would support him, but at least Littlefield has stopped playing the cat and mouse game and is finally going to run for mayor.”
“It’s interesting that Bob Littlefield is running for mayor. But it’s intriguing that his wife, a councilwoman no less, is going to be the treasurer of his campaign. That’s one thing about the Littlefields … they never seem to do anything half way.”
“Is anyone really surprised that the people in the north torpedoed two-thirds of the bond proposals. It used to be said that the neighborhood activists in the south were our city’s naysayers. Now it’s the fat cats up north who are the political obstacles.”
Ruth G.
“I heard that Bob Littlefield is running for mayor!! Is this a political prank?”
Mr. Rogers
“When David Smith voted to approve the Outpost project, he sold out the members of COGS who endorsed him last fall. He was the swing vote. Expect there to be consequences.”
Pete O.
“l can live with Brian Biesemeyer. But I can’t live with Brent Stockwell.
“No one wants Fritz Behring to come back to work more than me. But it may be time for the city council to begin discussing Plan B.
Name Withheld
“Brian Biesemeyer is no Fritz Behring.”
“Thank you for writing the blog this week about Mr. Behring. I’ve gotten to know him pretty well in the last two years. He’s a good man who isn’t afraid to make tough decisions. I hope he returns to work soon.”
Betty N.
“The city really misses Fritz Behring more than most people can imagine. It’s difficult to replace experience … and nearly impossible to replace a person of Fritz’ character. As someone who comes in contact with the city manager’s office on a frequent basis, I think we could be just one decision or incident away from finding ourselves in a real mess. Yes, I agree: Fritz can’t get back to work fast enough.
“It’s amazing to hear that Jim Lane set some kind of fundraising record. At the rate he’s raising money, he’s going to dry up funds for the incumbents running for re-election … and that would be stupid on his part.”
Ron T.
“It looks like the leadership at the Cultural Council still can’t get the hang of how to cultivate relationships with the people on the City Council. How on earth do they expect to get even half of what they ask for when they only have two members of the City Council willing to support them?”
Bev S.
“Congratulations, Firefighters. Let’s build those new fire stations.”
“By my count, our esteemed mayor has not campaigned for the last three bond packages. What a loser!!!”
Zip Lock
“After the bonds were defeated, bet Bob Littlefield still has a hangover from celebrating.”
Beth Y.
“I hope the Culture Council got the message last night. The city can’t afford to keep paying the freight for the organization. How about if the city stops shoveling money at the group who are nothing more than art elitists.”
Name Withheld
“The group that was working to pass the bond proposal could learn a thing or two from Guy Phillips. He out worked them and out smarted them. Yes, they should be very embarrassed!”
Recovering Politician
“When are those Yes bond signs going to be taken down. The No signs were down days ago!”
“When my husband and I voted for David Smith, we thought he was a person opposed to government regulating private businesses. So now he has become the voice for gallery owners?”
Diane R.
“Now that the bond proposal to build new fire stations was approved, our firefighters won’t have to work out of a trailer up north. It’s about time!”
Alan B.
“From what I hear after last night’s Transportation Commission meeting, the city won’t be pursuing making Scottsdale Road into two lanes through the downtown area. Even money says the gallery owners and bar owners got together and put the squeeze on the City Council.”
Virg H.
“Guy Phillips … Dragon Slayer!
Peggy Sue
“The greedy gallery owners should be a shamed of themselves. Running Artisan Markets out of downtown is nothing more than old-fashioned bullying. I’m also shocked that the council is allowing themselves to be manipulated by them. I thought this council was supposed to be all about free enterprise.”
Zach G.
“In my opinion, just about any other city would welcome Artisan Markets. I wouldn’t blame Audrey Thacker for telling Scottsdale to shove it!”
Hank S.
“The Fat Lady just sang for Artisan Markets. Too bad.”
Ms. Fantastic
“Hoping that Audrey Thacker doesn’t give up. As a downtown business owner, our area needs as much life and vitality as we can muster. Audrey and Artisan Markets has provide both of those. I for one am grateful”
“I’m probably in the minority of your readers, but I believe the city did the right thing in not allowing Artisan Markets a special events permit for next year. Actually, the arts group should feel lucky that they were permitted to carry on as long as they did.”
Kathy H.
“What a joke! Do the city’s bureaucrats really expect us to believe that Audrey Thacker and her Artisan Markets organization was run off the bridge at the canal because they were a public safety issue. How dumb do they think we are!”
Carl S.
“I was sorry to see Randy Grant fall on his sword for the acting city manager. It should have been Brian Biesemeyer stepping out front on the Artisan Markets issue, not Randy, the head of planning and zoning.”
Betty R.
“It wasn’t evident until recently that the art gallery owners are a bunch of cry babies!”
Fran J.
“South Scottsdale is miserably under represented on the city council. We need someone on the council who lives south of Thomas Road and understands our issues.”
“I hope and pray that Fritz Behring returns to work in the city manager’s office soon. If people knew what was truly going on and how issues were being handled, they would be appalled. Get well, Fritz … the city needs you.”
Name Withheld
“I’d give anything to know which person on our distinguished council called the downtown dust up with the two arts groups a ‘cluster (you know what’). They had it right.”
Merle P.
“I’ve never had such a hard time making up my mind about an issue in our city than the battle between the downtown gallery owners and the Artisan Markets group. Both sides have persuasive arguments. I doubt it will ever get resolved to everybody’s satisfaction. In the end it will only be the city that suffers.”
“Your blog today asked an important question I’ve been asking for years: ‘Who’s Really in Charge at City Hall?’ It’s becoming obvious it’s not the City Council!”
Cindy R.
“We watched the council’s session about the McDowell Road Corridor last night. We thought the discussion started out worthwhile, and then reached a point of diminishing returns. As residents of south Scottsdale we hope the city staff (Randy Grant and Danielle Casey) are able to interpret the vast and wandering input from the council.”
Dot and Paul G.
“Loved Paul Messinger’s newspaper column on chickens – outstanding!
“NO Tax! Those yellow and black election signs on the corners are really effective. Everyone I know agrees with them.”
Cheryl V.
“As a 25-year resident of PV, I’ve seen my share of politicians come and go. Dan Schweiker was one of the best who ever served on our town council. He was honest and responsive to every resident.”
Harold G.
“Our current City Council is one of the better ones that I can remember. Good political diversity and a cross-section of personalities. Unlike some of the other councils, this one is fairly unpredictable. I like that.”
Mary Jo
“I agree … never ever count Guy Phillips out of any election.”
“We know Dan Schweiker. Paradise Valley’s loss is Scottsdale’s gain!”
Billy Jean
“We really loved the Dan Schweiker-Ned Flanders comparison. You’re right. Not only do they look alike, they’re pretty much the same character.”
Judy S.
“The city’s political establishment shouldn’t count their chickens before they hatch. Just because Dan Schweiker is running, it doesn’t mean that Guy Phillips won’t be re-elected. I could see a scenario in which Schweiker and Phillips both are elected. That would leave Councilwomen Klapp and Korte battling it out for the third seat on the council.”
“I couldn’t be happier about Dan Schweiker running for city council. He’s a class act, and our city would be lucky to have him serve on the council.”
Trent W.
“Scottsdale is Trump Country!
Cecil O.
“I tried watching the council’s work-study session about special events Monday evening. Didn’t have a clue what they were talking about. It seems to be a topic that exceeds the council’s capacity.”
“It’s hard to imagine a political scenario in which a Democrat gets elected to the Council. John Little probably had a fair chance at it last year until he dropped out for family reasons.”
Pete W.
“I’m not so sure that I agree that the majority of our city council is politically moderate. Klapp, Milhaven and Korte, maybe. Smith and Littlefield are more populist. And what can you say about Guy Phillips.”
Name Withheld
“If Mayor Lane campaigns for the 2015 bonds, it may make a difference. But that’s a pretty big ‘if.’”
“Here They Go Again …” I’m voting no on the bonds!!!
Vivian P.
“Really like the current blog. Pretty clever how the bond campaign was introduced. Keep up the informative work.”
Carol Lee
“I remember that election in 2012 quite clearly. A Democrat like Wayne Ecton didn’t stand a chance to be re-elected. That was when the Tea Party was starting to assert itself in Scottsdale. Conservative Republicans were starting to dominate the political scene.”
Arman G.
“I’ve been reading the VoS for about 4 years, and I can’t remember a better blog than your last one that included the hate emails to our City Council. Those emails give people a real flavor of the kinds of people who oppose a non-discrimination ordinance. I don’t think they represent how most people in our city feel about the LGBT issues. Keep up the great work on this topic!!!”
Julie V.
I can’t believe that Mayor Lane doesn’t believe our city has discrimination issues.”
Name Withheld
“I sure hope Scottsdale doesn’t become the epicenter of the non-discrimination issue.”
Betty N.
I was at the council meeting the young lady named Christiana Holcomb spoke at. Your blog did a good job of accurately describing her. I found her very strange. She reminded me of a character from the ‘Stepford Wives.’”
Cindy R.
“As a lifelong Christian, I can’t accept the fact that my fellow Christians are not more tolerant of those who are practicing an alternative lifestyle. I’m not going to become engaged in a battle of dueling Bible passages about the issue. In my heart I know what’s right.”
Karl H.
“I pray that our city council has the wisdom to pass a non-discrimination ordinance.”
Vivian W.
“Had never heard of the Alliance Defending Freedom until you mentioned it in your column. It’s hard to believe an organization like that resides in Scottsdale. Good to know.”
“I hope Fritz Behring returns to work soon. We miss you Fritz!
“Kathy Littlefield’s stock just went up with me. Under the circumstances, it took real courage to change her mind about the non-discrimination ordinance process.”
Nancy D.
“I heard Mayor Lane in an interview on KJZZ regarding the LGBT issue several days ago. He said he’s unaware of any discrimination in Scottsdale. Really, Mr. Mayor! Does he live under a rock? It’s really embarrassing that our mayor is so out of touch.”
Name Withheld
“It would be interesting to know how many downtown gallery owners have signed the Unity Pledge.”
Beth Y.
“I predict Jim Lane and Guy Phillips’ opposition to doing the right thing for the LGBT community is going to haunt them when they run for re-election next year.”
“There’s a special place in hell for those trying to force a non-discrimination ordinance down our throats.”
Bruce F.
I find it interesting that David Smith, Kathy Littlefield and Suzanne Klapp have come over to be supportive of doing due diligence about a discrimination ordinance. Mrs. Littlefield has clearly explained her switch – but I wonder about Councilpersons Klapp and Smith. It would be nice to know why they flipped.”
Pony Pants
“Kudos to Councilwoman Virginia Korte. I was one of what must have been nearly 100 business leaders and elected officials at Coronado High School at yesterday’s breakfast. Virginia gave the keynote speech about the important role schools can play in the revitalization of South Scottsdale. Glad someone is speaking out about helping our schools in the southern part of our city perform better.”
“As a long-time resident of Scottsdale, I never thought I would see the day when the gays would take over our city. It’s despicable.”
Sandy G.
“At least twice a year we can count on the City Council to have a humdinger of a meeting. Last night was one of them. Can’t remember the last time there were that many people jammed into the Kiva. From what I could tell the crowd was evenly split between support for the LGBT folks and those who oppose what they’re trying to do with the non-discrimination ordinance. I say let’s pass the dang thing and move on.”
“I was a little surprised to see that Bob Littlefield supports a non-discrimination ordinance. But I was mostly pleased … finally something Bob and I agree about.”
“Until I read your recent blog, I had forgotten that John Little worked the downtown scene. He was the perfect person in the right place at the right time. But even when things were clicking downtown, the gallery owners were bitching and moaning. Some things never change, I guess.”
Cactus Flower
“I totally can’t wait to hear what the members of the Scottsdale Gallery Association have to say for themselves at tomorrow night’s Council meeting. I think they expect way too much from the city. The art business has always been about survival of the fittest.
Hank W.
“I really look forward to Paul Messinger’s historical features. They’ve become my favorite part of the local newspaper. “
Fran K.
“I think the city should pitch in and do everything within reason to help promote our downtown arts district. Art is supposed to be a big part of Scottsdale’s brand, so let’s support it!
Bobby R.
“Let’s face it, folks … the downtown gallery owners are a bunch of crybabies!
“I remember the good old days downtown like they were yesterday. It was magical. Lots of people. So positive. Now it just clubs and bars and fistfights. Really sad to see what our once great downtown has become.”
Alyssa O.
“Absolutely great blog about the downtown art galleries. Glad someone is telling it like it is. As a former owner of a gallery, I had the good sense to get out of the business while the getting was good.”
“I’ve got a fundamental problem with ‘for-profit’ providers of emergencies services. Can you say ‘private prisons.’”
Betty N.
“My neighbor and I went to the open house last night for the new development that’s supposed to be coming to 64th St. and McDowell Road. Bob Littlefield, whose not even on the council anymore, hijacked the meeting and delivered one of his anti-developer rants. It was rude and totally out of line. Mr. Littlefield was a guest of the developer who was putting on the presentation. He needs to learn some manners.”
Cactus Flower
“To call the Scottsdale Republic a “news” paper is the biggest misnomer that’s ever happened in our city. Bring back the Tribune!”
Carol Lee
“PMT was the best ambulance company our city has ever had. They worked closely with the Scottsdale Fire Department and understood customer service much better than Southwest Ambulance and Rural/Metro.”
Marion the Librarian
“Dear Rural/Metro: Don’t let the door hit you on the way out of town.”
Burton Y.
“Thanks for your report on our new ambulance company. It has been building for at least two years. Anyone paying even a little attention to the emergency services world shouldn’t be surprised. From what I understand, people at city hall were in a deep state of denial that Rural/Metro would handoff to some out-of-state group we don’t even know.”
Annie P.
We moved here from Las Vegas earlier this summer and we love it!! AMR provided the ambulance service in Vegas, so we have experience with their company. All I can say is that Scottsdale is not going to like its new ambulance company.
“I signed the Unity Pledge, but I’m not sure I’m ready to support an ordinance about non-discrimination yet.”
“Now that she’s on the council, it’s good to see Kathy Littlefield come around and support the bonds that are going to be on the ballot this November. I feel like being on the council has given Kathy a wider and better perspective on what Scottsdale needs. Thanks, Kathy.”
“Thank you for keeping the non-discrimination issues alive.”
Tami B.
“I have owned a business downtown for 13 years. As business people, we can’t afford to send messages about Scottsdale that we don’t welcome customers from all walks of life and lifestyles, even if we don’t always agree with their politics. Starting to at least discuss LGBT issues is not only the right thing to do – it’s the smart thing to do.”
Arman G.
“Very astute observation. If the Councilpersons running for re-election allow the non-discrimination ordinance to become an issue in their campaigns next year, it will only further divide our city. I think it’s their responsibility to bring people together, not pull them a part.”
Victoria K.
“Like the new format, and restoring ‘Voices.’ Always like reading other people’s opinions since the local newspaper scuttled letters to the editor.”
“Glad to see Bob Littlefield popping up in the newspaper about south Scottsdale. I smell a campaign coming. Welcome back, Bob.
Harold K.
“Z’Tejas filing for bankruptcy!!! Oh, how the might have fallen. When more people started staying home to eat, places like Z’Tejas were doomed to fail. This chain restaurant is probably only the first of several that the recession finally catching up with.”
The Morgans
“Help me out: Why does South Scottsdale need a brand?” $50,000 … I think not!!!
Nancy C.
“Prediction: the next big disconnect in our city will be how to update the General Plan. It sounds like the battle lines have already been drawn both on and off the City Council. If ever there was a time for compromise, this is it. But that looks highly doubtful. Some of the old divisions between developers and neighborhoods and preserving the desert are going to re-erupt.”
Philly Boy
“It’s super sad that those folks who live in the trailer park in South Scottsdale are being tossed out on their ear. Of course it’s all in the name of progress. Kudos to Councilwoman Kathy Littlefield for trying to help. I wish there was more the city could do, but I realize there are limits. Very frustrating.”
Kathleen H.
“Have you signed the Unity Pledge?”
Katie G.
“The peace and quiet with the city council on vacation is enjoyable.”
“I’m probably in the minority – but I think Rick Kidder overstayed his usefulness at the Chamber of Commerce. As a member of the Chamber for the past 27 years, I’ve always been of a mind that the president of the organization, which is really just a glorified executive director, should only serve a 5-year term.”
Mr. Small Business
“The Cultural Council is star-crossed.”
“Since the Scottsdale Republic stopped covering news coming out of the Cultural Council, can’t thank you enough for filling the void. Because the city is doling out $4,000,000 a year to the organization, taxpayers have a right to know what management is up to.”
“Andrew Chippindall will make a great chairman of the Trustees at the Cultural Council.
Tammy R.
“We really like the ‘new’ Voice of Scottsdale – especially the Home Page with our favorite Scottsdale mayor, Herb Drinkwater. Thanks for keeping Herb’s legacy alive!”
The Franks
“I realize that institutions like the Cultural Council have to evolve. But from what I hear, Ellen Andres-Schneider was thrown under the bus and replaced by one of the new breed on the Board of Trustees. Ellen deserved better.”
Ruth O.
“A good day for people trying to earn a living as sign walkers!”
Frank P.
June 30, 2015
“Thank you for the salute to Rick Kidder. Mr. Kidder did an outstanding job representing businesses of all sizes throughout Scottsdale. I believe he recovered nicely from his run-in with the mayor years ago. He was a class act.”
Beetle Man
June 27, 2015
“Fantastic celebration for the Scottsdale Fire Department’s 10- year anniversary! It seems like only yesterday that Rural/Metro left our city high and dry to start our own municipal fire department. Many thanks to our three great fire chiefs over the last 10 years, William McDonald, Garret Olson and Tom Shannon. Job well done, gentlemen.”
Mary and Marvin H.
June 26, 2015
“Eric Larson will do a fine job filling in for Rick Kidder at the Chamber.”
Patti Jo
June 25, 2015
“If the council’s work-study session is any indication, any updates to the city’s General Plan are going to be torturous. Another 4-3 vote. I don’t see either side giving in. At this rate, there’s not going to be anything on the ballot next year, and we’re just going to keep using the same General Plan that’s already in place. It’s a stand-off.”
Kathleen H.
June 25, 2015
“Our organization was stunned to learn about Rick Kidder returning to his roots on the East Coast. Rick did everything expected of a CEO for the Chamber of Commerce, probably more. He was superior at responding to the organization’s members and guided the Chamber through some choppy economic waters. No matter how dark the skies, Rick was always the first person to remind us about the light at the end of the tunnel. His humor, intelligence and wit were an asset.”
Craig T.
June 24, 2015
“The LGBT community has my total respect for keeping its cool and not acting out in the face of adversity about passing a non-discrimination ordinance.
June 20, 2015
“How cool … the Scottsdale Republic has a new columnist: Dana Close. Loved her first column and can’t wait for the rest.”
Terri G.
June 19. 2015
“I feel the city is doing the right thing by circulating the Unity Pledge.
Gary G.
June 18, 2015
“We really like the series of reports you’re doing on the non-discrimination issue. Your blogs obviously have a point of view, but they’re still fair. Most of my friends have signed that Unity Pledge. However, that’s just like a proclamation. Scottsdale needs an ordinance. That will send everyone a message that our city is willing to take a stand for equality.
Beth Y.
June 17, 2015
“The Cultural Council is hurting Scottsdale’s art reputation. They need to be more accountable. The city council should cut the group’s funds in half to get their attention. I bet that would straighten them out.”
Ralph G.
June 14, 2015
“Not long ago, I wanted to give Neale Perl more time to right the ship at the Cultural Council. The more I hear about what he’s doing, the more inclined I am to say his time is up.”
Victoria O.
June 11, 2015
“’The Mess on the Mall’ … I love it!!! It makes no difference who’s running the place … it’s the most dysfunctional bureaucracy I, as an artist, have ever experienced.”
June 10, 2015
“Scottsdale can better brighten up its tarnished image, not by repainting cowboy signs, but by passing a comprehensive non-discrimination ordinance. I offered Jim Lane, Suzanne Klapp, Kathy Littlefield, Guy Phillips and David Smith, the disastrous-for-Scottsdale image of a group of disabled veterans, who just happen to be gay, in wheelchairs at a Council meeting.”
John G.
June 9, 2015
“We got rid of our Rural/Metro stock years ago. Best investment we ever made.”
The Wilson Family
June 7, 2015
“Many us can remember when Rural/Metro was a Scottsdale icon. It’s sad to see it crumble into a shell of its former self.”
June 3, 2015
“Unfortunately very true (“Rural/Metro’s Poor performance Impacting Company’s Future). Yesterday a friend in a Pima Road-located rehab facility for post-brain bleeding, had a seizure. They couldn’t call for an ambulance because it would take her to Shea North – she needed the Scottsdale Osborn ICU neurology where she had been for 3 weeks prior to rehab. So they called for the transport at 9:30 in the morning. It arrived around noon.”
Sonnie K.
June 1, 2015